Los invitamos a todos a la misa de la Inmaculada Concepcion en la Iglesia de Saint Regis en Oakland a las 6pm, despues de la misa vamos a prender velitas, para celebrar el dia de las velitas, los que quieran traer velitas seran bienvenidos, los esperamos!!
martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011
"Colombia en Pittsburgh": Los invitamos a todos a la misa de la Inmaculada...
martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011
FW: Thursday, December 1: La Muralla Verde/The Green Wall
Thursday, December 1st
Frick Fine Arts Auditorium 6:30pm
La Muralla Verde/The Green Wall
(Perú, 1970)
Armando Robles’s La Muralla Verde (The Green Wall), is a film that embeds the senses of the viewer from the first scene because of the strength of its narrative, the usage of juxtaposed time, and its dialectical display of images. It is a story of an urban heroic young couple and their little son who against all odds decide to move to the Peruvian jungle embracing a nationalistic colonizing project encouraged by the government during the 70’s. The family’s idyllic life is disrupted by the many difficulties they have to face in order to fulfill their dreams. The story is a metaphor of the dilemma that Peruvian citizens were experiencing during that time in a country where social change, progress, and individual realization were difficult to achieve. The masterful final sequence will leave the spectator speechless for its unexpected development of the story. The Green Wall is considered “a bitter and beautiful movie”, a piece of art from the late Armando Robles Godoy who is considered the only Peruvian filmmaker to have created an auteur cinema in Peru. (By Mildred Lopez)
Amigos del Cine Latinoamericano
Fall 2011 Film Series
As usual, we will give a short introduction of the film and after the presentation you are welcome to stay for a discussion.
Some films are adult in nature and may not be appropriate for young audiences.
domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011
"Maya Apocalypse: 1562 or 2012?" - Nov. 28
"Maya Apocalypse: 1562 or 2012?"
Amara Solari, Assistant Professor of Art History and Anthropology, Penn
State University
Matthew Restall, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Colonial Latin American
History, Anthropology and Women's Studies, Penn State University
The debate over the Maya doomsday prediction has become an international
industry. But was there really an ancient Maya prophecy that the world
would end in 2012? If not, how did 2012ology come about? The authors of
'2012 and the End of the World: The Western Roots of the Maya Apocalypse'
offer answers to these questions, emphasizing the surprising role played
by sixteenth-century Spaniards.
Sponsored by the Center for the Arts in Society.
jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011
This is a trilingual newsletter in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Please look below for each version.
Este es una publicacion en tres idiomas: Ingles, Espanol y Portuguese. Las tres versiones estan en seguida.
Esta e uma edicao em tres idiomas: ingles, espanhol e portugues. As tres versoes estao a seguir:
In this issue
- Clinicas Pediatricas y de Vacunacion Gratuitas
- Prevención Dental Asociación Dental Hispana
- Clinica de Audiologia - Pruebas de Audicion parte de nuestras Clinicas Pediatricas
- Clinica de Salud Mental Gratuita y en Espanol
- Salud Para Ninos Pagina en Internet en Portuguese
- Nuevas opciones en nuestro telefono en espanol de Salud Para Ninos 412-692-6000 opcion 8
- Horarios de Nuestras Clinicas Bilingues – Biculturales en el CHP Centro de Atencion Primaria
- Clinica de Adolescentes En Espanol
- SALUD PARA NINOS in Portuguese
- Subscribe / Unsubscribe Salud Para Ninos Updas, News and Future Events e-newsletter
Clinicas Pediatricas y de Vacunacion Gratuitas
2do Sabado de cada mes
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Care Mobile - Birmingham Clinic
Fechas: Noviembre 12, Deciembre 10, Enero 28 (Excepción a la regla del 2ndo Sábado de cada mes)
Hora: 10 AM a/to 12:30 PM
Lugar: Salvation Army (Centro de Donaciones) 54 S. 9th Street South Side Pittsburgh,
Mayor informacion 412-692-6000 opcion 8 http://www.chp.edu/saludparaninos
(NO es necesario cita previa y ni tener seguro de salud)
Por favor llame al 412-692-6000 opcion 8 el mismo dia de la clinica y escuche el mensaje para verificar que no se haya cancelado o cambiado de fecha la clinica debido a circunstancias inesperadas como problemas climaticos o nieve.
Prevención Dental - Asociacion Dental Hispana
El Sábado 12 de Noviembre tendremos representantes de la Asociación Dental Hispana de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Pittsburgh en la Clinica Birmingham. Ellos estaran proveerán prevención y cuidado dental a niños y adultos. Como estaba programado tambien habrá clínica gratuita pediátrica y de vacunación para niños ofrecida por el progama SALUD PARA NIÑOS del Children's Hospital de Pittsburgh.
Clinica Pediatrica de Audiologia parte de nuestras Clinicas Pediatricas Gratuitas
Gracias a la gentileza y generosidad de algunos colegas Audiologos quienes donan su tiempo a nuestro programa SALUD PARA NINOS ahora podemos ofrecer Clinicas de Audiologia Pediatrica como parte de nuestras Clinicas Pediatricas Gratuitas. El Sabado 12 de Noviembre tendremos Clínica de Audiologia.
