If you missed out on last week's El Sicario, Room 164 film event, the 2012 Carnegie Mellon International Film Festival: Faces of Others will showcase its final screening of the 2011 documentary THIS Saturday, March 31, at 7:30pm at the McConomy Auditorium, CMU's University Center! The screening will also feature a lively discussion moderated by Paul Eiss, Director of Carnegie Mellon's Center for the Arts in Society!
El Sicario, Room 164 explores the terrifyingly casual roots of evil through the eyes of an unnamed, former "sicario" - a hit man and enforcer for a drug cartel in Ciudad Juárez who once kidnapped and tortured someone in the very room in which Gianfranco Rosi films this thrilling documentary. Even though he is masked throughout the film in order to protect his identity, the profound psychological trauma that he experienced throughout his involvement with narcotrafficking is clearly visible in his startling reenactments, gestures, and drawings, and will provoke audiences to question the truth about the War on Drugs that continues to dominate global politics today.
This festival event is presented in conjunction with Carnegie Mellon's Center for the Arts in Society.
Regular admission is $5 Seniors and Students (w/valid student ID) / $8 'Others'. You can purchase tickets and find additional info regarding El Sicario, Room 164 and the festival in general on our website: www.cmu.edu/faces. Or you can contact Festival Director Jolanta Lion, at jola@cmu.edu, (412) 445-6292.
Please feel free to distribute information about this event
jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012
REMINDER: 2012 CMU International Film Festival presents its final screening of ‘El Sicario, Room 164’ THIS Saturday!
¡SALSITA!...Save the Date!
Purchase Your Tickets Now or learn more about La Escuelita Arcoiris.
La Escuelita Arcoiris |
jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012
CLAS Weekly Update
Center for Latin American Studies
Upcoming Events
32nd Annual Latin American and Caribbean Festival
Come and enjoy the diversity of Latin American and Caribbean cultures through exhibits, food, arts and crafts, music, and dance!
Date: Saturday, March 31, 2012
Time: 12:00 p.m. - Midnight
Location: William Pitt Union, 3959 Fifth Avenue, University of Pittsburgh
For more information: contact Luz Amanda Hank, 412-648-7394, lavst12@pitt.edu visit: http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/events/festival.html
Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Latin American Cultural Union, and Med Health Services & Pittsburgh Cardiovascular Institute
Lectures and Workshops
"Goethe y la trastienda de 'El pudor de la historia'," a lecture by Ivan Almeida
"Bustos Domecq y Suárez Lynch: dos ilustres desconocidos," a lecture by Cristina Parodi
Ivan Almeida earned his Ph.D. from the University of Louvain, Belgium, and Cristina Parodi from the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. In 1995, they founded the Borges Center at the University of Aarhus in Denmark. They directed Variaciones Borges until 2006. They now live in Córdoba, Argentina.
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2012
Time: 1:00 - 4:30 pm
Location: Humanities Center, 602 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh
Sponsored by the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh
"The Colombian Caribbean between Oblivion and Visibility. Aspects of the Materiality of Literature in García Marquez's Novel Cien años de soledad," a lecture by Liliana Gómez-Popescu
Dr. Gómez-Popescu is assistant professor for Ibero-American literatures and cultures at the Institute for Romance Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). She is author, among other works, of "The Urbanization of Society. Towards a Cultural Analysis of the Sacred in the Modern Metropolis", in: Gómez, Liliana/Walter van Herck (eds), The Sacred in the City (Continuum, 2012, London); and "Un caso de archivo fotográfico: economía visual de la circulación de mercancías, cuerpos y memorias", in: Gómez, Liliana/Gesine Müller (eds), Relaciones caribeñas. Entrecruzamientos de dos siglos/Relations caribéennes. Entrecroisements de deux siècles (Peter-Lang, 2011, Frankfurt). She is editor (with Carlos Rincón and Sarah Gónzalez de Mojica) of Entre el olvido y el recuerdo. Iconos, lugares de memoria y cánones de la historia y la literatura en Colombia (Instituto Pensar, CEJA, Bogotá, 2010), with Gesine Müller of Relaciones caribeñas. Entrecruzamientos de dos siglos/Relations caribéennes. Entrecroisements de deux siècles (2011, Peter Lang, Frankfurt), and with Walter van Herck of The Sacred in the City (2012, Continuum, London).
