miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

Taller Latino: Latinos working in tech & media

Hello all!


Please join ALPFA, Cafe Con Leche and AlaphaLab for an evening focusing on careers for Latinos in tech and media as well as how we can attract and maintain Latino talent to Pittsburgh. This is a great opportunity for employers, professionals, students, human resources network. 


Details: Wednesday, Nov. 11th, 5:30-8pm @ AlphaLab, 6024 Broad St. in East Liberty. 


Attached is the save the date flyer, you can RSVP here. There is also a Facebook invite. Please share with your networks! 


Take care,




Check out our website for future events!

VENEZUELAN CINEMA/CINEMA VENEZOLANO--10/1 AND 10/2--free and open to the public!

Starting tomorrow!





The Cinema of Venezuela 1995-2015 | El cine que hemos hecho en estos años. 1995 – 2015 

INVITED SPEAKER: Haydeé Chavero González (Chair of the Cinema and Communications Department Universidad Central de Venezuela. Founder Caracas Filminuto and President Fundación Audiovisual FACIL)


Panel discussion with Pitt Hispanic Languages and Literature faculty:

John Beverly and Juan Duchesne  

(In Spanish with English translation) 


Date: Thursday October 1, 2015

Reception: 6:30pm (light refreshments will be provided)

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Frick Fine Arts Auditorium –UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH

For more information: Karen Goldman at kgoldman@pitt.edu

Free and open to the public


For more information about the movies listed below go to: http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/ven_cine

NOSTALGIA. Gustavo Rondón / 18 min / Venezuela / 2010 

LA MULA MUERTA | DEAD MULE. Rafael Velásquez / 12 min / Venezuela / 2011

COLMILLO | FANG.  Albi Abreu / 19 min / Venezuela /  2010  

I WANNA SHINE. Prakriti Maduro / 8 min / Venezuela / 2011  

Sponsored by: El Centro Nacional Autónomo de Cinematografía de Venezuela (CNAC).

Co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS at the University of Pittsburgh, the Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies at UNC-Ch and Duke University, and the NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies.



Date: Friday October 2, 2015

Time: 4:30 p.m.

Location: 4130 Posvar Hall (4th Floor, Wesley Posvar Hall)

For more information: Karen Goldman at kgoldman@pitt.edu


PAPITA, MANI, TOSTON. Luis Carlos Hueck / 90 min / Venezuela, 2013 | Spanish with English subtitles

Andrés (Jean Pierre Agostini) is a fan of Los Leones del Caracas one of the main baseball teams of Venezuela. Julissa (Juliette Pardau) is a fan of Los Navegantes del Magallanes, the rival team. One day Andrés gets tickets to see the game in Magallanes' VIP Zone. He meets Julissa and her dad who is not only fan but one of the team's managers. Andres and Julissa will fall in love and will have to pretend to be fan of the other's team. But soon trouble will arise.

Trailer: https://youtu.be/U4Gqb2BzI6Y


Sponsored by: El Centro Nacional Autónomo de Cinematografía de Venezuela (CNAC).

Co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS at the University of Pittsburgh, the Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies at UNC-Ch and Duke University, and the NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies.



Para saludarlos cordialmente y a la vez  invitarlos  a la Festividad del “SEñOR DE LOS MILAGROS” 2015, tradicion que cada año celebramos  la Comunidad Peruana y Latina  de Pittsburgh juntos con  la Iglesia San Regis en SouthOakland.

Este año sera el DOMINGO 18 DE OCTUBRE, habra Santa Misa a las 12 del medio dia, Procesion del Señor de los Milagros por las calles adyacentes a la Iglesia  de 1-2pm y un compartir de comida Peruana, Mexicana, Latina y Americana para todos los asistentes de 2-4pm. en el Salon Social de la Iglesia.

 Todos son bienvenidos.



SR JAIME AGIP                                                                

Mayordomo  2015.                                                                   .