Clinica de Salud Mental Gratuita y en Español - “Servicios de Salud Mental para Hispano Hablantes”
• Consultoría y terapia individual y de familia
• Consejería psiquiátrica
• Apoyo psico-educacional en la comunidad
• Contacto con otros profesionales y organizaciones de ayuda al inmigrante
Para Mayor Informacion
Llamar al 412-396-6562: Martes, de 2 a 4 pm; Miércoles, de 9 a 11 am; Jueves, de 4 a 7 pm.
SALUD PARA NINOS Pagina de Internet en Portugues
Gracias a la generosidad de Ena Seltzer RN, BA, BS Enfermera en Salud Publica del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Allegheny ahora contamos con nuestra pagina de internet en Portuguese. Gracias Ena.
Nuevas opciones en nuestro telefono en espanol de Salud Para Ninos 412-692-6000 opcion 8
A partir del Jueves 10 de Marzo tendremos nuevas y mejores opciones en nuestro telefono en espanol de Salud Para Ninos 412-692-6000 opcion 8. Estas nuevas y mejores opciones permitiran a nuestros pacientes mas facilmente hablar con los miembros del equipo de Salud Para Ninos, hacer citas, recibir consejos medicos y obtener informacion a cerca de nuestros programas en al comunidad.
SALUD PARA NINOS - Children's Hospital de Pittsburgh - Primary Care Center
Horarios de Nuestras Clinicas Bilingues-Biculturales en el CHP Centro de Atencion Primaria
Las Clinicas Pediatricas y de Vacunacion en Espanol en nuestro Centro de Atencion Primaria en Oakland son ofrecidas todos los Martes y Viernes en las mananas y Jueves despues de las 5 pm en el (cita previa y seguro de salud son necesarios), 3420 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA
Mayor informacion en Espanol 412-692-6000 opcion 8. http://www.chp.edu/saludparaninos
La Division de Medicina de Adolescentes y el Programa Salud Para Ninos del Children's Hospital de Pittsburgh ofece todos los Viernes en las maNanas servicios medicos generales para adolescentes en espanol. Estos servicios incluyen examenes fisicos, consultas medicas por enfermedad, salud reproductiva (excepto control del embarazo y visitas prenatales), prevencion y tratamiento de enferedades de transmision sexual y tratamiento de asuntos comunes en adolescents como prevencion de tabaquismo, uso de substacias psicoactivas y problemas del comportamiento. Estos servicios seran ofrecidos a pacientes que tengan seguro medico y hayan selecionado al CHP Adolescent Medicine Division como su medico (PCP).
Independientemente de el tener o no seguro de salud o de la posibilidad de pagar por los servicios, cuidados confidenciales estaran disponibles para jovenes hombres y mujeres menores de 21 anos de edad que requieran tratamiento relacionado a salud reproductiva incluyendo planificacion familiar y citologias (PAP smears) asi como tratamiento de de enfermedades de transmision sexual.
Para hacer una cita favor llamar al 412-692-6677 (en Ingles) y pedir una cita con la Dra. Romina Barrall clinica en espanol.
Gracias a la generosidad de Ena Seltzer RN, BA, BS Enfermera en Salud Publica del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Allegheny ahora contamos con nuestros anuncios en Portuguese. Gracias Ena.
SALUD PARA NINOS UPDATES, NEWS AND FUTURE EVENTS es una publicacion electronica trilingue que es enviada seis a ocho veces al mes a personas interesadas en nuestro programa y en asuntos relacionados con salud infantil.
Si usted desea que su direccion electronica sea incluida en esta lista de correos electronicos por favor envie un email a Diego.ChavesGnecco@chp.edu con el siguiente mensaje en el Subject o Asunto del correo: SUBSCRIBE SALUD PARA NINOS UPDATES, NEWS AND FUTURE EVENTS.
Si usted NO desea recibir estos menajes por favor envie un email a Diego.ChavesGnecco@chp.edu con el siguiente mensaje en el Subject o Asunto del correo: UNSUBSCRIBE SALUD PARA NINOS UPDATES, NEWS AND FUTURE EVENTS. Gracias.
In this issue
- Free Pediatric and Immunization Clinics
- Dental Prevention Hispanic Dental Association
- Audiology Clinic - Hearing Screenings part of our Free Pediatric Clinics
- Free Mental Health Services for Spanish Speakers
- Salud Para Ninos website in Portuguese
- New options in our Salud Para Ninos Spanish phone line 412-692-6000 option 8
- Hours for our Clinics at the
- Adolescent Clinic In Spanish
- SALUD PARA NINOS in Portuguese
- Subscribe / Unsubscribe Salud
Free Pediatric and Immunization Clinics - 2nd Saturday of each month
Dates: November 12, December 10, January 28 (Exception to the 2nd Saturday of the month rule)
Time: 10 AM a/to 12:30 PM
Location: Salvation Army
More Information http://www.chp.edu/spanishclinic 412-692-6000 option 8.