The talk and media presentation will be in English
Date: Friday, March 23, 2012
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: 213 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh
Sponsored by the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh
"Cholitas: Gender, Sexuality, and Dress in Bolivia," a lecture by Anna Babel (Assistant Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, Ohio State University)
The figure of the Bolivian cholita embodies a semiotic complex of language, dress, class, ethnicity, gender, region, and sexuality, as well as acting as a national symbol in discourses about "typical" or "traditional" Bolivia in international contexts. In this paper, I discuss the local and global valences of the cholita, using this figure as an example of semiotic clustering and alignment that is constructed in opposition to a female figure who is modern, Western, relatively wealthy, and ethnically and regionally unmarked, as well as in relation to male Bolivians. I discuss the multiple discourses surrounding cholitas in Bolivia, focusing on the contrast between their role as symbols of traditional Bolivia and their roles as political activists, economic agents, and migrant workers. Finally, I examine the role of semiotic valences in current linguistic anthropological theory, characterizing semiotic valence as a (language) ideological process like iconization, fractal recursivity, and erasure and as a superordinate construction surrounding and organizing indexical fields.
Date: Friday, March 23, 2012
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: 3106 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh
"Historical Connections within Latin America and the Caribbean," Teacher Workshop by Lara Putnam (History, University of Pittsburgh)
Date: Saturday, March 24, 2012
Time: 8:30 a.m. -2:00 p.m.
Location: 5604 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh
Cost: $50/person (Act 48 workshop)
For more information, please visit: http://www.worldhistory.pitt.edu/saturdayworkshop.php
Sponsored by the Department of History, School of Education and the World History Center
Documentary and Film Series
Documentary: Harvest of Loneliness (A documentary about Bracero program)
The film Harvest of Loneliness is a documentary done by Prof. Gilbert Gonzalez (University of California Irvine) and Prof. Vivian Price (California State University, Dominguez Hill). The film is about the Bracero Program―a guest workers program that brought Mexican workers to the US between 1942 and 1964. The film lays the foundation for discussion about immigration connecting past history with current present debates. This award-winning film has been aired on PBS and received the 2012 Peter Rollins Film Award for best documentary, the Cinelatino Audience Choice Award for best documentary at the Los Angeles Film Festival 2010,and the Best Educational Film Award at the Amsterdam Film Festival 2011. Please see more info on the website http://www.harvestofloneliness.com/englishversion/english.html
Q&A session will follow with Vivian Price (producer)
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2012
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Location: McConomy Auditorium, Carnegie Mellon University
For more information: contact Mariana Achugar, 412-268 1895, machugar@andrew.cmu.edu
2012 CMU International Film Festival: Faces of Others
Dates: March 22-April 15, 2012
The University of Pittsburgh co-sponsors this year's Carnegie Mellon University's International Film Festival! The Faces Festival is an annual event directed by Jolanta Lion, Assistant Director of the Humanities Center at Carnegie Mellon, and is produced by the collaborative effort of dedicated student contributors from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh.
Six years since its inception, the Carnegie Mellon International Film Festival continues to shine a cinematic light on the human faces that reflect the themes that define our contemporary social landscape, with this year's theme being the concept of the Other. Faces of Others will showcase new award-winning, independent films and documentaries from around the world, as well as an international student short film competition, at venues throughout Pittsburgh that challenge the audience to contemplate the perspectives of Others from cultures across the globe, including: Dutch, Polish, Latin American, French, Finnish, Germanic, Norwegian, African, Middle Eastern, Romanian, Hungarian, Austrian, Greek, Russian, and Chinese. Each screening will be a memorable event featuring panels with renowned international directors and casts, live performances, ethnic foods, and controversial ideas that will keep you thinking long after the credits roll.