Cualquier pregunta, coordinacion o donaciones 

Por favor llamar al  412-853-5670

Or 412-400-9642  


Hello,  this invitation is to everyone. This Sunday, October 18, 2015  will be the annual procession for the streets of South Oakland, taking the "Lord of Miracles" (Señor De Los Milagros) on the shoulders of Peruvian brotherhood.

Joint us and known as the Peruvian and Latino community of Pittsburgh keeps its faith and traditions.

We will have Holy Mass, and  free Dinner for all  at Saint Regis Church in Oakland.

All are welcome!





Any collaboration with food or drink is welcome to share dinner, thanks.

Contact at: 412-853-5670 (call or text) 

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015


¡Hola Amigos!


COESA: Brazilian Association is offering Portuguese and Spanish classes for children, teens and adults as well as English as Second Language (ESL) for adults at 4836 Ellsworth Ave. Pittsburgh PA 15213, on Saturday mornings. $15 per class + $5 registration fee. There will be an Open House on 10/03/2015 10:00am till 12:00pm. For more information, email: trilingualprogram@gmail.com or visit: http://coesapittsburgh.org/content/trilingual-program-0 


For members: LACU will be provide 5 scholarships 5 of its members! Whether you want to learn or improve your Spanish or f you would like to learn Portuguese, then this is your chance! If you have a Family membership, your spouse/partner and kids can also benefit from this! If you would like to receive a scholarship, email us at info@lacunet.org.




COESA: Asociación Brasileña está ofreciendo clases de Portugués y Español para niños, adolescentes y adultos, así como Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL por sus siglas en inglés) para Adultos en 4836 Ellsworth Ave. Pittsburgh PA 15213, Sábados por la mañana. $15 por clase + $5 cuota de inscripción. Habrá un "Open House" en 03/10/2015 10:00am a 12:00pm. Para obtener más información, envíe un email a trilingualprogram@gmail.com o visite http://coesapittsburgh.org/content/trilingual-program-0 


Para los miembros: LACU ofrecerá 5 becas 5 de sus miembros! Tanto si quiere aprender o mejorar su Inglés o si usted le gustaría aprender Portugués, entonces esta es su oportunidad! Si usted tiene una membresía de familia, su cónyuge / pareja y niños también pueden beneficiarse de esto! Si usted desea recibir una beca, envíenos un email a info@lacunet.org.


Thank you! ¡Gracias!



Jesabel I. Rivera-Guerra, MPH, CHES


Latin American Cultural Union (LACU)

P.O. Box 19403 

Pittsburgh PA, 15213


CLAS @ Pitt--events this week! Mark your calendars!

Panoramas Roundtable

The Situation of Stateless Persons in the Dominican Republic/ La situación de las personas apátridas en la Republica Dominicana (presentation will be in Spanish with English translation)


Ricardo Campusano (Lawyer and human rights activist from the Dominican Republic)

Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Time: Noon

Location: 4130 Posvar Hall

For more information: Luis Bravo at bravo@pitt.edu

Mr. Campusano will explain how thousands of persons, mostly of Haitian descent, were made stateless (left without official citizenship in any country) when a 2004 immigration law and the 2010 Dominican constitution did away with birthright citizenship and a 2013 constitutional court ruling made that standard retroactive. Mr. Campusano will describe the legal, social, and economic hardships that these stateless persons face, including the difficulties in obtaining birth and identification documents, and the threat of deportation. Mr. Campusano will also discuss how international and local human rights organizations have responded to the Dominican government's policies. The Power Point-based lecture will be given in Spanish with English translation.

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh.




The Electoral Basis of Ideological Polarization in Latin America


Juan Andrés Moraes (Professor of political science at the Universidad de la República in Uruguay)

            Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2015

            Time: 2:00 p.m.

            Location: 4217 Posvar Hall

For more information: Luz Amanda Hank at lavst12@pitt.edu
Juan Andrés Moraes (PhD, University of Notre Dame) is professor of political science at the Universidad de la Republica in Uruguay. His research interests lie in the field of comparative politics, with a special focus on political parties in Latin America. With Daniel Buquet and Daniel Chasquetti, he coauthored Fragmentación Política y Gobierno en Uruguay (1998), and he is the author of articles in edited books and journals such as Comparative Political Studies and Party Politics. A former Kellogg Institute guest scholar, he was previously the recipient of a Kellogg Dissertation Year Fellowship.

