martes, 9 de julio de 2013

CLAS Weekly Update - 7/9/2013

Center for Latin American Studies

Upcoming Events




Save the Date


CLAS Fall 2013 Welcome Reception

The Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh, would like to extend a very warm welcome for the upcoming academic year to its students and faculty (returning and new) at its annual welcoming reception! All current and new students, faculty, and staff, as well as alumni and friends of the center are cordially invited to attend, meet and greet each other for an auspicious beginning to the semester. Refreshments will be served.

Date: Thursday, September 5, 2013 (only 8 weeks away!)

Time: 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Location: Lower Lounge, William Pitt Union, University of Pittsburgh



New Academic Research Database


The Center for Health Equity, located in the Graduate School of Public Health, has created a new research database on Latinos in Southwestern Pennsylvania. This academic resource includes a compiled list of dissertations and theses, as well as peer-reviewed publications, which focus on a range of health and social issues that affect Latinos in our region. Please let us know of any additional peer-reviewed works that can be added to the database.

The database can be accessed at: Questions? Please contact Patricia Documét, MD, DrPH, Scientific Director Center for Health Equity,



Journal Online


alter/nativas – Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies

Bi-annual and peer reviewed journal devoted to the study of Latin American cultures, publishes texts in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Each issue will have a special section on a specific theme, which will explore the articulations between the cultural, social, economic, and political spheres within Latin America. We welcome submissions of academic articles and multimedia essays all year round. Please consult the guidelines for more information.

          alter/nativas provides free and open access and its goal is to promote the widest possible exchange of ideas among intellectuals, artists and researchers concerned with the region’s cultural problems.

The first issue, Autumn 2013, is already online at:





2014-2015 Fulbright US Student Program

Pitt graduate students and alumni are strongly encouraged to apply for the 2014-2015 Fulbright U.S. Student Program competition (

Background: For more than 65 years, the federal government-sponsored Fulbright U.S. Student Program has provided future American leaders with an unparalleled opportunity to study, conduct research and teach in other countries. Fulbright grants aim to increase mutual understanding among nations through educational and cultural exchange while serving as a catalyst for long-term leadership development.

Grant details: The Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards over 1,700 grants annually and currently operates in more than 140 countries worldwide. Fulbright English Teaching Assistantships are now available to over 60 countries. Fulbright grants provide funding for round-trip travel, maintenance for one academic year, health and accident coverage and may also provide full or partial tuition.

Eligibility: Applicants to the Fulbright U.S. Student Program must be U.S. citizens at the time of application and hold a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent by the beginning of the grant. The Fulbright U.S. Student Program does not require applicants to be currently enrolled in a college or university. Applications from young professionals interested in an international experience are also encouraged.

How to apply: Current graduate students and Pitt alumni should contact Ben Pilcher, Fulbright Program Advisor, as soon as possible for application details: or 412-383-7165. (Undergraduates should contact the University Honors College for application instructions.) The on-campus application deadline is September 9, 2013, but interested students should start their application immediately, as winning applications require significant time and effort.


Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans

Thirty Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans will be awarded in 2013 on the basis of a single national competition. Each fellowship supports up to two years of graduate study – in any field and in any advanced degree-granting program – in the United States. Each award is for up to $25,000 in maintenance grants and up to $20,000 in tuition support for each year of graduate study supported, a total of as much as $90,000. The deadline for submission of completed applications is November 9, 2013.

To be eligible, you must be:

  • A New American (a green card holder or naturalized citizen if born abroad; a child of naturalized citizens if born in this country).
  • Not yet 31 years old, as of the application deadline.
  • A college senior or holder of a bachelor’s degree.
  • Not beyond your second year – if already enrolled -- in the graduate degree program for which you request support.

Selection criteria emphasize creativity, originality, initiative, and sustained accomplishment. The program values a commitment to the constitution and the bill of rights; and promotes a strong sense of community among fellows and alumni through fall conferences for fellows and numerous events for fellows and alumni held throughout the country. The top 77 applicants will be designated “finalists” and will be asked to appear for interviews in New York City or Los Angeles in late-January of 2014. The 30 fellowship winners, selected from among the 77 finalists, will be announced in March of 2014.

