viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

Aria412 - Opera Caliente - May 1 - Wallace's Whiskey Room + Kitchen


Join us for another spectacular program arranged by Desiree Soteres, a board member of The Bridge Music Hall. Be sure to call ahead for dinner reservations.  412-665-0555



Great music, food and fun



Opera Caliente



As Cinco de Mayo approaches, Aria412 celebrates all things Latin with Opera Caliente en el Salon (Opera in the Lounge)! You won't need to bring your own jalepenos or habaneros, because we'll have all the hotness you can handle! 


On Tuesday May 1 we will gather at Wallace's Whiskey Room + Kitchen 

from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in tribute to the amazing legacy of Spanish music across opera, art songs, and musical theater. 


Join Raquel Winnica Young, Franklin Mosley, Katie Manukyan, Ray Blackwell, William Andrews and Jennifer Saunders LaRocco

accompanied by Amaury Morales

for an evening featuring everything from Tarantulas to Fighters for the Triumph of Faith. Passions will burn brightly from The Shadow of Your Smile to The Gaze of Your Beloved. 


Families are welcome! Raise a glass with us to Latin heritage.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Aria412 is the brainchild of Kelly Lynch and Desiree Soteres.The first Tuesday of each month we bring together some of Pittsburgh's brightest singing talent on themes designed to welcome a broad audience to multiple musical traditions across opera, art songs, musical theater,

and the occasional pop or rock tribute. 









Upcoming Events


Tempting Fates: Sirens & Seduction on the Rhine

Tuesday, June 5

Celebrating the 2018 Pittsburgh Festival Opera Season

Kevin Adamik, Robert Frankenberry, Kathy Soroka, Zach Wood, Kelly Lynch, Desirée Soteres & Matthew Gillespie


Opera Across America - Tuesday, July 3







Desiree Soteres | 21 W Woodland Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15232




martes, 24 de abril de 2018

Volunteer Opportunity Dominican Republic & Perú

As a Founder of AMA, I would like to share this volunteer opportunity with other students and professionals. I would greatly appreciate if you could forward this flyer. If any of your students or professionals have questions, they can feel free to contact me or look at our website for more information. This is a great opportunity to get hands on experience. 


Thank you for your support! 

Best regards, 



Aida Castillo



011 51 994 455 804

Please Come to the Summit Against Racism Volunteer Mixer!

Hi everyone - Planning is underway for next year's Summit Against Racism. Please check out the link below to register for a volunteer mixer in May.


This January, the Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion sponsored the registration for several CMU students to participate in workshops and engage with the local Pittsburgh community on ways to combat racism and promote unity and racial healing throughout the city. I look forward to expanding CMU's presence and role in what will be the Summit's 21st year.


Participating in the Summit will be a major step toward CMU making a meaningful impact for the people of Pittsburgh. I sincerely hope that you consider contributing your time and effort to planning, promoting, and attending if you can.


Please forward the message along to others who you know may be interested in, or could benefit from, getting involved with this city-wide event.


Volunteers are needed for many subcommittees including  outreach, social media, grant writing, opening/closing ceremony, workshops, youth programming, registration, accessibility, food, program book, town hall and more.


To learn about opportunities to get involved and to meet other volunteers, please come to our Volunteer Mixer, happening May 23 at 6:30 at the Union Project.  We'll have refreshments, music, and presentations on the planning committees that need your help!




sábado, 21 de abril de 2018

Carne Asada!!!


4-6pm Baker Hall Terrace

Please come by and join us for carne asada and other types of delicious food! (We will have more than just beef if you don't care for that)
All proceeds and donations will go to supporting the new Latinx house and its students at Roselawn 15.

Also, for those who would like to help, (please do!) head over to the Baker Hall Terrace to help set up and decorate.

Saludos and see you there!

Spanish And Latin Student Association
Carnegie Mellon University

jueves, 19 de abril de 2018

evento - el sábado

Por primera vez, durante Carnaval, va a haber un espacio/evento dedicado a los graduados/estudiantes latinx/hispanos.  

martes, 17 de abril de 2018

Pitt Early Head Start - Paid Postition

I’m looking for students who may be interested in doing language translation work and in creating program materials for our Early Head Start program at Pitt’s Office of Child Development.  The languages of need include Nepali, Swahili, Arabic, Spanish, Russian, and French. This would be a paid position.


I appreciate your help in reaching out to interested students for this project.


Thank you,






Hola a todos!


Carnival is almost upon us! Before that though, we have some important announcements for you so take a look. Also, here's a little something to get you through the rest of the week. Hope you enjoy. :)


"I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought there are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do. I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes, it's true I'm here, and I'm just as strange as you." - Frida Kahlo



Carne Asada hosted by SALSA (That's Us!): Join SALSA Saturday at 4 PM - 6 PM at the Baker Hall Terrace for a Carne Asada during CMU Carnival! This open event geared towards Alums will allow you the opportunity to network with the LatinX community and it's supporters while gorging on delicious food. Music via student performances and dancing will be in occurrence, too! As the last major event hosted by our SALSA Eboard for the 2017-2018 school year, we'd love to see you there. Check out the event page and let us know if you're going!