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh.



Colloquium: The Poetry of the Americas from Good Neighbors to Countercultures


Harris Feisod (Humanities Center, 2015-2016 Early Career Residential Fellow)

Responses by: Gayle Rodgers (University of Pittsburgh) and Joshua Lund (University of Notre Dame)

Date: Thursday, October 1, 2015
Time: 12:30 p.m.

Location: 602 Cathedral of Learning, Humanities Center

For more information: http://www.humcenter.pitt.edu/event/colloquium-harris-feinsod

Humanities Center Colloquium Events typically involve conversations around a pre-distributed piece of writing. You can download the piece of writing for this event at https://drive.google.com/folderviewid=0Bzh9pdN4lY1bfmhHek5jOFlRQk1WVlBTbUZLbTk4OENkM0w5SUtqS2VJSlZQZ3lMZkpINGM&usp=sharing

Sponsored by the Humanities Center at the University of Pittsburgh.




The Cinema of Venezuela 1995-2015 | El cine que hemos hecho en estos años. 1995 – 2015 

INVITED SPEAKER: Haydeé Chavero González (Chair of the Cinema and Communications Department Universidad Central de Venezuela. Founder Caracas Filminuto and President Fundación Audiovisual FACIL)


Panel discussion with Pitt Hispanic Languages and Literature faculty:

John Beverly and Juan Duchesne  

(In Spanish with English translation) 


Date: Thursday October 1, 2015

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Frick Fine Arts Auditorium –UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH

For more information: Karen Goldman at kgoldman@pitt.edu


For more information about the movies listed below go to: http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/ven_cine

NOSTALGIA. Gustavo Rondón / 18 min / Venezuela / 2010 

LA MULA MUERTA | DEAD MULE. Rafael Velásquez / 12 min / Venezuela / 2011

COLMILLO | FANG.  Albi Abreu / 19 min / Venezuela /  2010  

I WANNA SHINE. Prakriti Maduro / 8 min / Venezuela / 2011  

Free and open to the public

Light refreshments provided.

Sponsored by: El Centro Nacional Autónomo de Cinematografía de Venezuela (CNAC).

Co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS at the University of Pittsburgh, the Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies at UNC-Ch and Duke University, and the NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies.



Date: Friday October 2, 2015

Time: 4:30 p.m.

Location: Frick Fine Arts

For more information: Karen Goldman at kgoldman@pitt.edu


PAPITA, MANI, TOSTON. Luis Carlos Hueck / 90 min / Venezuela, 2013 | Spanish with English subtitles

Andrés (Jean Pierre Agostini) is a fan of Los Leones del Caracas one of the main baseball teams of Venezuela. Julissa (Juliette Pardau) is a fan of Los Navegantes del Magallanes, the rival team. One day Andrés gets tickets to see the game in Magallanes' VIP Zone. He meets Julissa and her dad who is not only fan but one of the team's managers. Andres and Julissa will fall in love and will have to pretend to be fan of the other's team. But soon trouble will arise.

Trailer: https://youtu.be/U4Gqb2BzI6Y


Sponsored by: El Centro Nacional Autónomo de Cinematografía de Venezuela (CNAC).

Co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS at the University of Pittsburgh, the Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies at UNC-Ch and Duke University, and the NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies.



domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015



Greetings from UPittMed's LMSA, SNMA, and AMSA!!!


With great excitement, we would like to invite you to a dinner in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month as well as the initiation of UPittMed's newest student organization, the Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA). There will be plenty of food (taco bar PLUS Brazilian food!), and music from different countries across Latin America. Afterwards, there will be salsa music for those who wish to hang around and learn some moves (last year this was a HUGE hit!).