For more information & complete listing of films, times & prices, please visit: www.cmu.edu/faces
Faces of Others is co-sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh along with a few of its affiliations: the Film Studies Program, the Global Studies Center, the Global Cinema Project, the Cultural Studies Program, the European Union Center of Excellence and European Studies Center, Department of German, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, and the Russian and East European Studies Center
World History Center Graduate Travel Awards
Each academic year, the World History Center provides two Graduate Travel Awards of $250 in the Spring semester and two additional awards in the Fall semester. These awards support graduate students in any Pitt department for travel to a professional meeting. The applicant is to demonstrate that participating in the meeting is a contribution to world-historical study. The application is to consist of a one-page letter of application and a two-page CV (including an indication of the applicant's faculty advisor). The letter of application should describe the proposed meeting and the purpose of attending, with attention to explaining how participation in the meeting will contribute to the applicant's world-historical study. The Spring 2012 deadline for applications is March 30, 2012. Awards will be announced in early May for travel to take place during the 2012 calendar year.
Please submit applications electronically to World History Center Administrator Katie Jones at joneskh@pitt.edu
Barrio Latino
Quiero invitarles muy cordialmente a que sintonicen "Radio Acero" este jueves a las 6:00 p.m. (EDT) en WRCT. El programa, creado por estudiantes de nivel avanzado de estudios hispanos en CMU, pasa como parte del programa Barrio Latino (jueves, 6:00-7:00 p.m.). También pueden seguir los desarrollos y los podcasts del programa en http://radioburgh.blogspot.com/
Escúchenos todos los jueves a las 6:00 -7:00 p.m. por WRCT 88.3 FM Pittsburgh y en el internet en tiempo real www.wrct.org. Llámenos en vivo directament al 412-621-9728.
Barrio Latino airs on Thursdays, 6:05 – 7:00 p.m. (EDT) from WRCT 88.3 FM Pittsburgh – listen to our internet broadcast at www.wrct.org or call us live 412-621-9728.
Call for Papers
West Virginia University Thirty-Fifth Colloquium on Literature and Film
"The Language of Humor in Literature and Film" We are seeking submissions about the many ways that authors and filmmakers use humor in their works. Analyses may be about works in any language and time period, and may be presented in English, French, German, or Spanish. Topics include but are not limited to the following:
Irony, Parody, Comedy, Political Satire, Great National Humorists and Their Works, Theories of Humor and Laughter, Challenges of Translating Humor, History of Humor, Humor as Resistance or Subversion, Humor in Minority Film and Literatures, Humor of Ethnic and National Identities, Countering Xenophobia and Prejudice through Humor, Comics, Cartoons and Graphic Novels, Gendered Approaches to Humor, Humor in Popular Culture, Humor in Documentaries, The Semiotics of Humor, Stylistics of Humor, Conversation Analysis, Dialect, Stereotype and Humor, The Actor's Contribution: Body Language, Delivery and Inflection, Puns and Word-Play: Linguistic Ambiguity in Humorous Literature, Pedagogical Approaches to Humor in Literature and Film.
Please submit 300-word proposals for papers and/or panels by April 1, 2012 to WVUCOLL@MAIL.WVU.EDU. The program will allow twenty minutes for the reading of each paper with additional time for discussion. Include a cover letter containing the proposal's title, complete contact information, and institutional affiliation.
Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics/205 Chitwood Hall/Morgantown, WV 26506/304-293-5121
If you have an announcement related to a Latin American/Caribbean activity taking place that
you would like to share with others interested in the region, please send details
no later than Tuesday of the week prior to the event to:
Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh,
4200 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15260;
Phone: 412 648 7392; Fax: 412 648 2199; E-mail: clas@pitt.edu
martes, 20 de marzo de 2012
University Lectures in March
lecture-series-faculty mailing list
University Lectures
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
4:30 pm • Adamson Wing, Baker Hall 136A
Signs of Violence: Messaging, Media and Politics in Mexico’s ‘Drug War’
Paul K. Eiss, Associate Professor of Anthropology and History; Director, Center for the Arts in Society, Carnegie Mellon University
In this talk, Iexplore some of the linkages between violence, political representation, and the new media in contemporary Mexico. I will consider the implications of avariety of new medial forms that have arisen in connection with drug- and drug-war related violence, which I term the “narcomedia.” Debates over the narcomedia, and diverse attempts to control or censor them, quickly move from discussion of the drug traffickers or of the “war” against them to complicated discussions of the far-reaching implications of globalization in contemporary Mexico: of the beleaguered sovereignties of state and people; of rights and the rule of law; and of the tenuous claims of history and nation in the conflict’s wake.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
4:30 pm • McConomy Auditorium, University Center
Hunger of Memory
Hunger of Memory is a documentary done by Prof. Gilbert Gonzalez (university of California Irvine) and Prof. Vivian Price (California State University, Dominguez Hill), it is about the Bracero Program a guest workers program that brought Mexican workers to the US between 1942 and 1964, the film lays the foundation for discussion aboutimmigration connecting past history with current present debates. This award winning film has been aired at PBS and received the 2012 Peter Rollins FilmAward for best documentary, the Cinelatino Audience Choice Award for best documentary at the Los Angeles Film Festival 2010,and the Best Educational Film Award at the Amsterdam Film Festival 2011. After the screening, there will be a Q&A session with Vivian Price, one of the producers.
