martes, 24 de abril de 2018

Please Come to the Summit Against Racism Volunteer Mixer!

Hi everyone - Planning is underway for next year's Summit Against Racism. Please check out the link below to register for a volunteer mixer in May.


This January, the Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion sponsored the registration for several CMU students to participate in workshops and engage with the local Pittsburgh community on ways to combat racism and promote unity and racial healing throughout the city. I look forward to expanding CMU's presence and role in what will be the Summit's 21st year.


Participating in the Summit will be a major step toward CMU making a meaningful impact for the people of Pittsburgh. I sincerely hope that you consider contributing your time and effort to planning, promoting, and attending if you can.


Please forward the message along to others who you know may be interested in, or could benefit from, getting involved with this city-wide event.


Volunteers are needed for many subcommittees including  outreach, social media, grant writing, opening/closing ceremony, workshops, youth programming, registration, accessibility, food, program book, town hall and more.


To learn about opportunities to get involved and to meet other volunteers, please come to our Volunteer Mixer, happening May 23 at 6:30 at the Union Project.  We'll have refreshments, music, and presentations on the planning committees that need your help!




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