lunes, 30 de octubre de 2023


7th and 8th of November 2023
This is a kindly reminder on our two open Teach English in Spain Info Sessions for university students and recent graduates on November 7th & 8th at 5:00 pm (CET)
Check your time zone:
4:00 pm GMT / 11:00 am EST / 10:00 am CST / 9:00 am MST / 8:00 am PST
If you are interested in attending, please sign up through this form:
Registration form
  • Explore the diverse programs we offer.
  • Meet our team and learn about our extensive support network.
  • Hear inspiring testimonials from past program participants.
  • Ask questions and clarify any queries.
  • No fees
  • 5 different programs (all degrees welcomed)
  • No Spanish knowledge required
  • 3, 8, 9 months placements
  • And more!

Meddeas cooperates with 300 schools around Spain. Participants assist the head teacher by developing and delivering their own lesson plans and activities to small groups of students.

Visit our website to find out more about this opportunity.

Copyright © 2023 Meddeas, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
P.C. Galaria calle V-3, 2ºD.
Cordovilla, Navarra 31191

Add us to your address book

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2023

Language Coffee Chats ☕️

We have reached 109 people who have signed up for coffee chats so far! Students and staff can use this link to get matched with a language practice partner and get their first coffee chat reimbursed!

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2023

Nov 3rd - Celebrate Dia de los Muertos with Us!

We're excited to invite you to the 2023 Dia de los Muertos celebration, a vibrant event sponsored by Performance Food Service, Citizens Bank, and the Renaissance Hotel. This evening promises to be an unforgettable experience, filled with delicious cuisine, live entertainment, and handcrafted cocktails, all in honor of the ancient Hispanic tradition, Día de los Muertos. Join us in celebrating the growth of our city, culture, and people!

Event Highlights:

  • Empanada Tasting Menu and Quesadilla Specialty Appetizer Tastings by Executive Chef Nick Saxon.
  • Fashions and statement head floral pieces, paying homage to Hispanic tradition.
  • Face painting by Izzazu Salon, Spa & Blowout Bar (6:30-8 PM)*
  • Groove to Latin Music by La Mega DJ

Where: Renaissance Pittsburgh Hotel 

Date: November 3rd, 2023

Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Ticket Pricing:

Member Tickets: $40

Non-Member Tickets: $45

Join us in embracing the rich heritage of Día de los Muertos and partake in the festivities! While festive attire is encouraged, it's not required. Dress in whatever makes you feel your best.

For more event details and to purchase tickets: 

We can't wait to see you there!

Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

 1555 Broadway Avenue Second Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

412-553-9300 - Email us!

Please Like, Follow and Subscribe us at:


ERG Winter Necessity Drive

Hello all!

As you know, this year the ERGs are hosting a Winter Necessity Drive that will benefit the Latino Community Center and Friday is the last day to donate! Many of the families will be experiencing their first winter in the States, so let's make sure they stay warm! I've attached the flyer below that contains the Walmart Registry Link.  Please share widely.

Please let us know if you have any questions. 

Yazmin & Chris

Latine Faculty and Staff Alliance

The mission of the Latine Faculty and Staff Alliance is to serve as a support system and encourage a sense of belonging within Carnegie Mellon University. The group will focus on community building, multicultural awareness, and programming designed to promote diversity, equity and inclusion at Carnegie Mellon University.

jueves, 19 de octubre de 2023

Upcoming events for Day of the Dead

On 10/30 at 5:30 in the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion, there will be an altar building event hosted by our office and LGSA.

There will also be a concert held on Thursday, November 2nd in CUC Rangos 3 at 7pm. Join the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion and Camerata 33, a Pittsburgh-based Latin-American chamber group, for a concert called "The Day of Death." The event's program will consist of a variety of songs that highlight the diversity of Latin American cultures. This will include traditional folk and academic music, and an interactive experience for attendees to learn about various customs and traditions associated with the Day of Death/Día de los Muertos. There will also be an altar on display that attendees are welcome to participate in by bringing a photograph of a deceased loved one to share.

The event flyers are attached below, and here is a link to a google drive with all of the promo materials including English and Spanish versions of the posters as well as versions sized for flyers and for instagram stories.

We'd love it if you could share these events with your community and please reach out with any questions!

Thank you, hope to see you there!

martes, 17 de octubre de 2023

domingo, 15 de octubre de 2023

“Agua Firme,”

Site logo imageRepeating Islands

Agua Firme: Artist Installation


Oct 9

"Agua Firme," showing work by iliana emilia García and Scherezade García, opened on September 23, 2023, is on view until March 1, 2024, at the Rotunda of the University Art Gallery (PittUAG), Frick Fine Arts Building, 650 Schenley Drive, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Many thanks to Peter Jordens for informing us that this is one of three exhibits on view this fall at the Pittsburgh University Art Gallery.  [Also see previous post The kingdom of this world: reimagined.]