For more information: go to:





4to. Congreso Internacional “Dinámicas de inclusión y exclusión en América Latina. Perspectivas y prácticas de etnicidad, ciudadanía y pertenencia”

La Red de Investigación sobre América Latina, el Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (CUCSH) de la Universidad de Guadalajara y el Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS-Occidente) tienen el agrado de invitarlos a participar en el 4to. Congreso Internacional “Dinámicas de inclusión y exclusión en América Latina. Perspectivas y prácticas de etnicidad, ciudadanía y pertenencia” que se llevará a cabo en Guadalajara, México, del 4 al 6 de septiembre de 2013.

El evento reunirá a investigadores de diversas regiones del mundo, aportando perspectivas históricas, antropológicas, políticas, sociológicas y de ciencias culturales en torno a tres ejes temáticos:

Etnicidades y pertenencias, Pertenencias y ciudadanías en contextos de migración y Transformaciones de ciudadanía y entrelazamientos con lo étnico.

El idioma oficial del Congreso será el español.

La inscripción es obligatoria y gratuita. Los interesados en participar en calidad de oyentes deberán registrarse mediante el siguiente formulario de inscripción:, hasta el 14 de agosto de 2013.

Para mayor información, favor de consultar el tríptico informativo y el programa adjuntos o remitirse a


“On Bodies: Practices, Perspectives, Materials,” Conference, Quito - Ecuador

The Universidad San Francisco de Quito convenes the symposium “On Bodies: Practices, Perspectives, Materials” to be held on November 21, 22 and 23, 2013, on the university campus located in Cumbayá, just outside the city of Quito, Ecuador. We propose to initiate a conversation about the body and embodiment that includes voices from the arts, anthropology, art history, the visual and performing arts, film studies, literature, philosophy, psychoanalysis, politics, science and technology, and sociology. In addition, we will include spaces in which non-verbal, embodied contributions to this conversation from performance and contemporary arts can be made and discussed.

As a topic of analysis, "the body" has become quite popular in a variety of contemporary intellectual circles. However, what is this "body" we are talking about? Far from being clear and distinct, the body reveals itself as something complex and ambiguous. In many disciplines, there is a certain tension between essentialist and constructivist considerations of the body. Does the body have particular irreducible characteristics or is it better understood as the intersection of discourses? Does it have its own agency and subjectivity in the process of its becoming or is it determined by precursory physical and/or cultural conditions? Beyond dualistic conceptions that define the body exclusively in terms of nature or discourse or as an inter-subjective, social-political phenomenon rather than the basis of individuality, we recognize the body´s complexity and approach it from a variety of perspectives. The body is plural and involves multiple dimensions.

Date: November, 21, 22 and 23, 2013 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday)

Location: Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador

Languages: Spanish, English

Organized by: College of Social Sciences and Humanities, USFQ College of Communication and Contemporary Arts, USFQ

Deadline for submission of proposals: August 15th, 2013

For more information: regarding registration, paper submissions, speakers, and more go to:



Intern Needed


Mexico Institute, Wilson Center, Summer Intern

The Mexico Institute seeks an Intern for the period of July-December of 2013. Interested Candidates should send resumé, cover letter and writing sample to Please review full guidelines below.

Opening Date: Immediately; applications will be considered on a rolling basis until position has been filled.

Internship Description: These internships are designed to provide the individuals selected with the opportunity for practical experience in an environment that successfully mixes academic study with public policy. Interns will gain valuable experience in a variety of projects such as conference organization, library and Internet research, assistance with the preparation of publications, and administrative assignments in support of Center activities.

Additionally, interns will assist in the Mexico Institute's outreach and communications efforts helping to manage content on the Institute's blog the Mexico Portal and social media.

Eligibility Requirements:

Successful applicants should have strong research and/or administrative skills, be detail-oriented, be able to work independently and collectively as part of group, and be currently enrolled in an undergraduate/graduate degree program, a recent graduate (within the last year), and/or have been accepted to enter an advanced degree program. Strong writing skills and language ability in both English and Spanish are essential. Translation experience will be considered an asset. This is a paid internship.

Application Instructions: To apply, send your resume, a letter describing how you could contribute to our team and what you are looking to gain from the internship, and a 3-5 page writing sample. Clearly state what dates and times you are available to work.

