miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2024

Conversation with Ana Rodriguez Valencia

For those interested, please find the recording of the presentation conversation with Ana Maria Rodiguez, hosted by the Colombia Support Network, below. Stay tuned for our future presentations, we look forward to seeing you again soon!

This event is part of our new speaker series, an effort designed to engage with CSN members and keep them informed on the important and troubling events taking place in Colombia today, some of which affect our sister city, the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartado.
Ana María Rodríguez is the Director of the Colombian Commission of Jurists, a national NGO that has been promoting and defending human rights in Colombia for 35 years through research, advocacy and the judicial representation of victims of grave rights violations, including indigenous, afro-Colombian communities and victims of land grabbing. Ana María is a lawyer from Los Andes University in Bogotá, with a master's degree in International Law from the same university. She has been a human rights defender in Colombia for over twenty-five years.
Best wishes, 

Emma Strenski 
President of the Board of Directors 

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