lunes, 4 de febrero de 2019

Weekly SALSA

Hola amigos!

I want to start with a  long-overdue welcome back from winter break! I hope you've been staying warm & killing the first three weeks of classes. The eboard has been planning some banger events for this upcoming semester and trying to make sure the events we plan are always of interest to you all. Specifically, this means planning bigger events and completely changing our GBM format! To see how we're changing things up, come to our next few events (listed below). 

 In addition to planning and revamping our GBM format, we've also made some changes to our eboard roles, the first of which is my stepping up to the role of president for the remaining month before elections. The remainder of the position changes are:

Treasurer: Julian Nelson

Secretary: Heeyun Choi

Events Planner: TBA

We can't wait to see you all and catch up!  

Event: Empanada GBM 1

Date & Time: 5:30-7:00pm, 2/20/19 

Location: CUC Peter

About: Help us make empanada dough during this conversational GBM! During the first 1/2 hour of this GBM we will go over what our plans are for this semester to update you guys and 'all-things-eboard' including roles, time commitment, & why you should be a part of ours in anticipation for our March 5th elections. We hope you stop by, even if it's only for a little while; we will fry up an empanada for you as a thanks for helping!

If you plan on stopping by please take the university's food safety quiz! 

Food Safety Information [.pptx] 

food safety quiz   

Event: Empanada GBM 2

Date & Time: 5:30-7:30pm, 2/26/19

Location: CUC Peter

About: Help us make empanada dough during this conversational GBM! We'll get to know each other more while you learn a new skill. We hope you stop by, even if it's only for a little while; we will fry up an empanada for you as a thanks for helping! 

Event: Empanada Sale

Date: 10am-4pm, 3/1/19

Location: UC 

About: Come enjoy some tasty empanadas! 

Link to preorder:

Link to shifts to help with sale:

Event: Elections

Date: 5:00-6:00pm, 3/5/19

Location: TBD

About: Join is in electing our new eboard. Fill out this interest form if you plan on running:

Kate Liston, President

Spanish And Latin Student Association
Carnegie Mellon University

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