miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2024

May 29: Migrantes Valientes Virtual Roundtable Event

DEI-sponsored virtual roundtable event, "Migrantes Valientes: A Story of South and North," on May 29th from 3 to 4:30 pm via Zoom. Registration is free and available here

This roundtable will bring together Pablo Allison and Alfonso Vázquez in a conversation moderated by Literary and Cultural Studies PhD candidate Benjamin Williams. They will discuss the forthcoming volume of Migrantes Valientes, along with their activist and artistic work related to the fight against migrant detention and border fortification.

Pablo is a multidisciplinary artist & photographer whose works, such as Operation Jurassic, Detainee Handbook, and The Light of the Beast, document the experiences of incarcerated and migrating people. Alfonso, an activist and cinema studies scholar, is the founder of the Chicanxs sin Fronteras project

The roundtable is free and open to anyone who registers. Please see the attached flyer for circulation.

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2024

Up next for Jazz Poetry: Spanish trumpet & flugelhorn player Milena Casado

Register today to see Milena Casado and her quartet

Milena Casado Quartet, Rae Armantrout,

Yahya Ashour, Oleksandr Frazé-Frazénko,

& Richard Hamilton

Thursday, May 16 @ 7 PM EST

    The New York Times called Spanish composer, trumpet and flugelhorn player Milena Casado a "revelation.'  She's played Carnegie Hall, the Village Vanguard, the Kennedy Center, the Blue Note NYC, and the Montreal and Monterey Jazz Festivals, among others and joins us for this Thursday's Jazz Poetry performance. Milena and her band will collaborate with Pulitzer Prize–winning poet Rae Armantrout, Palestinian poet Yahya Ashour, whose work has been translated and published in eight languages, current fellow at Pitt's Center for African American Poetry & Poetics program Richard Hamilton, and Oleksandr Frazé-Frazénko, multi-disciplinary Ukrainian artist and City of Asylum writer-in-residence.

    Buy the poets latest releases...

    ...and bring your books to the performance to get them signed!





    Oleksandr Frazé-Frazénko

    Richard Hamilton

    miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2024

    INVITE – Indigenous and queer resistance and recognition in Colombia and Guatemala: May 10, 2024


    Une brève description en français suit




    You're invited to a panel discussion THIS FRIDAY called "Indigenous and queer resistance and recognition in Colombia and Guatemala," with activists and human rights defenders Valentina Parra, Natalia Cruz, Monica Estefanía Chub Caal and Fernando Us Alvarez. The panel is co-hosted by Inter Pares and the School of International Development and Global Studies at the University of Ottawa.

    📅 Friday, May 10, 2024
    ⌚ 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. EDT
    🧑🏽‍💻 In person at uOttawa (FSS 4006) and online
    🎟️ Tickets are FREE
    🎙️ Simultaneous Spanish-English translation provided




    The armed conflicts in Colombia and Guatemala saw the uneven targeting of Indigenous, Afro-descendant and campesino people. During these periods, queer people were targeted for their sexual orientation and gender identity. But this violence was – and continues to be – underreported, made invisible or trivialized.

    These four activists and human rights defenders will speak to these histories of intersectional violence and ongoing discrimination. They will discuss how their grassroots social movements challenge the invisibility of targeted anti-2SLGBTQI+ violence during armed conflict and beyond and carve out spaces for recognition, representation and justice.

    As active members of 2SLGBTQI+ movements in Colombia and Guatemala, they will also speak about their efforts to seek justice for 2SLGBTQI+ victims of violence, break down stigmas and forge more inclusive societies.

    Hope to see you there!


    Résistance et reconnaissance des peuples autochtones et des personnes queers en Colombie et au Guatemala


    Nos intervenants discuteront de la manière dont leurs communautés de base et leurs mouvements sociaux ont remis en question l'invisibilité de la violence ciblée anti-2SLGBTQI+ pendant les conflits armés et au-delà, en créant des espaces de reconnaissance, de représentation et de justice.

    Les conflits armés en Colombie et au Guatemala ont pris pour cible, de manière inégale, les populations autochtones, afro-descendantes et paysannes. Au cours de ces périodes, les personnes queers ont également été systématiquement prises pour cible en raison de leur orientation sexuelle et de leur identité de genre. Cependant, cette violence et ses intersections ont été peu enregistrées, rendues invisibles ou banalisées à l'époque, ainsi qu'aujourd'hui, dans les contextes dits d'après-conflit qui continuent de façonner les deux pays. En tenant compte de ces histoires de violence intersectionnelle et de discrimination continue, nos intervenant(e)s discuteront la manière dont leurs communautés de base et leurs mouvements sociaux ont défié l'invisibilité de la violence ciblée anti-2SLGBTQI+ pendant les conflits armés et au-delà, en créant des espaces pour la reconnaissance, la représentation et la justice. En tant que membres actifs de mouvements 2SLGBTQI+ en Colombie et au Guatemala, iels parleront de leurs efforts pour obtenir justice pour les victimes de violence 2SLGBTQI+, briser les préjugés et forger des sociétés plus inclusives.