jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018

Spanish-language holiday music concert this Sunday by Coro Latinoamericano




Kenya C. Dworkin
Carnegie Mellon University
Department of Modern Languages   
Baker Hall 160
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890

Telephone: (412) 268-8052/-5669
Fax: (412) 268-1328

Recovering the U.S. Literary Heritage Project

Board Member

University of Houston, Houston, Tex

Coro Latinoamericano-Pittsburgh and CORITO Children's Choir
Executive Director

Latin American Cultural Union
Vice President


Círculo Juvenil de Cultura
Co-Founder and Co-Director

Barrio Latino (WRCT 88.3 FM)
Current Community Partner; Former Co-Anchor and News Writer

jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018

Este sábado 8 de diciembre


Colombia en Pittsburgh los invita a celebrar el día de las velitas!

Sábado 8 de diciembre
4 - 7 pm

Latino Family Center
5450 Second Avenue - 2nd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15207

Los esperamos!

martes, 4 de diciembre de 2018

SALSA Weekly

Hola a tod@s,

No GBM!! Good luck with assignments and exams!!
Navidad Event this weekend! (Check GroupMe around Friday for details)

1 - Weekly Schedule
2 - CMU Voices - A Study of Inclusion & Climate Experiences
3 - Horizons Fellowship

1 - Weekly Schedule
No GBM!! Good luck with assignments and exams!!
Navidad Event this weekend! (Check GroupMe around Friday for details)

2 - CMU Voices - A Study of Inclusion & Climate Experiences
On Sunday, you received an email invitation to participate in Carnegie Mellon's Voices Study. The study is intended to help university leadership, including the President's Task Force on Campus Climate, understand students' experiences related to individual identities and the diversity and inclusion of the campus environment.  

The Voices Study expands upon the previous DASH (Discriminatory and Sexual Harassment) Study by incorporating additional campus climate and engagement indicators researched and developed by the National Institute for Transformation and Equity. Results of this study will inform educational initiatives and planning in our continued efforts toward creating a campus environment that engages and supports students across all backgrounds and experiences.

3 - Horizons Fellowship
The Horizons Fellowship is a fully-funded technology immersion fellowship for top university students from around the world. As technology continues to play a larger role on the world stage, whether it be in business, politics, art etc., we have been reaching out to various Carnegie Mellon University clubs to encourage students to gain a solid technical foundation. 

Past Horizonites have come from schools like Harvard, Princeton, UPenn/Wharton, Columbia, and more. We've had engineers, business students, liberal arts majors and designers take our program - they've gone on to receive product management, engineering, and venture capital offers from firms such as Google, Zappos.com, Yelp, Optimizely, Redfin, Insight Venture Partners, and Slack. Others are winning global hackathons and building their own startup ideas.

Spanish And Latin Student Association
Carnegie Mellon University

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

[CLAS Cinema _Series Fall 2018] Tomorrow!

  Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at Pitt adicionou uma foto ao evento CLAS Cinema _Series Fall 2018 .       Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at Pitt 3 de dezembro às 12:13   Tomorrow! Do not miss our last movie of the fall series 2018!... Ver mais Tomorrow! Do not miss our last movie of the fall series 2018! Mañana! ¡No te pierdas nuestra última...   Curtir Comentar Compartilhar    










Do not miss our last movie of the fall series 2018!

Do not miss our last movie of the fall series 2018!

¡No te pierdas nuestra última...