Sponsored by the Department of Modern Languages
Other Lectures of Interest:
March 22 - April 15, 2012
Times and Locations available on the website: http://www.cmu.edu/faces/
There is an admission fee for the films.
The 2012 Carnegie Mellon International Film Festival, Faces of Others is the sixth in a series of international film festivals launched through the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. New award-winning, independent films and documentaries from all around the world as well as an international student short film competition will be presented, accompanied by receptions with food and drink, expert panels, and live performances! Each weekend hosts films that challenge the audience to contemplate the perspectives of others from cultures across the globe, including: Dutch, Polish, Latin American, French, Finnish, Germanic, Norwegian, African, Middle Eastern, Romanian, Hungarian, Austrian, Greek, Russian, and Chinese.
For a full description of the films, venues, and ticket information (ticket discounts for seniors and students!), please visit our website, http://www.cmu.edu/faces. For further information regarding the festival, you may contact Festival Director Jolanta Lion, mailto:jola@cmu.edu, (412) 445-6292.
viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012
Screening of Harvest of Loneliness-a documentary about The Bracero Program March 22 4:30pm McConomy
The Department of Modern Languages and the Center for Arts in Society at CMU
are sponsoring the screening of a documentary about the Bracero Program,
"Harvest of Loneliness". The film will be shown on March 22 at 4:30pm in
McConomy Auditorium and will be followed by a Q&A session with one of the
directors Vivian Price. It is a free event open to the community. The
documentary explores historical accounts of migrant Mexican farm workers
brought into the U.S. from 1942-1964 under the temporary contract worker
program known as the Bracero Program. The film is an extension of research
done by Prof. Gilbert Gonzales (University of California Irvine, Chicano
Latino Studies)into why the program existed and helps situate current
debates about current immigration guest worker programs.
jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012
miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012
Opening Night!: 2012 CMU International Film Festival opens with a shocking documentary about a Mexican hitman
The 2012 Carnegie Mellon International Film Festival: Faces of Others will open this year’s festival with riveting 2011 documentary, El Sicario, Room 164, next Thursday, March 22, at 7:15pm at the Melwood Screening Room! The event will include a surprise guest appearance and a savory Opening Night Reception featuring authentic Mexican specialties from Mad Mex and Mexican beer compliments of Frank B. Fuhrer Wholesale Co.! The student interns who made this film festival possible will also step out from behind the scenes to present a special showcase performance. Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
El Sicario, Room 164 explores the terrifyingly casual roots of evil through the eyes of an unnamed, former “sicario” - a Mexican hitman and enforcer for a drug cartel in Ciudad Juárez who once kidnapped and tortured someone in the very room in which Gianfranco Rosi films this thrilling documentary. The sicario’s startling reenactments of his involvement with narco-trafficking will provoke audiences to question the truth about the War on Drugs that continues to dominate global politics today.
This festival event is presented in conjunction with Carnegie Mellon’s Center for the Arts in Society.
Opening Night admission is $10 seniors and students (w/valid student ID)/$15 ‘Others’. You can purchase tickets and find additional info regarding El Sicario, Room 164 and the festival in general on our website: www.cmu.edu/faces. Or you can contact Festival Director Jolanta Lion, at jola@cmu.edu, (412) 445-6292.
We would love to see your faces in the audience!