(Appointment and health insurance are NOT required)
Please call 412-692-6000 option 8 on the same day of the clinic and listen to the message to verify that there have not been cancellations or changes in the schedule due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions and/or snow.
Dental Prevention - Hispanic Dental Association
On Saturday November 12 we will be having representatives from the Hispanic Dental Association of the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine coming to the Birmingham Clinic. They will be providing dental prevention care to children and adults. As scheduled there will be a free pediatric immunizations clinic provided by SALUD PARA NIÑOS from the Children's
Pediatric Audiology Clinic part of our Free Pediatric Clinics
Thanks to the kindness and the generosity of some of our Audiologist colleagues who are volunteering their time to our program SALUD PARA NINOS now we are offering Pediatric Audiology Clinic part of our Free Pediatric Clinics. On Saturday November 12 we will be having an Audiology Clinic - Hearing Screenings as part of our Free Pediatric Clinics.
Free Mental Health Services for Spanish Speakers
• Individual and family counseling and therapy
• Psychiatric consultation
• Psycho-educational support and outreach
• Referrals to other professionals and organizations that support immigrants
For more information in Spanish
call 412-396-6562: Tuesdays 2-4 pm; Wednesdays, 9-11 am; and Thursdays, 4-7 pm.
SALUD PARA NINOS web site in Portuguese
Thanks to the generosity of Ena Seltzer RN, BA, BS Public Health Nurse from the Allegheny County Health Department now we have hour SALUD PARA NINOS webpage in Portuguese. Thank you Ena.
New options in our Salud
Starting Thursday March 10, we will have new and improved options in our Salud Para Ninos Spanish phone line 412-692-6000 option 8. These new an improved options will allow our patients to easily speak to our Salud Para Ninos team members and will facilitate the processes of making an appointment, getting advise, or obtaining information about our community programs.
SALUD PARA NINOS - Children's Hospital de Pittsburgh -
Hours for our Bilingual-Bicultural Clinics at the
Bilingual-bicultural clinics at the CHP Primary Care Center are offered every Tuesday morning, every Thursday after 5 pm and every Friday morning. (appointment and health insurance are required),
More information 412-692-6000 option 8 http://www.chp.edu/spanishclinic
The Division of Adolescent Medicine and the program Salud Para Ninos of the Children's
Regardless of insurance status or ability to pay confidential care is available for young men and woman under 21 years of age who require treatment related to reproductive health including birth control and PAP smears as well as prevention and treatment of sexual transmitted infections.
To make an appointment please call 412-692-6677 and ask for an appointment with Dr. Romina Barrall for the Spanish Clinic (scheduling only available in English).
Thanks to the generosity of Ena Seltzer RN, BA, BS Public Health Nurse from the Allegheny County Health Department now we have hour SALUD PARA NINOS announcements in Portuguese. Thank you Ena.
SALUD PARA NINOS UPDATES, NEWS AND FUTURE EVENTS is an electronic trilingual newsletter that it sent six to eight times a month for people interested in services through our program and related to children's health.
If you want to have your email address included in this email list please email Diego.ChavesGnecco@chp.edu with the Subject: SUBSCRIBE SALUD PARA NINOS UPDATES, NEWS AND FUTURE EVENTS.
If you DO NOT want to receive these emails any longer please email Diego.ChavesGnecco@chp.edu with the Subject: UNSUBSCRIBE SALUD PARA NINOS UPDATES, NEWS AND FUTURE EVENTS. Thank you.
Nesta edicao
- Clinicas Pediatricas de Vacinacao Gratuita.
- Prevencao Dental – Associacao Dental Hispanica.
- Clinica de Audiologia –Teste de Audicao em nossa Clinica Pediatrica Gratuita.
- Clinica de Saude mental Gratuita e em espanhol
- Salud Para Ninos pagina da internete/webpage em Portugues
- Novas opcoes de telephone na nossa Salud Para Ninos 412-692-6000 opcion 8 (Espanhol)
- Horario da nossa Clinica Bilingue - Bicultural no CHP Centro de Atencao Primaria.
- Clinica de Adolescentes em Espanhol.
- SALUD PARA NINOS Updates, News and Future Events e-newsletter em Portugues- Subscribe / Unsubscribe
Clinicas Pediatricas e Vacinacao Gratuita
20 Sabado de cada mes
Datas: 12 de Novembro, 10 de Dezembro, 28 de Janeiro (Excecao no segundo Sabado de cada mes)
Hora: 10 AM a/to 12:30 PM
Local: Salvation Army (Centro de Donaciones/Doacoes)
Maior Informacao 412-692-6000 opcion/opcao 8. http://www.chp.edu/saludparaninos
(NAO necessita ter horario marcado e seguro de Saude)
Favor chamar 412-692-6000 opcao 8 no mesmo dia da clínica e escutar a mensagem para verificar se nao houve cancelamento ou mudanca no horario (devido circunstancias inesperadas tais como condicoes climaticas e/ou neve).
