lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2019

[University of Pittsburgh] Hispanic Heritage Month Events at Pitt

A University-wide committee, chaired by Dr. Gina Garcia and the Latino Student Association (LSA), has come together to develop a comprehensive month of HHM 2018 activities that fall within LSA's four core principles, including cultural, educational, social, and advocacy. The committee includes representatives from across the campus, as well as those from local organizations and other colleges and universities in Pittsburgh, who are striving to create a  collaborative calendar of events intended to create awareness of Hispanics/Latinas/os/xs in Pittsburgh and the broader U.S. context.

See the first official HHM YouTube video that was created by Student Affairs! 

If you have questions, ideas, or want to get more involved with HHM 2019, please email 

Hispanic Heritage Month Events

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