CLAS Weekly Update
Center for Latin American Studies
Upcoming Events
The VIII Undergraduate Research Symposium on Latin America and the Caribbean
Date: Friday, March 16, 2012
Time: 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Location: Pittsburgh Athletic Association, 4215 Fifth Avenue, Oakland
For more information, please contact Professor Monasterios at elm15@pitt.edu or Lucy DiStazio at lud3@pitt.edu
Sponsored by the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pittsburgh
32nd Annual Latin American and Caribbean Festival
¡Come and enjoy the diversity of Latin American and Caribbean cultures through exhibits, food, arts and crafts, music, and dance!
Date: Saturday, March 31, 2012
Time: 12:00 p.m. - Midnight
Location: William Pitt Union, 3959 Fifth Avenue, University of Pittsburgh
For more information: contact Luz Amanda Hank, 412-648-7394, lavst12@pitt.edu visit: http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/events/festival.html
Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Latin American Cultural Union, and Med Health Services & Pittsburgh Cardiovascular Institute
Lectures & Workshops
"Unjust Movements: Oil and Food Injustices in Ecuador and Florida," by Patricia Widener (Florida Atlantic University)
Two distinct campaigns in two distant places, one transnational and one local, and yet they both share a similar trait: an economic empathy gap for the working poor and the working marginalized. In Ecuador, two transnational campaigns mobilized in response to the construction of a cross-national oil pipeline in the early part of the 21st century. One campaign resisted the pipeline's construction, while the other negotiated a multi-million dollar research and conservation fund. Both based their arguments on environmental protection due to a history of oil pollution, while overshadowing the calls of the laboring poor and most oil-impacted communities for economic as well as environmental justice. In Southeast Florida, a local campaign is currently underway in support of healthier diets and local and sustainable farming practices. This shift is following a nationwide movement to support non-industrial farm and food systems, while obscuring the long-running farm worker injustices in the fields. In both Ecuador and Florida, these campaigns (against big industry and for environmental sustainability) conceal the injustices experienced in the communities and in the fields. Based on qualitative research in Ecuador (2001-2009) and Southeast Florida (2010-2011), this talk will present how specialized movement actors are aware of the environmental and economic injustices experienced, but through their activities, advocacy and/or claims fail to link their campaigns with the most impacted communities and fail to equalize awareness and literacy from production to consumption, while prioritizing non-confrontational entities or groups (wildlife, ecosystems and/or individual consumers).
Date: Friday, March 16, 2012
Time: 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Location: 2432 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh
For more information: go to http://www.sociology.pitt.edu/about/events.php
Sponsored by the Sociology Department, Center for Latin American Studies, the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, and Global Studies
Book Symposia Series, "The Fante and the Transatlantic Slave Trade" by Rebecca Shumway featuring commentary by: Edda Fields-Black (Carnegie Mellon Univrsity), Sandra Greene (Cornell University) & Patrick Manning (University of Pittsburgh)
Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Time: 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Location: 3703 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh
This symposium is made possible by the generous support of Eighteenth-Century Studies at Pitt, The World History Center, Department of Africana Studies, and the African Studies Program.
"Goethe y la trastienda de 'El pudor de la historia'," a lecture by Ivan Almeida
"Bustos Domecq y Suárez Lynch: dos ilustres desconocidos," a lecture by Cristina Parodi
Ivan Almeida earned his Ph.D. from the University of Louvain, Belgium, and Cristina Parodi from the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. In 1995, they founded the Borges Center at the University of Aarhus in Denmark. They directed Variaciones Borges until 2006. They now live in Córdoba, Argentina.
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2012
Time: 1:00 - 4:30 pm
Location: Humanities Center, 602 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh
Sponsored by the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh
"The Colombian Caribbean between Oblivion and Visibility. Aspects of the Materiality of Literature in García Marquez's Novel Cien años de soledad," a lecture by Liliana Gómez-Popescu
Dr. Gómez-Popescu is assistant professor for Ibero-American literatures and cultures at the Institute for Romance Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). She is author, among other works, of "The Urbanization of Society. Towards a Cultural Analysis of the Sacred in the Modern Metropolis", in: Gómez, Liliana/Walter van Herck (eds), The Sacred in the City (Continuum, 2012, London); and "Un caso de archivo fotográfico: economía visual de la circulación de mercancías, cuerpos y memorias", in: Gómez, Liliana/Gesine Müller (eds), Relaciones caribeñas. Entrecruzamientos de dos siglos/Relations caribéennes. Entrecroisements de deux siècles (Peter-Lang, 2011, Frankfurt). She is editor (with Carlos Rincón and Sarah Gónzalez de Mojica) of Entre el olvido y el recuerdo. Iconos, lugares de memoria y cánones de la historia y la literatura en Colombia (Instituto Pensar, CEJA, Bogotá, 2010), with Gesine Müller of Relaciones caribeñas. Entrecruzamientos de dos siglos/Relations caribéennes. Entrecroisements de deux siècles (2011, Peter Lang, Frankfurt), and with Walter van Herck of The Sacred in the City (2012, Continuum, London).