Description (PittUAG): Through video, sound and sculpture, Dominican-born artists iliana emilia García and Scherezade García explore how water and maritime culture shaped the history and identity of Las Americas. Agua Firme is a specially commissioned site-specific installation in the Gallery's historic Rotunda.

Agua Firme is presented by the University Art Gallery with generous support from the Fine Foundation and the Department of History of Art & Architecture, and additional support from the University Center for International Studies (UCIS).

For more information, see

An exhibit of Puerto Rican graphics from 1958-1963

Site logo imageRepeating Islands

Exhibition—"Printing Culture: Gráfica de Puerto Rico, 1958-63"


Oct 10

"Printing Culture: Gráfica de Puerto Rico, 1958-63," curated by students, will open on October 12, 2023, is on view until March 1, 2024, at the University Art Gallery (PittUAG), Frick Fine Arts Building, 650 Schenley Drive, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Many thanks to Peter Jordens for informing us that this is one of three exhibits on view this fall at the Pittsburgh University Art Gallery.  [Also see previous posts Agua firme and The kingdom of this world: reimagined.]

Description (PittUAG): This student-curated exhibition showcases a selection of original silk screen posters from the Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña (ICP). Produced between 1958 and 1963, the posters were designed by some of the leading graphic artists of the time and reflect the vibrant and evolving culture of Puerto Rico during this period. The show explores themes of identity, culture, and graphic arts.

Drawn from the Walter and Martha Leuba Collection of the University Library System (ULS) of the University of Pittsburgh. Curated by students in the Spring 2023 Curatorial Development and Fall 2023 Exhibition Presentation classes of the Museum Studies program, Department of History of Art and Architecture. [. . .]

For more information, see


viernes, 13 de octubre de 2023

Join Us at INTERMISSION: The Artful Happy Hour Series at AWAACC

Dear Felipe

Unwind, relax, and recharge at "INTERMISSION," the Artful Happy Hour Series, happening on the third Thursday of every month from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

This fantastic event is hosted by the August Wilson African American Cultural Center and the Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and it's one you won't want to miss!

Here's what you can expect:

  • Live Music and DJ: Dance to live music and DJ Big Phill's beats
  • Crafted Cocktails: Enjoy expertly crafted cocktails and complimentary spirit tastings
  • Delicious Food: Explore hors d'oeuvres prepared by visiting chefs
  • Art and Ambiance: Tour the galleries, soak in the art, and chill on the patio

Date: October 19th

Time: 6:00PM - 9:00 PM

Location: August Wilson African American Cultural Center

980 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Dress code: City Stylist Attire

This event is open to those aged 21 and over, so dress in your city stylish attire and get ready for an evening of fun. There's a cash bar serving your favorite drinks and a delightful selection of hors d'oeuvres to accompany your night of celebration.

jueves, 12 de octubre de 2023

miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2023

Reminder! Registration CALACS third Virtual Workshop -Peace, Security, and a Shared future in Latin America and the Caribbean, Friday, October 13th, 2023 @ 12 pm EST




CALACS Third Virtual Workshop: Peace, Security, and a Shared future in Latin America and the Caribbean  

The World Bank reports that 74% of the almost two billion people globally exposed to, or threatened by, violence live in middle-income developing countries. The Americas continue to experience significantly high rates of violent crime, property crime, and organized crime. This is particularly true in small island states such as Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico, and Trinidad and Tobago, which boast rates of homicides that are the highest in the Caribbean. The causes of this concerning trajectory are complex. This workshop aims to bring together scholars, practitioners, activists, and others, who are working on issues related to peace and security in the Americas. These issues may include policing, human trafficking, gang violence, corruption, drugs, cartels, law and order, gender-based violence, transnationalism, personal safety and security, and corruption.

This event will be held in English. Rather than asking for formal papers, we are calling for research project presentations (10 minutes maximum, strictly enforced) — and a willingness to identify and develop collaboration opportunities.

The workshop coordinators, Jody-Ann Anderson and Dwaine Plaza will identify some convergence points, suggest discussion possibilities, and facilitate exchanges among conference participants.

Date: Friday, October 13, 2023,

Time: 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM (EST)

We welcome all Calacs members and non-members to register and attend to this event!

We look forward to seeing you there and to a successful event.

Visit our website for more information.


