Dancing4Health: A traditional dance program that aims to promote culture and health!
This program in being possible thanks to the partnership and sponsorship of Highmark. Participants will be able to promote and learn about the different Latino cultures through dance, while at the same time tracking their health and learning about how physical activity improves their well-being. Participants will also be part of our LACU Dancing Group and will present in several events through the Hispanic Heritage Month.
Although it is a paid program, LACU Members and members of the LACU Partners will have priority and special discounts. Registration fees will pay the required clothing for the dance. However, for those interested in participating, but may not have the resources to pay, we will offer scholarships, but they have to be recommended by the leader or coordinator of the LACU Partner organization.
Registrations will start on March 29th at the Latin American and Caribbean Festival. Specific dates and location of the program will be published after a survey that will be conducted at the Festival. It is our great desire to make this program accesible and convinient for ALL!
For more information about Dancing4Health visit: http://www.lacunet.org/#!dancing4health/c1nv7
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