miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2024

May 29: Migrantes Valientes Virtual Roundtable Event

DEI-sponsored virtual roundtable event, "Migrantes Valientes: A Story of South and North," on May 29th from 3 to 4:30 pm via Zoom. Registration is free and available here

This roundtable will bring together Pablo Allison and Alfonso Vázquez in a conversation moderated by Literary and Cultural Studies PhD candidate Benjamin Williams. They will discuss the forthcoming volume of Migrantes Valientes, along with their activist and artistic work related to the fight against migrant detention and border fortification.

Pablo is a multidisciplinary artist & photographer whose works, such as Operation Jurassic, Detainee Handbook, and The Light of the Beast, document the experiences of incarcerated and migrating people. Alfonso, an activist and cinema studies scholar, is the founder of the Chicanxs sin Fronteras project

The roundtable is free and open to anyone who registers. Please see the attached flyer for circulation.

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