Prevencao Dental – Associacao Dental Hispanica
Sabado, 12 de Novembro, teremos representantes da Associacao Dental Hispanica da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de Pittsburgh na Clinica Birmingham. Eles estarao oferecendo prevencao e cuidado dental para criancas e adultos. Como estava programado tambem havera clínica gratuita pediátrica e vacinacao para criancas oferecida pelo programa SALUD PARA NIÑOS do Children's Hospital de Pittsburgh.
Clinica de Audiologia –Teste de Audicao em nossa Clinica Pediatrica Gratuita.
Gracas a gentileza e generosidade de alguns colegas Audiologos que doam seu tempo ao nosso programa SALUD PARA NINOS agora podemos oferecer Clinicas de Audiologia Pediatrica como parte de nossas Clinicas Pediatricas Gratuitas. Sabad, Novembro 12 teremos Clinica de Audiologia Testes de Audicao como parte de nossas Clinicas Pediaticas Gratuitas.
Clinica de Saude mental Gratuita e em espanhol - Servicos de Saude Mental para pessoas que falam espanhol
• Consultoria e terapia individual e em familia
• Consultas psiquiatricas
• Apoyo psico-educacional na comunidade
• Contacto com outros profissionais e organizacoes de ajuda ao imigrante
Para maiores informacoes
Chamar 412 396-6562: Tercas-feiras das 2 as 4 pm; Quartas-feiras das 9 as 11 am e Quintas-feiras das 4 as 7 pm
Salud Para Ninos pagina da internete/webpage em Portugues
Gracas a generosidade de Ena Seltzer, RN, BA, BS, Enfermeira de Saude Publica do Departamento de Saude do Allegheny County agora contamos com a nossa pagina da internete/webpage em Portugues. Obrigada Ena.
Novas opcoes de telephone na nossa Salud Para Ninos 412-692-6000 opcion 8 (Espanhol)
A partir de Quinta-feira 10 de marco teremos novas e melhores opcoes, em espanhol, no telephone da nossa Salud Para Ninos 412 692-6000 opcao 8. Estas novas e melhores opcoes irao oferecer aos nossos pacientes uma communicacao mais facil com os membros da nossa equipe da Salud Para Ninos facilitando o processo para marcar horarios, receber conselhos medicos e obter informacao a cerca dos nossos programas na communidade.
SALUD PARA NINOS - Children's Hospital de Pittsburgh - Primary Care Center
Horario da nossa Clinica Bilingue- Bicultural no CHP Centro de Atencao Primaria
As clinicas Pediatricas e de Vacinacao em Espanhol no Centro de Atencao Primaria em Oakland sao oferecidas todas as tercas – feiras e todas sextas- feiras pela manha e todas as quintas-ferias a partir das 5pm. (Necessita ter horario marcado e seguro de Saude), 3420 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA.
Maiores Informacoes em Espanhol 412692-6000 opcao 8. http://www.chp.edu/saludparaninos
A Divisao de Medicina de Adolescentes e o Programa Salud Para Ninos do Children’s Hospital de Pittsburgh oferece todas as Sexta-Feiras pela manha servicos medicos gerais para adolescents em espanhol. Estes servicos incluem exames fisicos, consultas medicas por enfermidade, saude reprodutiva (com excecao de controle de gravidez e visitas pre natais), prevencao e tratamento de doencas de transmissao sexual e tratamento de assuntos comuns na adolecencia como prevencao de tabaquismo, uso de substancia psicoativas e problemas de comportamento. Estes servicos serao oferecidos a pacientes que tenham seguro medico e sejam selecionados para CHP Adolescent Medicine Division como seu medico (PCP).
Independentemente de ter ou nao seguro de saude e da possibilidade de pagar pelos servicos, cuidados confidenciais estarao disponiveis para jovens de ambos os sexos menores de 21 anos de idade que requeiram tratamento relacionado a saude reprodutiva incluindo plano familiar e citologia (PAP smears/Papa Nicolaou) assim como tratamento de enfermidades de transmissao sexual.
Para fazer uma consulta favor ligar 412 692-6677 (ingles) e pedir uma consulta com Dra. Romina Barral clinica em espanhol.
Gracas a generosidade de Ena Seltzer, RN, BA, BS. Enfermeira de Saude Publica do Departamento de Saude do Condado do Allegheny agora contamos com os nossos anuncios em Portugues. Obrigado, Ena.
SALUD PARA NINOS UPDATES, NEWS AND FUTURE EVENTS e uma publicacao trilingue enviada de seis a oito vezes por mes para pessoas interessadas no nosso programa e assuntos relacionados com a saude infantil.
Se voce deseja que o seu endereco eletronico seja incluido nesta lista de correios eletronicos por favor envie um email para Diego.ChavesGnecco@chp.edu com a seguinte mensagem no Subjeto/Assunto do correio: SUBSCRIBE SALUD PARA NINOS UPDATES, NEWS AND FUTURE EVENTS.
Se voce NAO deseja receber este correio eletronico por favor envie um email para Diego.ChavesGnecco@chp.edu com a seguinte mensagem no Subjeto/Assunto do correio: UNSUBSCRIBE SALUD PARA NINOS UPDATES, NEWS AND FUTURE EVENTS. Obrigado.
viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011
CLAS Weekly Update
Center for Latin American Studies
Upcoming Events
The Center for Latin American Studies proudly announces
Latin American Social and Public Policy Student Conference
February 24-25th at the University of Pittsburgh
If you are writing a paper on any aspect of Latin American social and public policy, we invite you to submit your work for consideration. You may also propose to form a panel for presentation and discussion.
