jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009


CLASicos 66

We are pleased to announce that the latest issue of the Center for Latin American Studies' newsletter, CLASicos 66 (Summer 2009), is now available on-line at the following address: http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/publications/CLASicos66.pdf

If you find any factual or typographical errors or have any comments or questions, please send such information to John Frechione at jfrech@pitt.edu 













John Frechione, PhD

Associate Director

Research Associate Professor of Anthropology

Center for Latin American Studies

4206 W.W. Posvar Hall

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA  15260

Phone: 412 648-7395

Fax: 412 648-2199

e-mail: jfrech@pitt.edu



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