All materials should be submitted together by the due date to

For more information: about the Mexico Institute and the Woodrow Wilson Center, visit



Call for Papers for Publication


“Islands in the Mainstream: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Caribbean Rhetoric,” a Publishing Project Title

Rationale: One of the paradoxes of rhetorical inquiry is that it tends to disqualify the very activity on which it is founded. Beginning with Plato’s skepticism of its merit, inquiry into the practice of rhetoric has long been mediated by the constant need among rhetoricians to provide a solid, indisputable account of its worth. An unfortunate consequence of this is a contemporary tradition that has treated emergent rhetorics with similar skepticism and frustration—indigenous, feminist, queer, digital, and cultural rhetorics have all run afoul of the tradition at some point and have been subject to unwarranted dismissal or casual disregard. The Caribbean is no exception. The region has been viewed as an archetypal site of modern fragmentation, coalescence, and consumption that all occur as a great confluence of languages, cultures, and worldviews in the region. In response, emerging scholarship in rhetorical studies has begun to put pressure on this myth and has called for a more robust understanding of the region, its people, and especially their means of negotiating the myriad complexities of vernacular life. Among vernacular practitioners, it is argued, rhetoric is more than the use of language to make meaning of observable phenomena, more than the critique of symbolic or material representations, or of how they and the things they say and do and make are viewed or named by others. More crucially, these practitioners are able to activate vernacular sensibilities for particular outcomes through conscious performativity, creative alterity, and other forms of deliberative display.

However, aside from its practitioners, and the few who specialize in its study, this fact is not self-evident. A significant reason for this is that although our activities are often implicitly persuasive (or possess suasive characteristics that are easily discernible), we do not often consider what we do to be within the realm of rhetorical studies. And for those of us inclined to view the argumentative, rational, and persuasive aspects of our creative and scholarly work as rhetorical, there is an additional tendency to avoid explicit attachment to the discipline, preferring to employ more palatable euphemisms (like versatility, discourse, strategies, or tactics) that appear to be less fraught. From the view of rhetorical studies, such distinctions are a mistake. As a matter of fact, distinctions of this sort are counterintuitive to the understanding of productive discursive activity as rhetoric, leaving many seminal works virtually dispersed, or beyond the perceived boundaries of the field. The development of Caribbean scholarship in rhetoric may thus be thought of as being doubly undermined—both separate and unequal—and subject to de facto invisibility and silencing. Ironically, this threat of erasure presents us with an invaluable opportunity to accomplish important definitional work. It therefore serves as the impetus for this collection.

Rooted in the need to be seen and heard, as well as the imperative of giving a suitable account of the rhetorical tradition(s) from which it emerges, this collection asks: How do Caribbean people define themselves as deliberate practitioners of rhetoric, and how do their practices contribute to the knowledge-making processes that can potentially surpass the far too simplistic designations of “identity” or “cultural production” in contemporary society? What is the province of Caribbean rhetoric, its scope? What are its inimitable characteristics and its more generalizable ones, which would encourage meaningful interaction? What are the greatest impediments to rhetorical exploration, particularly with regard to the intersections of rhetoric with related arts (aesthetics, poetics, philosophy, and politics)? Who gets to theorize what it is and is not?

If rhetoric is indeed grounded in human activity, does it not fall to those engaged in that activity to name themselves and their representative rhetoric(s), theorizing in terms they devise? This collection is an affirmation of that logic, a response to the implicit urgency triggered by the glaring absence of such work from the field. As a necessary measure, it resists tendencies toward reflexive parochialism, viewing interdisciplinarity as the best approach to Caribbean rhetoric, an approach that promises to be more generative and, ultimately, more useful; the breadth of scholarship is intended to reflect not only the inherent complexity of the region, but also will enrich contemporary understandings of how Caribbean rhetoric is/ought to be conceived, articulated, practiced, taught, and preserved.

Call: Proposals are sought from scholars, teachers, practitioners, and researchers in rhetoric, communication, literature, Caribbean studies, indigenous studies, diaspora studies, cultural studies, gender studies, and the visual and performing arts for contributions that explore aspects of Caribbean rhetorical expression from an interdisciplinary perspective. In particular, original essays are sought that will contribute to and fortify emerging work in the study of Caribbean rhetoric by envisioning the scope and dimension of what such work might entail. Such essays will engage, challenge, and move beyond the traditional perimeter of rhetorical analysis, encompassing the epistemic, pedagogical, and public work that occurs in a broad range of Caribbean texts: oral/aural, visual, scribal, tactile, digital, environmental, supernatural, etc. Essays about the anglophone, dutchophone, francophone, and hispanophone Caribbean are strongly encouraged, though authors are asked to submit their proposals (and their essays, if accepted) in English, except in the case of specialized terms, phrases, and concepts (annotated accordingly).