- Please submit your topic with a brief description (approximately 75 to 100 words) by November 18, 2011.
- You will be notified of the committee’s decision by November 22, 2011.
- The deadline for submission of final papers will be due January 13, 2012.
Please send the information requested on the Call for Papers form. You may submit it online through the CLAS website: http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/events/laspp.html or via regular mail to the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh to the attention of Luis Bravo.
Lectures and Colloquiums
“Mexico’s ‘Narco-Refugees’: The Looming Challenge for US National Security” a lecture by Paul Kan (Visiting GSPIA Professor)
Since 2006, when Mexican President Felipe Calderon declared war on the drug cartels, there has been a rise in the number of Mexican nationals seeking political asylum in the United States to escape the ongoing drug cartel violence in their home country. Political asylum cases in general are claimed by those who are targeted for their political beliefs or ethnicity in countries that are repressive or are failing. Mexico is neither. Nonetheless, if the health of the Mexican state declines because criminal violence continues, increases, or spreads, U.S. communities will feel an even greater burden on their systems of public safety and public health from “narco-refugees.” Given the ever increasing cruelty of the cartels, the question is whether and how the U.S. Government should begin to prepare for what could be a new wave of migrants coming from Mexico. Allowing Mexicans to claim asylum could potentially open a flood gate of migrants to the United States during a time when there is a very contentious national debate over U.S. immigration laws pertaining to illegal immigrants. On the other hand, to deny the claims of asylum seekers and return them to Mexico where they might very well be killed, strikes at the heart of American values of justice and humanitarianism. This monograph focuses on the asylum claims of Mexicans who unwillingly leave Mexico rather than those who willingly enter the United States legally or illegally. To successfully navigate through this complex issue will require a greater level of understanding and vigilance at all levels of the U.S. Government.
Dr. Kan is a visiting professor from the US Army War College and he is an Associate Professor of National Security Studies and the Henry L. Stimson Chair of Military Studies at the US Army War College. He is the author of Drugs and Contemporary Warfare and recently completed field research along the US-Mexico border for his upcoming book, Cartels at War: Mexico’s Drug Fueled Violence and the Challenge to US National Security.
Please RSVP your attendance to beb38@pitt.edu or visit www.ridgway.pitt.edu for additional information.
Light refreshments will be served.
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Time: 12:30 p.m.
Location: 3911 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh
This event is sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and the University Center for International Studies’ Matthew B. Ridgway Center for International Security Studies and the Center for Latin American Studies
“Spain's Diplomacy and the Haitian Revolution,” a lecture by Antonio J. Pinto (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de Madrid, and Visiting Scholar, Department of History)
Date: Thursday, November 17, 2011
Time: 12:00 Noon
Location: 3702 Posvar Hall, Department of History Lounge, University of Pittsburgh
For more information: contact the department at 412-648-7451
“Representations of the (Popular) Intellectual: Callado, Marcos and Writing Movements,” a lecture by Frans Weiser (Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pittsburgh)
Abstract: Edward Said’s Representations of the Intellectual is optimistic regarding writer-intellectuals’ ability to dramatize the continued importance of their public role, although much recent academic response tends toward declinist accounts. This presentation analyzes a shift from public to popular intellectual in Latin America and will examine how the tension between self-representation and movement politics manifests itself in novels by Antônio Callado and Subcomandante Marcos.
Frans Weiser is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures. His research interests include new historical fiction, Hemispheric American Studies, and transnational film. He is currently editing his dissertation, “Con-Scripting the Masses: False Documents and Historical Revisionism in the Americas.”
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Location: 2318 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh
Student Club Activities
Spanish Club
Conversation Tables/Mesas de Conversación
Spanish Conversation Tables for all levels. It's a great way to practice Spanish with native speakers and students alike - and you can have a coffee or tea on us!
Dates & Times: Every Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. & Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Panera Bread, 3800 Forbes Avenue, Oakland
Noche de Cine - Movie Night
Film: “Volver” (directed by Pedro Almodóvar and starring Penélope Cruz)
Summary: Two sisters learn that the bonds of family don't always end after death in this gentle observational comedy drama that marks celebrated Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar's 16th feature. The story explores the interactions between three generations of women in a Spanish family.
Raimunda (Penélope Cruz) was born and raised village of Alcanfor de las Infantas, in La Mancha, Spain. However, she now resides in Madrid, where she works as a janitor. She is married to Paco (Antonio de la Torre), an unemployed layabout, and looks after her daughter, Paula. Raimunda's mother, Irene, died several years back (along with her father) in a house fire. Raimunda's younger sister, Sole, also lives in Madrid and works as a hair stylist, while their aunt Paula still makes her home in La Mancha, with occasional help from neighbor Agustina. The story takes an unusual and mystical twist when Agustina mentions that Irene has begun reappearing in ghostly form -- a fact questioned by Raimunda and Sole. After a murder and an unexpected family tragedy, Paula's story is indeed corroborated by the appearance of Irene's spirit (who has come to comfort her family), and Sole must decide how to respond to the long-dead mother's strange, enchanting presence.
