lunes, 22 de julio de 2019

Gracias a la vida

Quantum's world premiere about the life of Violeta Parra, August 2 - 25

Quantum's world premiere about the life of Violeta Parra, August 2 - 25


Carolina Loyola-Garcia portrays music icon Violeta Parra in Quantum Theatre's world premiere Looking for Violeta. Join us debajo de la carpa (under the tent) for her compelling story, including drinksdancing, and live music in six-part harmony.




Looking for Violeta

August 1 – 25, 2019
Frick Park Lawn Bowling Greens

Text by María José Galleguillos
Composition by Emily Pinkerton

Music direction by Daniel Nesta Curtis
Stage direction by Karla Boos

Quantum makes a world premiere based on the life, music, and multi-dimensional art of Violeta Parra. 
Pablo Neruda introduced her authentic interpretation of Chilean folk music to the world. 
Joan Baez sang her songs and emulated her activism. The Louvre exhibited her embroideries. And yet she eludes easy understanding, so we take the attitude of her brother, poet Nicanor Parra, and seek her essence in hauntingly beautiful music. Parra elevated all South American people, her music synonymous with protest movements that resisted dictatorships and improved the lives of thousands. She left us too soon, so join us to find her inspiration under a tent - a Quantum first! - in a stunning Citiparks site.




A limited number of subscriptions are available to Quantum's 2019-20 season. Last year we sold out, don't miss your opportunity to join the Q family.


Quantum subscribers enjoy exclusive early access to each of the three shows - Looking for Violeta, Shakespeare's Will, and Chimerica.


Or call 412-362-1713







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