The first of its kind to specifically consider the rhetoric of Caribbean cultural production from interdisciplinary perspectives, this collection will provide scholars, teachers, and students with innovative approaches for discussing the range of motives, histories, and social realities that necessitate inquiry and inclusion in rhetorical studies. Similarly, it will contribute to Caribbean studies and other disciplines represented in the volume by providing a dynamic set of robust rhetorical theories for reading Caribbean culture. In addition to defining theoretical parameters for reading Caribbean rhetoric and exploring areas of practice for further research, contributors will be encouraged to consider the pedagogical implications of their ideas. This can include developing curricula (introductory, intermediate, or advanced courses in rhetorical education among undergraduate writing majors, or courses that respond to particular writing-intensive programs, writing centers, or Writing Across the Curriculum), community literacy/publishing initiatives (ongoing or envisioned), or research studies (archival, ethnographic, qualitative, quantitative, etc.) on projects that engage students on matters of Caribbean import. Essays that are collaboratively authored by faculty and students and/or faculty and professionals are particularly welcome.

While the following list is not exhaustive, possible chapters may fall within these broad categories:


·         Carnival Theatre

·         Dance/Performance Art

·         Digital Humanities/New Media/Technology/Broadcast Media

·         Fine Art/Photography

·         Food

·         Gender Studies and Sexuality

·         Geopolitics

·         Historiography/Interrogations of Historical Narratives

·         Labor Union/National/Political Parties

·         Literature

·         Music

·         National/Sub-Supranational/Transnational

·         Oratory/Public Address

·         Pedagogy

·         Postcolonial/Neocolonial

·         Popular Culture

·         Public Archives/Public Memory/Concepts of Vernacular Memory

·         Race Studies

·         Race(d) Relations

·         Surveillance

·         Vernacular Bodies/Love and Sex


Please submit a proposal, approximately 500 words, that discusses the proposed chapter to the editor, Kevin A. Browne ( Questions and queries are welcome. The deadline for proposal submissions is November 30, 2013.


Latin American Graduate Research Reviews/Reseñas de Investigación de Posgrado en América Latina (LAGRR/RIPAL)

We would like to invite you to participate in Latin American Graduate Research Reviews/ Reseñas de Investigación de Posgrado en América Latina (LAGRR/RIPAL). LARGG/RIPAL is devoted to promoting a wider awareness of in-progress and recently completed student research on Latin America in all humanities and social science disciplines. We provide the opportunity for students both to introduce their unpublished doctoral dissertations, Masters theses, and undergraduate theses to a broader audience as well as to connect with other student researchers who are pursuing related lines of investigation.

The success of our project requires the participation of others who believe in the value of this endeavor. According, we ask that you consider participating in one or more of the following capacities:

  1. Adding a brief description of your in-progress research to our catalog of “In-Progress Research.”
  2. Serving as a Reviewer of completed dissertations and theses.
  3. Submitting your completed dissertation or thesis for review by one of our Reviewers.

Our reviews are not critical reviews, but rather they are designed to highlight and call attention to the innovations being made by students, with the goal of providing free, positive publicity for the scholarship that they are completing. Reviews summarize the author’s primary arguments and methodology, situate the work in relation to existing scholarship, and explain the contributions that the work will make to scholarship on Latin America; as many of the authors who submit their theses/dissertations are in the process of converting their works in to publications, our reviews protect the integrity of submitted work by remaining general in their summaries and not including detail about specific research sources or data.

Our reviewers are faculty and graduate students from throughout the Americas, Europe, and the South Pacific. They work in a wide range of disciplines and have a wide range of research specialties, so scholars with expertise specific to each dissertation/thesis topic conduct all reviews.

In addition to providing reviews of recently completed graduate research, LAGRR/RIPAL also provides a separate catalog of information on in-progress graduate research. Although we do not publish reviews of in-progress research, this “Catalog of In-Progress Research” contains brief descriptions of in-progress student research. This catalog allows current graduate students to publicize their in-progress research and to connect with other graduate students who are undertaking research on similar topics or in a similar location.

If you are interested in serving as a Reviewer, adding a brief description of your in-progress research to our catalog of “In-Progress Research”, and/or submitting your dissertation or thesis for review by one of our reviewers, please click on the following link to compete a brief academic profile:

Further information about LAGRR/RIPAL, visit us at or on Facebook at We thank you for your interest in our project and encourage you to share this information with any colleagues, peers, and students who might also be interested in this project.




The following list of events is provided as a service to the community by the

Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), University of Pittsburgh.

CLAS neither recommends nor endorses these events and activities.

Please address questions or comments about the events to the

contact provided and not to the Center.