Date: Monday, November 14, 2011
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location: 527 William Pitt Union, University of Pittsburgh
Free cookies and soda will be provided!
Brazil Nuts Portuguese Club
Bate-Papo is our “Conversation Tables” where you can speak about various topics and meet people who are interested in the same things as you, everyone learning to or just enjoying speaking in Portuguese. And the most important thing to remember is that people of any level can come to talk—the only requirement is that you want to have fun and chat! You can speak about anything you wish! See you at Bate-Papo!
Date & Time: Every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.
Location: Room 527, William Pitt Union, University of Pittsburgh
Capoeira Pittsburgh
Capoeira Pittsburgh offers classes in Brazilian martial arts, music, and dance on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 7:15 p.m. at Bellefield Hall (2nd floor, aerobics studio), University of Pittsburgh and on Saturdays at 11:45 a.m. at BYS Yoga (1113 E Carson St, 3rd Floor) on the South Side.
Capoeira is a martial art that was developed by African slaves in Brazil in the 1500s. The art is a great work out, but also a philosophy of life teaching confidence, discipline, and respect.
For more information, please visit: http://capoeirapittsburgh.wordpress.com/ or email capoeirapittsburgh@gmail.com
Call for Papers
SECOLAS/LAS Annual Conference
Theme: “The Struggle for Democracy in Latin America”
Submission Deadline: December 1, 2011
The 61st Annual Conference of the University of Florida’s Center for Latin American Studies will serve as the 59th Annual Meeting of SECOLAS, and will take place on the UF campus in Gainesville, Florida, Thursday, March 29 to Saturday, March 31, 2012. Featured speakers will address the conference theme. Papers and panels that address the theme (broadly conceived) are also encouraged but not required. Panel proposals are preferred but individual paper proposals will also be accepted. Papers are invited from faculty members, independent scholars and graduate students.
2012 marks the 200th anniversary of the Cádiz Constitution that made Spain and its embattled empire a constitutional monarchy and the 100th anniversary of the Sáenz Peña electoral law that brought universal adult male suffrage to Argentina, two key steps along Latin America’s tortuous road toward constitutional democracy. Although Latin America experienced what Paul Drake has called a “tsunami of democracies” from the 1970s to the 2000s, much remains to be done to strengthen and secure governments “of, by and for the people” throughout the region. Even more is required if one considers social, cultural, economic and environmental aspects of democracy along with the political and institutional.
Finally, as Latin American aspirations for democracy have not been confined to south of the Rio Grande/Bravo, la lucha for democracy by Latin Americans and Latina/os in the United States also merits serious attention. Thus we invite panels and papers on Chicano/a and U.S. (Afro)Latino/a struggles for democracy. Papers and panels that address social and political movements as well as artistic and literary work are encouraged.
Proposal Submission Deadline: December 1, 2011. Send proposals, including a 250-word abstract for each panel and/or paper and a brief CV (no more than 2 pages) for all panelists, to the most appropriate program chair:
History and Social Sciences
Tiffany Sippial, Department of History, Auburn University (tat0004@auburn.edu)
Literature and Humanities
Tace Hedrick, English and Women’s Studies, University of Florida (tace@ufl.edu)
Local Arrangements: Richmond F. Brown, Ph.D., Associate Director for Academic Programs, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida (rfbrown@latam.ufl.edu)
Dates: March 29-31, 2012
Location: University of Florida, Gainesville FL
Scholarship/Fellowship/Grant Opportunities
The Global Studies Center
The GSC is pleased to announce four new faculty grant competitions. These include: GSC International Travel Grants for Conference and Professional Meetings, GSC Domestic Travel Grants, GSC Curriculum Development Grants and GSC Faculty Research Grants. Faculty who are full-time, part-time, tenure-stream, tenured or non-tenure-stream (including lecturers and contract faculty) who are affiliated with the GSC are eligible to apply. The purpose of the grants is to expand the University’s resources in the GSC focus areas of global economy, global health, global security and global society. For full details on each grant, please visit the Faculty Opportunities page at: http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/global/facultyopps.html.
The deadline for submission is December 1, 2011.
To apply for a grant, please submit a GSC Faculty Grant application form with the appropriate grant option checked off, along with the required documentation. The original and three complete copies of the application (a total of four complete copies) should be sent to Dr. Thomas Allen, Associate Director, 4106 Wesley W. Posvar Hall. Questions about GSC Faculty Grants or the application process should be directed to Dr. Allen (tfa3@pitt.edu; 412 624-3487).
Job Opportunities
Resident Professor, Global Health (Ethnobiology), The Organization for Tropical Studies
The Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) is seeking applicants for the position of Resident Professor with the OTS-Duke University Global Health Undergraduate Semester Abroad Program in Costa Rica. This is a field-based program designed to provide undergraduate students with outstanding training in tropical medicine, public health, ethnobiology, and Spanish language and culture.
