jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

ULS lecture by trustee Luis Ball

January 29:

Latin America, the Unnoticed Giant South of the Border, a lecture by Luis Ball, CMU trustee and president of Allegheny Medical Systems LLC. 4:30 p.m., Porter Hall. American perception of Latin America has been heavily influenced by the 400 year rivalry between England and Spain. Popular views on the region and its history, and even scholarly writing, start with pre-conceived ideas based on myths and not reality. This lecture will cover the true history of the region in the context of U.S. history and the important aspects for understanding the region today, the colonial laws regarding native tribes and peoples, the Catholic Church and the wars of independence. Ball also will discuss the developments in the post colonial period that shaped Latin America today and its attitudes vis-a-vis the U.S. Additionally, he'll discuss the revolutions and dictatorships, the economic underdevelopment and Latin America today.

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