miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2020

Weekly SALSA

Hi friends,


I hope the semester is treating you well! 


Just a reminder that our second GBM is tonight, Wednesday 10/28 from 7-8pm! Here's the zoom link: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/8087954286


Additionally, we have a few other events coming up in the next few weeks:


1. Not Hispanic Enough Discussion - Wednesday, 11/4 from 7-8pm. 

Join us to discuss and talk about assumptions of hispanic people. 


2. Alumni Event - Thursday, 11/12 from 7-8pm.

Lets strengthen the hispanic community at CMU by reconnecting and meeting with alumni!


3. Netflix Street Food Watch Party - Wednesday 11/18 from 7-8pm.


4. Goodbye GBM - Wednesday, 12/2 from 7-8pm.


See you guys tonight!



Ruby Perez-Fry

Secretary of SALSA



Spanish And Latin Student Association
Carnegie Mellon University

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