We will also have a very special guest speaker, Dr. Diego Chaves-Gnecco, who will speak to us about the contributions of various Latinos to medicine. Dr. Diego is a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician at Children's Hospital, assistant professor at the medical school, the director and founder of Salud Para Niño's, and a very active and beloved member of our Pittsburgh Latino community.


This is DEFINITELY one night you will not want to miss! We hope you can all make it!


Here are the details.


Date: Friday, October 9, 2015

Time: 7-9pm (salsa afterwards)

Dinner: Taco Bar + Brazilian (vegetarian options available)

Location: Scaife 11th Floor or Montefiore. This will be announced.


If joining, please RSVP here:



Also, if you haven't noticed yet, check out the posters all around Scaife for info about notable Latinos in medicine and science from throughout history! Many of them have made huge contributions to our field that are still extremely valuable today.


Thanks everyone! We hope to see you at the dinner! :-D


Best regards,



viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015


Para saludarlos cordialmente y a la vez  invitarlos  a la Festividad del “SEñOR DE LOS MILAGROS” 2015, tradición que cada año celebramos  la Comunidad Peruana y Latina  de Pittsburgh juntos con  la Iglesia San Regis en SouthOakland.

Este año sera el DOMINGO 18 DE OCTUBRE, habra Santa Misa a las 12 del medio dia, Procesion del Señor de los Milagros por las calles adyacentes a la Iglesia  de 1-2pm y un compartir de comida Peruana, Mexicana, Latina y Americana para todos los asistentes de 2-4pm. en el Salon Social de la Iglesia.


Todos son bienvenidos!



Noche Latina Tonight! (Other reminders)



Reminder about Noche Latina Tonight at 10pm!

Invite your friends! In-person and through the FB event!

We need help with setting up, cleaning up, and serving food.

Please email Maria at mrymer@andrew.cmu.edu for more information


Other reminders and news:


1. Stay Updated (GroupMe and Bridge)

Pease add your phone number for the Group Me.

Also please add your information to the list, if you could not make it to the meeting

Make sure you have joined us on the Bridge. We will not be using the D-list contact information in the future. 


2. Empanada Sale

We are looking to schedule a meeting for the same time as the last one.

Monday, 6-7pm (new location)

Fill out this form indicating your interest in the event

You will be contacted based on your response


3. Potluck

Looks like we have a lot of desserts so far, yum. 

Sign up!


4. 1000 Plus

A message from Gabriela Salcedo!
I was planning on volunteering for 1000plus and was wondering if any other members would like to volunteer as a group and represent SALSA. It's on Oct. 3, the same day as our scheduled potluck. I have already asked the communications director about the time commitment and it seems the typical volunteer time is from the morning to around 1 p.m., the latest is 4 p.m. If anyone is interested, please let me know so we can register.


For those of you who are unfamiliar with 1000Plus, it is a student-run initiative and CMU's largest day of service. Our aim is to get over 1000 volunteers from the CMU Community out all over the greater Pittsburgh area doing community service, and we need your help!


5. Donut Dash

Looking to see if members are interested in forming a team!

Run a mile. Eat six donuts. Run another mile.



Nos Vemos




Spanish And Latin Student Association
Carnegie Mellon University
UC 303

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

Venezuelan movies

Free and Open to the Public.
Thursday Oct 1, 2015. 7:00 pm
Venezuelan movies. Invited speaker Haydeé Chavero.
Panel discussion with Pitt Hispanic Languages and Literature faculty; John Beverly and Juan Duchesne (In Spanish with English translation)


miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

UPDATES--Center for Latin American Studies @ Pitt

For other events, please visit:  http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/calendars




            Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2015

            Time: 4:30 p.m.

            Location: Frick Fine Arts Cloisters

Come and join us to celebrate a new year!—meet faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, staff and CLAS friends. Enjoy delicious Latin American food—Edgar's Tacos will be catering the event.

Please RSVP to lavst12@pitt.edu

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh.