The talk and media presentation will be in English
Date: Friday, March 23, 2012
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: 213 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh
Sponsored by the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh
"Historical Connections within Latin America and the Caribbean," Teacher Workshop by Lara Putnam (History, University of Pittsburgh)
Date: Saturday, March 24, 2012
Time: 8:30 a.m. -2:00 p.m.
Location: 5604 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh
Cost: $50/person (Act 48 workshop)
For more information, please visit: http://www.worldhistory.pitt.edu/saturdayworkshop.php
Sponsored by the Department of History, School of Education and the World History Center
A Reading and Talk (followed by a discussion) by Oonya Kempadoo (Author)
Oonya Kempadoo was born in England of Guyanese parents and raised in Guyana. She has lived briefly in Europe, St Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, and currently resides in Grenada. Kempadoo began writing in 1997, producing Buxton Spice—a semi-autobiographical account of a rural coming of age. Buxton Spice was published in the UK in 1998 and in the US in 1999. It has also been published in six foreign language editions in Europe. Her second novel Tide Running is set in contemporary Tobago and is a vernacular account of a young Tobagonian's intimate, ultimately disastrous intersection with a wealthy interracial couple and the predicament of a young society looking to America for fantasies and heroes. It also raises unsettling questions about relationships, wealth and responsibility, racial, cultural and class differences. It was published in the UK in 2001 and won a Casa De Las Americas prize in 2002. It was well received on both sides of the Atlantic, and Oonya was named a "Great Talent for the 21st Century" by the Orange Prize judges. Kempadoo has just completed a screenplay adaptation of Tide Running for a feature film. Her "works-in-progress" include All Decent Animals (working title), a novel about loyalties, love, contrasting cultures and the Caribbean's underworld of sexuality and HIV/AIDS, and a non-fiction narrative based on documenting and then voicing an eighteen year old Grenadian girl's life story of sexual abuse, violence, rape, love, sexuality and motherhood. It reflects her own and local perceptions of what is considered abuse or normal, and contrasts these with institutional and foreign views. Oonya was awarded a fellowship for the International Writer's Program at the University of Iowa in 2011.
Date: Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Time: 4:15 p.m.
Location: 501 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh
For more information: contact spuri@pitt.edu
Sponsored by Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), Department of English, Humanities Center, Charles Crow Program, Cultural Studies Program, University Honors College, Women's Studies Program, Global Studies Center, and the Literature Program
Amigos del Cine Latinoamericano
Spring 2012 Film Series
Films will be presented at 6:30 p.m. at the Frick Fine Arts Auditorium
As usual, we will give a short introduction to the film, and after the presentation you are welcome to stay for a discussion.
Some films are adult in nature and may not be appropriate for young audiences.
March Film: Carancho (directed by Pablo Trapero; Argentina 2010)
Date: Thursday, March 15, 2012
Description: In Argentina, over 8,000 people die in traffic accidents every year. Behind each of these tragedies is a flourishing industry founded on insurance payouts and legal loopholes. Sosa is a lawyer who tours the A&E departments of public hospitals and police stations in search of potential clients. Luján is a young doctor recently arrived from the provinces. Their love story kicks off one night when Luján and Sosa meet in the street. She's trying to save a man's life; he wants him on his client portfolio.
