jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2017

Art in Context: Border Crossings at the Warhol

We have an upcoming talk in January that I thought might be of interest to CMU's Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion. Please see the description for the event below:

Artists, scholars, and community members come together to consider creative expression in relation to timely political and social concerns. Art in Context: Border Crossings  will explore shifting perspectives on historic and contemporary immigrant and refugee experiences in Pittsburgh and beyond.  In a complex and contentious era of border closures, anti-immigrant rhetoric, and isolationism, what role do artists play in maintaining the free exchange of ideas across cultural boundaries?  


Moderated by The Heinz Endowments' President Grant Oliphant, the panel features Betty Cruz, Founder of Change Agency; Tuhin Das, ICORN writer-in-residence at City of Asylum;  Anne Madarasz, Chief Historian at the Heinz History Center; and John Righetti, President of the national Carpatho-Rusyn Society.


Art in Context: Border Crossings will take place at the Warhol Theater on Friday, January 5, 7:00-9:00pm. The program is free of charge, but registration is suggested. Please visit our site for more information.

Feel free to share this event with student organizations and departments that may be interested. Thanks and hope to see you there!

martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017

Stress relief events for tonight and free food



SALSA Study Break 

I hope finals week is going well. For tonight SALSA is having homemade tres leches cake (made by Kate!), an assortment of chocolate, free pizza, and tiny maracas. We will also be playing board games.


Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion


Almost Midnight Breakfast is also tonight. It's a CMU tradition and hosted by SDC. So be sure to stop by (and then come down to the center for cake afterwards)!


Rangos Ballroom


There will also be "Final's Week Study Breaks" hosted by the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion for the remainder of the week from 12pm-1pm.

   Weds: Cookie Decorating

   Thurs: Get pie, Give Cheer

   Fri: Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow


Also don't forget to fill this out for SALSA House. Make your voice count.

Eso es todo por hoy. Les deseo mucha buena suerte en sus exámenes finales. Pase lo que pase el nuevo año vendrá. Se acerca el tiempo de celebración.


Gaby Salcedo

P.D. (Si quieren saber la verdad de Santa Claus ven a nuestro evento)


Spanish And Latin Student Association
Carnegie Mellon University

sábado, 9 de diciembre de 2017


Hola a todos,


Congratulations! You made it through another semester of classes. With finals week coming up, make sure you schedule time for yourself and be sure to take advantage of all of the different events going on on campus.


We'd like to let you know about a rap opera that will take place in Purnell TODAY at 10pm. The poster for the rap opera is attached below with all the necessary info. If you get a chance, be sure to check it out!




Es todo,




Spanish And Latin Student Association
Carnegie Mellon University

viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2017

Free videotapes and books from the MLRC collection

There are some videotapes and books outside the MLRC for anyone to take.  If you are interested in any of the dictionaries, text books or reference material, stop by the hallway outside of the MLRC and take what you want.  




Blankets for Trip to Puerto Rico

Latinx-alliance-network mailing list


Due to the low temperatures in Florida this weekend, we are attempting to gather some personal blankets to bring to Miami with us to give to the people traveling with us. If you have a personal blanket you might be able to donate for the trip, then please let me know.


Thanks for your patience,


jueves, 7 de diciembre de 2017





Collection of Winter clothes for students from Puerto Rico at CCAC

Hello everyone,

There is a group of students from Puerto Rico that is enrolled in CCAC. We are trying to help them get some winter clothes ASAP, since the winter has already started.


We would like to deliver the donations to CCAC by December 11, 2017 the last of day classes on their campus.


The table shows the sizes and types of donations.



When donating a product, make sure to include the row number in the table. This way, we can identify the recipient of the donation.


Please share this communication with anyone you think might be able to help. This is their first winter in Pittsburgh.


The donations can be delivered to Carnegie Mellon University or CCAC in Monroeville. If you are on CMU, then you can leave the donations outside my office in GHC 7601.


If you have any questions or need more information, then feel free to email me.

miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017

Tonight--CLAS@PITT: Diamante Trio With Lilly Abreu Concert




The Diamante Trio formed in 2016 in order to bring both pop and classical music of South American to wide and diverse audiences.

Countries represented include: Argentina, Spain, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, and the U.S.A.

The Diamante has been featured on WQED radio twice and has been the recipient of two University of Pittsburgh grants.



Frick Fine Arts Auditorium

For more information visit: http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/events/list


Free and open to the public



Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS)

University Center for International Studies (UCIS)

University of Pittsburgh

4200 Wesley W. Posvar Hal

Pittsburgh, PA  15260

Office: 412-648-7392

Fax: 412-648-2199