Health Sciences Diversity "Diversity in Practice" Speaker Series

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month


Diego Chaves-Gnecco (Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Founder and Director, Salud para Niños)

Providing Health Care for an Invisible Community: SALUD PARA NIÑOS 14 Years Making a Difference in the Community



Patricia Documet (Associate Professor, Behavioral and Community Health Sciences Scientific Director, Center for Health Equity and Associate Professor, Center for Latin American Studies)

Outcomes of a Male-to-Male Community Health Worker Intervention with Latinos

Date: Thursday, September 24, 2015

Time: Noon

Location: Scaife Hall, Lecture Room 1

For more information: http://www.healthdiversity.pitt.edu/

Sponsored by Health Science Diversity at the University of Pittsburgh.



Populismo y Política: desmovilización marrana


Alberto Moreiras (Professor of Spanish, Texas A&M University)

*Talk will be in Spanish*

Date: Thursday, September 24, 2015

Time: 2:00 p.m.

Location: 139 Cathedral of Learning

Alberto Moreiras works at the intersection of literature, politics, and cultural theory. Among his many publications is his 2001 book, "The Exhaustion of Difference: The Politics of Latin American Cultural Studies", a major intervention in the field. He was a member of the Latin American Subaltern Studies Group and currently is a part of the editorial collective of the new journal "Politica Común".

Sponsored by the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Pittsburgh.



Emiliano's Presents - Hispanic Heritage Festival

            Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015

            Time: 2:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

            Location: 2557 E. Carson Street—Emiliano's Restaurant

The inaugural Hispanic Heritage Festival presented by Emiliano's Mexican Restaurant & Bar
A family friendly, community event celebrating Hispanic Heritage month (September 15th-October 15th). The event will be held outside Emiliano's East Carson Street location with the street festival set up on 26th Street between East Carson Street and Sidney Street. 

For more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/911377405603312/



Panoramas Roundtable

The Situation of Stateless Persons in the Dominican Republic/ La situación de las personas apátridas en la Republica Dominicana


Ricardo Campusano (Lawyer and human rights activist from the Dominican Republic)

Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Time: Noon

Location: 4130 Posvar Hall

For more information: Luis Bravo at bravo@pitt.edu

Mr. Campusano will explain how thousands of persons, mostly of Haitian descent, were made stateless (left without official citizenship in any country) when a 2004 immigration law and the 2010 Dominican constitution did away with birthright citizenship and a 2013 constitutional court ruling made that standard retroactive. Mr. Campusano will describe the legal, social, and economic hardships that these stateless persons face, including the difficulties in obtaining birth and identification documents, and the threat of deportation. Mr. Campusano will also discuss how international and local human rights organizations have responded to the Dominican government's policies. The Power Point-based lecture will be given in Spanish with English translation.

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh.



The Electoral Basis of Ideological Polarization in Latin America


Juan Andrés Moraes (Professor of political science at the Universidad de la República in Uruguay)

            Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2015

            Time: 2:00 p.m.

            Location: 4217 Posvar Hall

For more information: Luz Amanda Hank at lavst12@pitt.edu
Juan Andrés Moraes (PhD, University of Notre Dame) is professor of political science at the Universidad de la Republica in Uruguay. His research interests lie in the field of comparative politics, with a special focus on political parties in Latin America. With Daniel Buquet and Daniel Chasquetti, he coauthored Fragmentación Política y Gobierno en Uruguay (1998), and he is the author of articles in edited books and journals such as Comparative Political Studies and Party Politics. A former Kellogg Institute guest scholar, he was previously the recipient of a Kellogg Dissertation Year Fellowship.

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh.



Colloquium: The Poetry of the Americas from Good Neighbors to Countercultures


Harris Feisod (Humanities Center, 2015-2016 Early Career Residential Fellow)

Responses by: Gayle Rodgers (University of Pittsburgh) and Joshua Lund (University of Notre Dame)

Date: Thursday, October 1, 2015
Time: 12:30 p.m.