If you would like to perform send us an email with what you will be performing and any equipment you may need. 


If you would like to help grill also let us know! We'll be requesting volunteers for Friday shopping and Saturday grilling. 


SALSA Social during Carnival ~

Thursday at 9 Unger Ln 9pm


ALLIES Open Mic Night: CMU ALLIES will be hosting an Open Mic Night on April 26th from 8:00 - 9:30 PM in the CUC Studio Theater. The Open Mic Night is named Breaking the Silence and will take place after the annual Day of Silence event, which they hold in recognition of all the people who have been bullied or harassed because of their orientation or gender identity. That said, the performances need not relate explicitly to LGBTQ+ issues. In fact, they are encouraging performers to focus on the different aspects of their identity (e.g. race/ethnicity, religion, etc.) through various media like spoken word, slam poetry, singing, playing instruments, etc.


Anyone interested in performing at the Open Mic Night (even tentative interest) should fill out the interest form at this link.  Feel free to contact with any questions or concerns.


Medical Spanish StuCo: As the Spanish-speaking population grows in Pittsburgh and across the nation, it is becoming increasingly more important for US healthcare professionals to be comfortable speaking Spanish. This course will combine independent study and interactive in-class activities in order to create clinical settings that will call for your use of Spanish. Our objective is to have students be able to comfortably communicate with Spanish-speaking patients in a culturally sensitive manner. In addition to basic language development, students will learn Latino social-cultural differences, and health disparities that disproportionately and unjustly affect the US Latino population. Check out the poster below.


If you are a pre-health student, a Spanish-speaker, or someone interested in gaining an incredible life skill, this is the StuCo for you!



Head Orientation Counselors would like to hear what we have to say about our orientation experience and what changes we would want to see. Tuesday at 5pm at the Student life conference room 

The conference room is at the back corner of the main floor of Morwood Gardens, in the left corner near the kitchen area. 











Spanish And Latin Student Association
Carnegie Mellon University

lunes, 16 de abril de 2018

CLAS@Pitt--CLAS Events--Week 04/16 to 04/20--Mark your Calendars!

Tuesday, April 17—Lecture at 12:30pm—Room 4217 Posvar Hall


Tuesday, April 17—Film at 7pm (Pizza@6:30pm--Film@7pm)


Thursday, April 19—Round Table Discussion (4pm—CLAS Reception Area, 4200 Posvar Hall)


For more information, visit:



Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS)

University Center for International Studies (UCIS)

University of Pittsburgh

4200 Wesley W. Posvar Hal

Pittsburgh, PA  15260

Office: 412-648-7392

Fax: 412-648-2199


miércoles, 11 de abril de 2018

jueves, 5 de abril de 2018

TOMORROW---CLAS@Pitt: Documenting Diasporas: Afro-Latin Americans and Afro-Latinos (04/06/2018)

Documenting Diasporas: Afro-Latin Americans and Afro-Latinos 


Friday, April 6, 2018

Room: 4130 Wesley W. Posvar Hall

1:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.







Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS)

University Center for International Studies (UCIS)

University of Pittsburgh

4200 Wesley W. Posvar Hal

Pittsburgh, PA  15260

Office: 412-648-7392

Fax: 412-648-2199


lunes, 2 de abril de 2018

Alive You Took Them: Graphic narratives on Mexico’s Disappeared

CAS Speakers Presents

TODAY! Monday, April 2

Andalusia Knoll-Soloff will present Alive You Took Them: Graphic narratives on Mexico's Disappeared

Gregg Hall (Porter 100) at 4:30

Andalusia Knoll-Soloff is a freelance multimedia journalist based in Mexico City. On September 26, 2014, police kidnapped 43 students from the Ayotzinapa teachers college in southern Mexico. To date, their parents still search for them, proclaiming, "alive you took them, alive we want them." For the past three years Andalusia Knoll Soloff, along with a Mexican collective of artists and researchers have been working on a graphic novel that uses first-hand accounts to tell the story of these parents' tireless search to find the Ayotzinapa students and challenge government impunity. Andalusia will speak about comics journalism and the challenges of illustrating such a heart-wrenching story where reality surpasses fiction.

Andalusia Knoll-Soloff is a frequent contributor to VICE News, Al Jazeera, Democracy Now! and TRT World. Her work focuses on gender violence, human rights violations and land struggles in Latin America.

More information on this talk can be found here:

Co-Sponsored by
The CMU Department of Modern Languages
The CMU Global Studies Program
The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at Pitt




Copyright © 2018 Carnegie Mellon University, Center for the Arts in Society, All rights reserved.
CAS Members List

Our mailing address is:

Carnegie Mellon University, Center for the Arts in Society

5000 Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, Pa 15213

General Body Meeting!!



Just a quick reminder that TODAY in Porter Hall A18B at 5:00pm is our GBM! Please be sure to attend as we have important information about elections, upcoming events, and other opportunities.





Spanish And Latin Student Association
Carnegie Mellon University