Troisième atelier virtuel de CALACS : Paix, sécurité et avenir commun en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes  

Selon la Banque mondiale, 74 % des quelque deux milliards de personnes exposées ou menacées par la violence dans le monde vivent dans des pays en développement à revenu intermédiaire. Les Amériques continuent de connaître des taux très élevés de crimes violents, de délits contre les biens et de criminalité organisée. Cela est particulièrement vrai dans les petits États insulaires tels que la Jamaïque, Haïti, Porto Rico et Trinité-et-Tobago, qui affichent les taux d'homicides les plus élevés des Caraïbes. Les causes de cette trajectoire inquiétante sont complexes. Cet atelier vise à réunir des universitaires, des praticiens, des activistes et d'autres personnes qui travaillent sur des questions liées à la paix et à la sécurité dans les Amériques. Ces questions peuvent inclure le maintien de l'ordre, la traite des êtres humains, la violence des gangs, la corruption, les drogues, les cartels, la loi et l'ordre, la violence sexiste, le transnationalisme, la sûreté et la sécurité personnelles, et la corruption.

Cet événement se déroulera en anglais. Plutôt que de demander des articles formels, nous demandons des présentations de projets de recherche (10 minutes maximum, strictement appliquées) - et une volonté d'identifier et de développer des opportunités de collaboration.

Les coordinateurs de l'atelier, Jody-Ann Anderson et Dwaine Plaza, identifieront certains points de convergence, suggéreront des possibilités de discussion et faciliteront les échanges entre les participants à la conférence.

Date: Vendredi 13 octobre 2023,

Heure: 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM (EST)

Nous invitons tous les membres et non-membres de l'ACÉLAC à s'inscrire et à participer à cet événement!

Nous nous réjouissons de vous y voir et de la réussite de cet événement.

Visitez notre site web pour plus d'informations


Terceiro Workshop Virtual ACELC: Paz, Segurança e um Futuro Comum na América Latina e no Caribe

De acordo com o Banco Mundial, 74% dos 2 bilhões de pessoas expostas ou ameaçadas pela violência no mundo vivem em países em desenvolvimento de renda média. As Américas continuam a registrar taxas muito altas de crimes violentos, crimes contra a propriedade e crime organizado. Isso é especialmente verdadeiro em pequenos estados insulares, como Jamaica, Haiti, Porto Rico e Trinidad e Tobago, que têm as taxas de homicídio mais altas do Caribe. As causas dessa trajetória preocupante são complexas. Este workshop tem como objetivo reunir acadêmicos, profissionais, ativistas e outros que trabalham com questões de paz e segurança nas Américas. Essas questões podem incluir policiamento, tráfico de pessoas, violência de gangues, corrupção, drogas, cartéis, lei e ordem, violência baseada em gênero, transnacionalismo, segurança pessoal e suborno.

Este evento será realizado em inglês. Em vez de trabalhos formais, solicitamos apresentações de projetos de pesquisa (máximo de 10 minutos, estritamente aplicados) e uma disposição para identificar e desenvolver oportunidades de colaboração.

Os coordenadores do workshop, Jody-Ann Anderson e Dwaine Plaza, identificarão determinados pontos de convergência, sugerirão oportunidades de discussão e facilitarão o intercâmbio entre os participantes da conferência.

Data: sexta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2023

Horário: das 12:00 às 14:00 (EST)

Convidamos todos os membros e não membros do ACELAC a se registrarem e participarem desse evento!

Esperamos vê-los lá e ter um evento de sucesso.

Visite nosso site para obter mais informações:


Tercer taller virtual ACELC: Paz, Seguridad y un Futuro Común en América Latina y el Caribe  

Según el Banco Mundial, el 74% de los 2.000 millones de personas expuestas o amenazadas por la violencia en el mundo viven en países en desarrollo de renta media. Las Américas siguen registrando índices muy elevados de delitos violentos, delitos contra la propiedad y delincuencia organizada. Esto es especialmente cierto en pequeños Estados insulares como Jamaica, Haití, Puerto Rico y Trinidad y Tobago, que registran las tasas de homicidio más elevadas del Caribe. Las causas de esta preocupante trayectoria son complejas. Este taller pretende reunir a: académicos, profesionales, activistas y otras personas que trabajan en temas relacionados con la paz y la seguridad en las Américas. Estos temas pueden incluir la actuación policial, la trata de seres humanos, la violencia de las bandas, la corrupción, las drogas, los cárteles, la ley y el orden, la violencia de género, el transnacionalismo, la seguridad personal y el soborno.

Este acto se celebrará en inglés. En lugar de ponencias formales, pedimos presentaciones de proyectos de investigación (10 minutos como máximo, estrictamente aplicadas) - y la voluntad de identificar y desarrollar oportunidades de colaboración.

Los coordinadores del taller, Jody-Ann Anderson y Dwaine Plaza, identificarán ciertos puntos de convergencia, sugerirán oportunidades de debate y facilitarán los intercambios entre los participantes en la conferencia.

Fecha: Viernes 13 de octubre de 2023

Hora: 12:00 PM a 2:00 PM (EST)

Invitamos a todos los miembros y no miembros de la ACELC a inscribirse y asistir a este evento. Esperamos verle allí! 

Visite nuestro sitio web para más información