Madame Presidenta: Why Not U.S.? A Documentary Film by Heather Arnet
Date: Thursday, April 10, 2014
Time: 7:15 p.m.
Location: 3911 W.W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh
In January 2013, Heather Arnet, Women and Girls Foundation CEO, traveled to Brazil to explore the changing political and economic roles women are playing in Brazil’s global leadership. The one-hour documentary explores how women are emerging as political leaders around the world, how Brazil came to elect its first woman president, Dilma Rousseff, in 2010, what impact her presidency is having on global markets, women’s rights and opportunities, and what American women and businesses can learn from the Brazilian experience.
A panel discussion will follow the screening and will include:
•Heather Arnet, CEO of Women and Girls Foundation and writer/director of the film;
•Erin Molchany, PA State Representative, 22nd Legislative District of Allegheney County and
•Dr. Gabriela Tarouco, Professor of Political Science, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, and Visiting Fulbright Scholar, Department of Political Science
Refreshments will be served.
Co-sponsored by the Brazil Nuts Portuguese Club, the Campus Women’s Organization at Pitt, the Center for Latin American Studies, the Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies Program, the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, and the University Honors College.
Social Movements and World-System Transformation: Political Economy of the World-System
38th Annual Conference
Dates: April 10-12, 2014
For conference program and information visit:
KEYNOTE ADDRESSES are Free and open to the public
“Dilemmas of Alter-Movements” by Immanuel Wallerstein (Senior Research Scholar, Yale University) Date: Thursday, April 10, 2014
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Location: Cathedral of Learning 324
Reception to follow
“Feminism as Counter-Hegemonic” by Sylvia Walby (Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University, UNESCO Chair in Gender Research Group)
Date: Friday, April 11, 2014
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: Cathedral of Learning, Room G24
River Research Experience in the Upper Amazon Basin by Jorge D. Abad (Pitt School of Engineering)
Date: Friday, April 11, 2014
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: 319 Benedum Hall
For more information:
The Peruvian Upper Amazon is known as a hyperdiverse region (one of the most biodiverse regions of the planet) that presents world records in biodiversity per unit area and great concentration of endemic species (e.g reptiles, amphibious, trees, primates, and birds), of which only 2-3% are known so far. Some of the theories to explain this high biodiversity rely on correlations with river dynamics. The seasonal increase and decrease of water discharge in the Amazon River produces large variations in the water stage, with concomitant river flooding, streambank erosion, navigation and shoaling issues, changes on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and in the long term, changes on the river’s planform and altimetric patterns.
The Amazon River is formed by the confluence between the anabranching Marañon River and the meandering Ucayali River at Nauta city, PERU. Even though extensive research has been dedicated to understand the modern Amazon River in terms of its ecology, biology, geology, among other disciplines, little is known about its physically-based morphodynamic processes and dynamics. Herein, this study is focused on the channel pattern variability and morphodynamics of the Upper Amazon system, where freely meandering channels (e.g. Ucayali, Nanay, Itaya, Yavari) and anabranching structures (e.g. Amazon, Marañon, Napo) are found. The anabranching structures are composed of a main channel and several secondary channels (herein named non-freely, non-developed meanders).
This study discusses planform dynamics of freely meandering channels and anabranching structures using state-of-the-art field instruments such as acoustic Doppler profilers and multi- and single-beam echo sounders combined with mathematical hydrodynamic and morphodynamic models. Insights on the flow structure, bed morphology and planform dynamics of the Upper Amazon Rivers are revealed.
The Poetics of Rediscovery: New Paths in Latin American Documentary
Documentary film screenings and Q&A, with Julio Ramos (Puerto Rico) and Alex Schlenker (Ecuador)
Date: Friday, April 11, 2014
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. Roundtable Discussion with University of Pittsburgh faculty from several departments
Location: Frick Fine Arts Auditorium
The following is a brief schedule of the event:
10AM-12PM: Julio Ramos and screening of Retornar a La Habana con Guillén Lándrian followed by Detroit's Rivera
2PM-4PM: Alex Schlenker and screening of Chigualeros
4PM-6PM: Round table discussion lead by professors John Beverley, Jennifer Josten, and Emily Pinkerton
There will be an introduction by each filmmaker and a question and answer period following each screening.
For more information:
Coordinated by: Amigos del Cine Latinoamericano
The symposium will be a one-day event with a morning and an afternoon screening, each preceded by an introduction by the filmmakers and followed by both a question-and-answer session and a final round table, where University of Pittsburgh faculty from several departments will contribute their insights on the films. We will present two works by scholar and filmmaker Julio Ramos: the first on Afro-Cuban filmmaker and poet Guillén Landrián, the less-well-known nephew of Cuba’s national poet Nicolás Guillén, and the second an uncovering of the stories behind the murals Diego Rivera painted in the city of Detroit. The latter, titled Detroit’s Rivera, highlights the archival work required for the making documentaries. Rounding out the program will be Chigualeros, by director Alex Schlenker, the tale of the career of an Ecuadoran band and their struggles for sending their music out into the world beyond their community’s adoring fans.
Sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Latin American Studies, School of Education, Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, Department of History, Department of Instruction and Learning, Department of English, Film Studies, Humanities Center, and Department of Theatre Arts.
University Center for International Studies – Joint Graduation Ceremony & Reception
African Studies Program – Asian Studies Center – Center for Latin American Studies – Global Studies Center
Date: Thursday, April 17, 2014
Time: 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. (Graduation ceremony from 4-5 p.m., Reception from 5-6 p.m.)
Location: William Pitt Union Ballroom (Main Floor)
To RSVP, please visit:
All graduating students are invited to attend! Dress code is casual, and you are invited to bring guests if you wish!
** Do you have photos related to your international experiences? **
If you have photographs or images from your time at Pitt that reflect your travel or experiences related to your center (such as Study Abroad, research, or events), we would love to display them at the ceremony! Please send photos to Madeline Townsend at! (For very large image files, please upload them to an online photo album such as or and send the link for download.)
Festival Brasileiro – Brazil Nuts
Date: Saturday, April 19, 2014 at 6pm - 10pm
Location: University of Pittsburgh
For more information:
Sponsored by: Student Government Board, the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) and the Department of Hispanic Language and Literatures at the University of Pittsburgh
Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS)
University Center for International Studies
University of Pittsburgh
4200 Wesley W. Posvar Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Office: 412-648-7392
Fax: 412-648-2199