Successful applicants will work closely with the Education Director, Undergraduate Programs Coordinator, and other Resident Professors in curriculum design and implementation, and will be responsible for teaching in the Ethnobiology course. The position is based in Costa Rica, and requires a commitment of 8-9 weeks in the field and several weeks in the office during each semester. This is a full-time position with a required commitment of at least one year.
- Ph.D. or M.Sc. in Ethnobiology with professional research experience in the tropics.
- A strong interest in team teaching and interdisciplinary collaboration.
- Experience in field-based education and hands-on experiential teaching a plus.
- Excellent bilingual (English/Spanish) communication skills.
- Ph.D. or M.Sc. in Public or International Health a plus.
- Ability to work a flexible schedule and spend 9+ weeks, twice a year, living with students and faculty at field stations.
Application deadline: November 15, 2011
Anticipated start date: January 2, 2012
Please submit a cover letter, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, and statement of research interests in a single document.
To apply: Submit a single document as a pdf file that includes cover letter, Electronic applications are preferred and may be submitted online via the OTS website: http://www.ots.ac.cr, Applications may also be sent electronically to rechum@ots.ac.cr
Students for Spring Internships, World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh
The World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh is looking for qualified and capable University or Graduate Student interns to assist with our 2012 Spring programming. Council interns often take on individual projects that complement the work of the education and public policy teams. Previous intern projects include: researching and compiling background and resource materials for Council programs; assisting with the Council's technology outreach; and performing clerical duties.
The Council requires a minimum weekly commitment of 10 hours for Spring internships, and we are more than happy to accommodate flexible schedules so that students can meet outside obligations. While these internship opportunities are unpaid, the Council will work with your school to provide school credit where applicable.
If you would like to apply for an internship with the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh, please prepare the following materials. A complete application includes the following and should be sent to Carly Reed, Program Officer, at carly@worldpittsburgh.org. Deadline: December 12, 2011.
- A cover letter which includes your goals for the internship and clearly delineates which specific areas of the Council’s work most interest you. In addition, this letter should include your dates of availability as well as the hours and days of the week in which you would prefer to work at the Council.
- An updated resume or CV.
- 2-3 page writing sample. Feel free to provide a short selection from a larger work but please include context materials where needed.
- An unofficial transcript or list of coursework
All applicants should also be prepared for a formal interview. Recognizing that many potential interns are in school, we are happy to conduct phone interviews but prefer in-person interviews whenever feasible.
For more information on the Council's internship program please visit our website, www.worldpittsburgh.org. If you have any questions or require more information, please contact Carly Reed, Program Officer, at 412-281-7055 or via email at carly@worldpittsburgh.org.
Assistant Professor of International Studies, Southern Oregon University
This position requires a record of scholarly achievements relevant to International Studies, and the vision, enthusiasm, and ability to serve as coordinator of the International Studies program and to contribute to the development of the Center for First Nation and Indigenous Studies.
Demonstrated ability to work across disciplines, a collaborative orientation, and an appreciation for diverse faculty perspectives are necessary. A regional focus on Latin America and/or specialization in indigenous peoples is desirable.
Teaching responsibilities include core International Studies program requirements, topics in the candidate's specialty, and courses that approach global issues from a critical perspective. Demonstrated excellence in undergraduate teaching and expertise in contemporary global issues are required. Current international research experience is essential.
Teaching assignments may include University Studies/Seminar, online courses, Medford and Ashland campus classes, and day, evening and weekend courses.
Completed Ph.D. in International Studies or terminal degree in an allied discipline. One year of full time university level teaching including both lower and upper division undergraduate classes; strong interpersonal and organizational skills; demonstrated ability to interact effectively with diverse populations.
For more information, please visit: https://jobs.sou.edu/
Assistant or Associate Professor with specialization in the archaeology of the human dimension global change, University of Maryland
The Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland, anticipates hiring a tenure track assistant professor or associate professor for August 2012. Qualifications include a Ph.D. in anthropology with specialization in the archaeology of the human dimension global change. To be considered for an associate level, candidates must demonstrate an active research agenda with significant publications, significant field experience, significant extramural funding, and teaching excellence.
Candidates are encouraged to apply whose research focuses on the long-term human dimension of global change from the beginning of the modern era (15th century) and who is developing a career documenting the long-term impact of global change on people and communities. It is necessary to demonstrate the relationship between environmental issues - such as natural disasters, climate change, faunal and floral change, sea level rise, and destruction of marine and coastal ecosystems – and the development of inequalities, such as the unequal distribution of resources that has had social and political consequences and demographic change. Successful applicants must show a strong theoretical and methodological focus that complements existing faculty research and be able to work in an interdisciplinary setting. Geographic area is open. For best consideration, apply by January 2, 2012.
The candidate is expected to teach courses in his/her area of interest at the undergraduate to graduate levels, as well as established courses.
