jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

FRIDAY NIGHT: Amalia Mondragón on Radio Jornalera’s Al Son Que Me Toquen

National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON)


English below

La cultura no es solo entretenimiento, tiene el rol de unir, encontrar, documentar y resignificar antiguos simbolos. Es por eso que la cultura en resistencia funciona en respuesta a momentos historicos particulares como el que estamos viviendo,al igual  tambien a la precariedad laboral que nuestra comunidad vive y diversas demandas sociales que tenemos enfrente.


Es por eso que Radio Jornalera trae para ustedes "Al son que me toquen," un espacio que gestiona la cultura e inspira a la construccion de nuevos movimientos artisticos de resistencia. 


Este viernes traemos para ustedes a Amalia Mondragon y su banda.


Sintonicen este viernes 8 de mayo a las 6 pm hora de Los Angeles en facebook.com/radiojornalera 


Culture is not only entertainment, it also serves to unite, find, document and resignify ancient symbols. That is why incorporating culture in resistance works, in particular to historical moments like the one we are experiencing, the precarious job insecurity that our community lives and the various social demands that we face.


That is why Radio Jornalera brings to you "Al son que me toquen" A space that engages culture and inspires the construction of new artistic resistance movements.


This Friday we bring to you Amalia Mondragon and her band. Amalia Mondragón is a Fronteriza vocalist born in East Los Angeles and raised in the farmlands of La Union, New Mexico. 


She has participated in music festivals such as the Vive Latino, SXSW, Guadalupe Valley Music festival, The Latin Alternative Music Conference, El Imperial, Plaza Condessa, The 9:30, Austin City Limits, among many others. In 2017, Amalia was nominated for a Latin Grammy for her work in The Chamanas in 2016, a Mexicano indie pop music group which showcased her unique fronteriza style.


Tune in this Friday May 8 at 6pm PST "Al son que me toquen"




Siempre para adelante,


Manuel Vicente

Coordinator, Radio Jornalera


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