Location: 602 Cathedral of Learning, Humanities Center

For more information: http://www.humcenter.pitt.edu/event/colloquium-harris-feinsod

Humanities Center Colloquium Events typically involve conversations around a pre-distributed piece of writing. You can download the piece of writing for this event at https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bzh9pdN4lY1bfmhHek5jOFlRQk1WVlBTbUZLbTk4OENkM0w5SUtqS2VJSlZQZ3lMZkpINGM&usp=sharing

Sponsored by the Humanities Center at the University of Pittsburgh.



For Faculty

Wine, Cheese and Conversation at the Hillman Library

            Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2015

            Time: 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

            Location: Thornburgh Room—1st Floor of Hillman Library

Discover the many programs and services we offer to support your teaching and research.

Sponsored by the Hillman Library at the University of Pittsburgh.



The Interdisciplinary Latino Research Initiative

The Interdisciplinary Latino Research Initiative of the Center for Health Equity invites you (faculty member, student, staff of any Pitt department or other universities) to join us in networking and light refreshments on Friday Sep. 11, 2015, 1-2 pm in Room 110, Parran Hall (Graduate School of Public Health, 130 DeSoto Street, Oakland). We also hold "focused writing sessions" in the same space, on Fridays Sep. 18 and 25, Oct. 16 and 30, Nov. 20, and Dec. 11 and 18.


What is focused writing? It is "protected time" so you can write with no interruptions. Bring your laptop and lots of energy to keep writing all morning on something you need to do: grant, manuscript, class paper, or any other thing. We give support to each other and yes, we have coffee and snacks. For questions, email Patricia Documet at pdocumet@pitt.edu.



Student group!

For club activities and events schedule, please contact each group.

Club de Español

For more information (or to subscribe to announcements): pittspanishclub@gmail.com

Stop by and support a good cause!

The Pitt Spanish Club is having a coffee and baked goods sale Friday, September 25, 2015 between the hours of 9am-1pm, on the first floor of Posvar.

The Honduran coffee that they will be selling, which goes for $2 a cup, is sold through the nonprofit C.A.F.E. (Coffee Arabic Foundation for Education) and funds scholarships for Honduran youth to be able to attend high school.

They will also be selling some baked goods to fundraiser for their club.


Brazil Nuts

For more information about Brazil Nuts events: brazil@pitt.edu or http://www.pitt.edu/~brazil


Portuguese Tutor Center Schedule: Improve your Portuguese conversation, writing, pronunciation, and reading skills at the tutor center!

If you would like to become a tutor, please contact Nicole Silva at nas166@pitt.edu with your availabilities!! Below are the current tutors with their corresponding times:


                -Where: Cathedral of Learning-13th Floor: across from Ana Paula's office

                ​-We will send out an updated list as the time slots fill in












9 AM






10 AM






11 AM






12 PM







NICOLE SILVA                                   

VINICIUS                                        ​ ​  

SOFIA WINSTON                              




NICOLE SILVA                                         

JESSICA BISPELS                                       




3 PM

























        -Please like us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/6726286884/  This is a great way to stay connected with Brazil Nuts for more updates and reminders! 

        ​-If you are a Brazilian exchange student, please contact us! We would love to get in touch with you and get you involved with Brazil Nuts!

         ​-Mark your calendars! October 30st we will have our annual Halloween brigadeiro bake sale!

        -If you have any comments, questions, or concerns about anything listed above, please email us at brazil@pitt.edu.

        -If you would like to unsubscribe to these emails, please click here. ​Scroll down to the unsubscribe list, and enter your email. 


Caribbean and Latin American Student Association (CLASA)

For more information about CLASA events: pittclasa@gmail.com; http://pittclasa.wix.com/clasa or https://www.facebook.com/pittclasa



Date: September 21 to September 25, 2014

For more information: https://www.facebook.com/pittclasa/photos/a.336589093039538.85417.336587696373011/1033368026694971/?type=3&theater



Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS)

University Center for International Studies

University of Pittsburgh

4200 Wesley W. Posvar Hall

Pittsburgh, PA  15260

Office: 412-648-7392

Fax: 412-648-2199