Jazz at Andy’s


The Zero Ted Series presents Brazilian singer, songwriter and percussionist Nanny Assis with special guest vocalist Kenia, guitarist Edgar de Almeida and bassist Leonardo Lucini.

Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Time: 7:30 pm

Location: Andys Wine Bar, Fairmont Hotel, 510 Market Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222; 412-773-8884

Cost: No cover charge, self-parking is $7 after 4:00 pm in the Fairmont garage.

For more information: visit or email



Salud para Niños


Birmingham Clinic - Free Pediatric & Flu Immunization Clinics

Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Care Mobile

Date: July 13 & August 10, 2013

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Location: Savation Army, 54 S. 9th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203 (Southside)

For more information:, 412-692-6000 (option 8),

(Appointment and health insurance are NOT required)


** Should you want to subscribe to “Salud para Niños” email list sent by Dr. Diego Chaves-Gnecco, which includes all health-related events, email him at with the Subject: SUBSCRIBE SALUD PARA NINOS UPDATES, NEWS AND FUTURE EVENTS **



Spanish at the Main Carnegie Library (Oakland)


Let's Learn Spanish! : Spanish language fun for the whole family

Children and their adults - Learn to speak Spanish through stories, songs and rhymes. New vocabulary will be introduced every week.

Date: Every Thursday

Time: 6:30 – 7:15 pm

Location: Children’s Carnegie Library, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (Oakland)

For more information: call 412-622-3122 or email

Registration is required for this event. You can register by calling 412-622-3122 or by filling in the online form found on each event date (


Spanish Conversation Club : El Club de conversación en Español

Whether your Spanish skills are intermediate or fluent, join us for lively and engaging conversation in Spanish. Meets on the second and fourth Thursday of the month.

Si eres intermedio o avanzado, practica con nosotros, tus habilidades del idioma, en conversaciones vivas y comprometidas.

Date: Every other Thursday (July 11 & 25, August 8 & 22)

Time: 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Location: Classroom A, Main Library, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (Oakland)

For more information: contact Bonnie at 412-622-3151 or email

Registration is required for this event. You can register by calling 412-622-3122 or by filling in the online form found on each event date


Cuentos y Canciones at the Carnegie Library

Stories, songs and rhymes in Spanish for native speakers and beginners alike on the fourth Saturday of the month. Fun for the whole family. Para toda la familia. Bienvenidos!

Date: Saturday, July 27, 2013

Time: 10:30 – 11:15 am

Location: Children’s Carnegie Library, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (Oakland)

For more information: call 412-622-3122 or email

Registration is required for this event. You can register by calling 412-622-3122 or by filling in the online form found at



Job Opportunities


Two Positions with the Primary Care Center of Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC

There are two great job opportunities at the Primary Care Center of Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC. We are looking ideally for bilingual candidates. The hired staff will be working closely with our program Salud Para Niños

The positions are for: a Patient Information Coordinator and for a Registered Nurse; and they are posted at the UPMC website. If you or somebody that you know is interested please apply through the UPMC Careers website shown below. UPMC is an equal opportunity employer.


Patient Information Coordinator (

Attention - If you applied to this position, please be aware that you may need to complete an online assessment as part of the hiring process. This assessment will be sent to the e-mail address that you included in the application. This assessment must be completed within 5 days of receiving it.

UPMC Physician Services Division is seeking qualified candidates for casual and full-time opportunities with our Registration and Scheduling Department as Patient Information Coordinators. Candidates must be able to work all shifts seven days a week and will need to be on-call to work other shifts as needed. Work settings include physician practices, emergency rooms, and outpatient surgery departments within UPMC physician practices and hospitals. Applicants interested in the Patient Information Coordinator position must be willing to travel to UPMC physician practices and UPMC hospitals within Allegheny County.

Basic Qualifications:

  • High School graduate or equivalent
  • Experience with personal computer based applications and other office equipment
  • Two years of experience in medical/billing/fiscal or customer service function strongly preferred
  • Medical terminology and third party health care coverage experience preferred

Licensure/Certifications: Act 33, 34 and 73 clearances are required within 30 days of employment

How to apply:

1.    Look in middle of the screen right side for Quick Search and click on the link

2.    In the next screen look for Advanced Search and click on the link

3.    Use the following Job Opening ID: Patient Information Coordinator 2036983

4.    Click on the search link

5.    Click on the interested position and apply

6.    Once you have applied please send an email to either, or so you can be invited for an interview after you have completed and passed the online assessment


Professional Staff Nurse, OP

University of Pittsburgh Physicians is hiring a Full-Time Professional Staff Nurse, OP to help support the Department of Pediatrics Gap PCP Department. This position has hours that vary: 8:00 am -4:30 pm, 9:00 am- 5:30 pm and 12:30 pm - 9:00 pm. Will be based out of the office in Oakland.

