jueves, 27 de mayo de 2021

Puerto Rican Migrant Farmworkers - eJournal Presentation - June 3, 2021| 5PM EST | 4PM CST


Centro PR

Join us for a Centro eJournal presentation of Dr. Ismael García Colón Digital Humanities exhibit, Puerto Rican Migrant Farmworkers: Enduring Experiences in Continental U.S. Agriculture

RSVP: http://centropr.nationbuilder.com/puerto_rican_migrant_farmworkers

The exhibit, Puerto Rican Migrant Farmworkers: Enduring Experiences in Continental U.S. Agriculture explores the long history of the administrative and legislative attempts to manage farm labor migration and the experiences of migrant farmworkers. The Puerto Rico Farm Labor Program (1947-1993) placed workers in more than 400,000 farm jobs, indirectly fostering the migration of thousands of non-contract workers and the emergence of many stateside Puerto Rican communities.

Author: Ismael García Colón, Historical and Political Anthropologist

Commentator: Teresita Levy, Author of Puerto Ricans in the Empire: Tobacco Growers and U.S. Colonialism

Center for Puerto Rican Studies






Center for Puerto Rican Studies | Hunter College | 695 Park Ave | New York, NY 10065

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