Upcoming film: "Altiplano" on April 26, 2012
Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, Department of Hispanic Languages & Literatures, and Eduardo Lozano Latin American Library Collection
Special Presentations and Films
Documentary: Hunger of Memory (a documentary about the Bracero program)
The film Hunger of Memory is a documentary by Prof. Gilbert Gonzalez (University of California Irvine) and Prof. Vivian Price (California State University,Dominguez Hill). It is about the Bracero Program―a guest workers program that brought Mexican workers to the US between 1942 and 1964. The film lays the foundation for discussion about immigration, connecting past history with current present debates. This award winning film has been aired on PBS and received the 2012 Peter Rollins Film Award for best documentary, the Cinelatino Audience Choice Award for best documentary at the Los Angeles Film Festival 2010,and the Best Educational Film Award at the Amsterdam Film Festival 2011. Please see more info on the website http://www.harvestofloneliness.com/englishversion/english.html
Q&A session with Vivian Price (producer) will follow.
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2012
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Location: McConomy Auditorium, Carnegie Mellon University
For more information: contact: Mariana Achugar at 412-268 1895, or achugar@andrew.cmu.edu
2012 CMU International Film Festival: Faces of Others
Dates: March 22-April 15, 2012
The University of Pittsburgh co-sponsors this year's Carnegie Mellon University's International Film Festival! The Faces Festival is an annual event directed by Jolanta Lion, Assistant Director of the Humanities Center at Carnegie Mellon, and is produced by the collaborative effort of dedicated student contributors from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh.
Six years since its inception, the Carnegie Mellon International Film Festival continues to shine a cinematic light on the human faces that reflect the themes that define our contemporary social landscape, with this year's theme being the concept of the Other. Faces of Others will showcase new award-winning, independent films and documentaries from around the world, as well as an international student short film competition, at venues throughout Pittsburgh that challenge the audience to contemplate the perspectives of Others from cultures across the globe, including: Dutch, Polish, Latin American, French, Finnish, Germanic, Norwegian, African, Middle Eastern, Romanian, Hungarian, Austrian, Greek, Russian, and Chinese. Each screening will be a memorable event featuring panels with renowned international directors and casts, live performances, ethnic foods, and controversial ideas that will keep you thinking long after the credits roll.
For more information and complete listing of films, times and prices, please visit: www.cmu.edu/faces
Faces of Others is co-sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh along with a few of its affiliates: the Film Studies Program, the Global Studies Center, the Global Cinema Project, the Cultural Studies Program, the European Union Center of Excellence and European Studies Center, Department of German, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, and the Russian and East European Studies Center
Arcadia University Faculty Development Trip to Havana, Cuba
Dates: June 24-30, 2012
Arcadia University and the University of Havana's Center for Hemispheric and U.S. Studies are jointly sponsoring a six-day faculty seminar in Havana, Cuba, June 24-30, 2012.
Though separated by only 90 miles, fifty years after U.S. President John F. Kennedy imposed an economic embargo on Cuba, Americans know little about contemporary Cuban life and the Cuban higher education system has developed largely in isolation from its North American counterpart.
Seminar participants will compare how various academic disciplines have developed and how they are taught in Cuba and the United States, and exchange ideas on curriculum development, pedagogical strategies, and the potential for collaborative research projects.
Particular attention will be paid to the following areas of study:
- International Studies
- Sociology
- Political Science
- Gender Studies
- Biology
- The Arts
Participants will meet in seminars and lectures for a portion of each day, but will have opportunities to visit sites in Havana and the surrounding area as well. Pre- and post-trip sessions held at Arcadia University will focus on how faculty can integrate their experience abroad into their teaching and their college or university's curriculum.
For more information, please contact: John Noakes (Associate Provost for Academic Improvement, Arcadia University), noakesj@arcadia.edu or visit www.arcadia.edu/facultytohavana
2013-2014 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Competition
The 2013-2014 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Competition is underway and is currently welcoming applications from scholars interested in teaching or conducting research in Latin America and the Caribbean! Proposals will be considered from junior as well as senior scholars and opportunities abound in a wide variety of disciplines.
To address any questions applicants may have about opportunities in Latin America, Canada and the Caribbean, we have scheduled a webinar for Tuesday March 20, 2012 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. You must register to secure a spot in the webinar class.
Deadline to submit completed application: August 1, 2012
For more information, please visit: http://www.cies.org/us_scholars/us_awards/
If you have an announcement related to a Latin American/Caribbean activity taking place that
you would like to share with others interested in the region, please send details
no later than Tuesday of the week prior to the event to:
Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh,
4200 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15260;
Phone: 412 648 7392; Fax: 412 648 2199; E-mail: clas@pitt.edu