The Professional Staff Nurse is a Registered Nurse, member of the care delivery team. The Professional Staff Nurse is responsible to set the standards for the level and quality of care. The Professional Staff Nurse has responsibility, authority and accountability for the provision of nursing care. The Professional Staff Nurse manages and provides patient care activities for a group of patients and their families through the application of independent judgment, communication and collaboration with all team members. The Professional Staff Nurse establishes and maintains collaborative relationships with physicians, other health care providers, patients and their families, to achieve desired patient outcomes throughout the continuum of care. The Professional Staff Nurse demonstrates a commitment to the community and to the nursing profession.

Basic Qualifications: The individual must be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to provide care and/or interact appropriately to the ages of the patients served by his/her assigned unit as specified below. They must also demonstrate knowledge of the principles of growth and development over the life span and possess the ability to assess data reflective of the patient’s status and interpret the appropriate information needed to identify each patient’s requirements relative to his/her age-specific needs and to provide the care needs as described in the department policy and procedures.

Minimum 6 months experience preferred.

BSN preferred.

Licensure/Certifications: Act 33, 34 and 73 child abuse clearances required; Registered Nurse; Basic Life Support OR Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation; Current Pennsylvania licensure as a Registered Professional Nurse; CPR Certification; UPMC approved national certification preferred.

How to apply:

1.    Look in middle of the screen right side for Quick Search and click on the link

2.    In the next screen look for Advanced Search and click on the link

3.    Use the following Job Opening ID: Patient Information Coordinator 2037706

4.    Click on the search link

5.    Click on the interested position and apply

6.    Once you have applied please send an email to either, or so you can be invited for an interview after you have completed and passed the online assessment


Two positions with A+ Schools, Pittsburgh Community Alliance for Public Education

A+ Schools - Pittsburgh’s independent community advocate for equity and excellence in public education – is seeking two highly productive, strategic, and experienced individuals to join our team of dedicated, mission-driven professionals.


Community Organizer

The ideal Community Organizer should be a highly productive, strategic, and experienced individual to join a team of dedicated, mission-driven professionals who will be responsible for building, managing, and mobilizing adult networks to improve public education in Pittsburgh. This position requires passion for social justice, a learning mind set, strong relationship orientation and a strong generalist skill set. Organizers spend the majority of their time in the community while working on several projects at once, so the position requires someone with high energy and effective time management. This position is a key member of the organizing team and works collaboratively with others in A+ Schools including both staff and board members to execute the current strategic plan. The Community Organizer reports to and is evaluated by the Program Director.

          Interested individuals should visit for more information and to submit a cover letter and resume to Mayada Mansour (use online form) by no later than July 19, 2013. Please use your cover letter to describe what aspect of the job interests you the most and demonstrate your ability to be persuasive.


Program Manager

One of the major goals of our current strategic plan is to build a sizeable community of parents and students with the power, skill and knowledge to organize others to ensure African American students receive the education they deserve. One such group of parent leaders from Hazelwood have built a parent engagement program at Mifflin school. We have partnered with them to help formalize the program, make it available to more schools, and build the capacity of additional parent groups to create and implement an engagement program that improves their school climate. This body of work is in its beginning stages and will be the main responsibility of the Program Manager.

The Program Manager is a new position within A+ Schools. He/She will be responsible for developing program materials, training parents, facilitating parent volunteers through decision-making processes and assisting them in designing, implementing and evaluating their program.

This position requires passion for social justice, a growth mind set, strong relationship orientation, planning and facilitation skills as well as strong speaking and writing skills. The Program Manager will spend a large percentage of his/her time in the community while working on several projects at once, so the position requires someone with high energy and effective time management. Because the success of the Program Manager will be reflected in the accomplishments of parent volunteer teams, a key function of this position is to coach, support, motivate, and encourage parents to succeed. This position is a key member of the organizing team and works collaboratively with others in A+ Schools including both staff and board members to execute the current strategic plan.

Interested individuals should visit for more information. To apply submit a cover letter and resume to A+ Schools at by no later than July 15, 2013. Please use your cover letter to describe what aspect of the job interests you the most and demonstrate your ability to be persuasive.




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