domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2024

Upcoming talk on Banned Books in Prison

"Book Bannings in Prison: The Fight Against Censorship," on September 30th from 6 to 8 pm at the Carnegie Library Lecture Hall in Oakland. Registration is free and available here

This event features Moira Marquis, Senior Manager of the Freewrite Project for PEN America, and Stevie Wilson, an incarcerated writer in Pennsylvania. Moira and Stevie will discuss the challenges that book banning creates for incarcerated people and the movements devoted to fighting censorship behind bars.

This event is part of a book and donation drive we are organizing for the Pittsburgh Prison Book Project (PPBP). We will write with more details soon. But for now, please check out opportunities to donate to PPBP or volunteer for a book-packing session!

Kathy M. Newman
English/Literary and Cultural Studies
Director of Graduate Studies
Carnegie Mellon University
Co-chair of Planetary Hospitality, an initiative of the Center for the Arts in Society.

" There is a reason, after all, that some people wish to colonize the moon, and others dance before it as before an ancient friend."
                                           ---James Baldwin, No Name in the Street

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