Candidates should send a letter of application that details their experiences and interests, current curriculum vitae, and contact information for three professional references. Electronic submission only to: https://jobs.umd.edu Click on <Faculty>, and then look for <BSOS-Anthropology> under <Division/Department>. Questions may be answered by the search coordinator, Sybil Paige, 301-405-1410 or at spaige@umd.edu. Review of applications will begin immediately, and early submissions are strongly encouraged. Priority will be given to applications received by January 1, 2012. The position will remain open until filled.
Associate Positions, The Inter-American Dialogue
The Inter-American Dialogue looking for a strong, mid-level professional to develop and manage one of three key program areas at the Inter-American Dialogue:
1) energy and climate change
2) crime and security
3) democratic governance.
The Associate would be expected to identify priorities within the program area, and play a key role in raising funds to support the program. Specific responsibilities will include: establishing and maintaining contacts with key individuals in Latin America and the US; assisting the President in managing the day-to-day operations of the project; helping to build interest and commitment to the program among policy officials from national governments, multilateral organizations, business groups, and prospective funders; commissioning, writing and editing policy papers and proposals; planning and implementing working group meetings and working trips; tracking and reporting on project grants. The Associate would report to the President of the Inter-American Dialogue and represent program interests in his absence.
This mid-level position requires: a master’s degree in a relevant field; managerial experience; fluency in both Spanish and English (Portuguese is a plus); excellent organizational, written and oral communication skills; familiarity with key issues in the specific program area they are applying for; ability to work effectively with different sectors in both the Latin America and Washington policy communities. This is an excellent position for a mid-level professional who would be challenged by the opportunity to build and direct a program area and to develop as an analyst, representing the Dialogue in their subject area.
To Apply: For consideration, please submit your resume, a cover letter and two writing samples in English to jobs@thedialogue.org, and indicate the program preference in the subject line. If you prefer you may send the materials by fax or mail to Human Resources, Inter-American Dialogue, 1211 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20036. Fax: (202) 822-9553. No phone calls, please.
The following list of events is provided as a service to the community by the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), University of Pittsburgh. CLAS neither recommends nor endorses these events and activities. Please address questions or comments about the events to the contact provided and not to the Center.
Salud para Niños - Birmingham Clinic
Free Pediatric & Flu Immunization Clinics
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Care Mobile
Date: Saturday, November 12, 2011
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: Salvation Army, 54 S. 9th Street, Southside
For more information: http://www.chp.edu/spanishclinic, 412-692-6000 (option 8), http://www.chp.edu/saludparaninos
(Appointment and health insurance are NOT required)
Salsa Events with Marlon Silva
For more information on upcoming events, please visit: www.MarlonSilva.com
Salsa Nights
At: South Aiken Bar & Grill, Shadyside
Dates: Every Tuesday
Times: 9:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. (lessons: 8:00 - 8:30 p.m. for beginners, 8:30 - 9:00 p.m. for Intermediate and Advanced Combinations)
Cost: No Cover Charge
For more information: contact 412-682-6878
Dance Lessons
At: Dance Alloy Theater
Dates: Every Monday (Now through December 5, 2011)
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Dance Alloy Theater, 5530 Penn Avenue, East Liberty
Cost: $175.00 for Singles; $215.00 for Couples
For more information: contact 412-363-4321
At: Point Park University Recreation Center
Dates: Every Monday (Now through December 5, 2011)
Time: 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. (Group A), 10:00 - 11:00 p.m. (Group B)
Location: Point Park University Recreation Center (Former YMCA), Downtown Pittsburgh
Cost: N/A
For more information: contact 412-392-3456
At: August Wilson Center Dance Academy
Dates: Every Saturday (Now through December 10, 2011)
Time: 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Location: August Wilson Center Dance Academy, 980 Liberty Avenue, Downtown Pittsburgh
Cost: $170.00 for Singles; $195.00 for Couples
For more information: contact 412-338-8730
Volunteers Wanted!
Latino Family Center in Squirrel Hill is looking for volunteers!
Practice your Spanish and get experience working with Latino families in the Pittsburgh area.
Activities include, but are not limited to:
- Accompanying a family to a doctor's appointment, errand, etc. and providing translation services
- Helping a family fill out forms and translating necessary information (if not restricted by confidentiality policies)
- Helping out with events at the Latino Family Center, such as play groups, fatherhood groups, holidays, etc.
- Tutor/homework help for the families
- Helping clean/organize play area in the Center
For this kind of work, the volunteer would need to have a strong vocabulary in Spanish. For most events, we will preferably contact you a few days in advance to see if you are available to volunteer. For this reason we will need a copy of your regular work/class schedule.
It is also REQUIRED that the volunteer have FBI clearances, child abuse clearances, and criminal record checks BEFORE they begin volunteering with us. We will give you information on how to acquire these.
If you are interested, please contact Kelly Moffett, services coordinator, at the Latino Center at 412-325-8111. Or come visit us at 2215 Murray Avenue in Squirrel Hill.
If you have an announcement related to a Latin American/Caribbean activity taking place that
you would like to share with others interested in the region, please send details
no later than Tuesday of the week prior to the event to:
Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh,
4200 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15260;
Phone: 412 648 7392; Fax: 412 648 2199; e-mail: clas@pitt.edu