September 2009 Calendar
Center for Latin American Studies
University Center for International Studies
University of Pittsburgh
Teaching Assistant Needed
The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) is seeking a Teaching Assistant (TA) for the Undergraduate Seminar & Field Trip to Leon, Nicaragua in the Spring Term and Summer Session of 2010. The student will help the project director during the undergraduate interdisciplinary seminar in the Spring Term (January through April) and accompany the group to Nicaragua in the Summer Session (approximately May 5-June 20). The deadline for receipt of applications is September 24, 2009
Spring Term—Attend all seminar sessions, prepare bibliographies and other teaching materials, present lectures in the seminar as requested by the director, assist student participants with their research designs, provide information on the logistics of traveling and living in country, and other tasks as assigned by the project director. This position requires 10 hours of work per week during the spring term.
Summer Session—Accompany the group to Nicaragua where the TA will assist students with their research and cultural adaptation, arrange the in-country excursion and despedida. The TA also may be asked to participate in the selection of undergraduate participants (in October) as well as assist in the evaluation of the students' work (in August).
Benefits: The recipient will be appointed as a part-time Teaching Assistant for the Spring Term. The position includes salary, fringe benefits and full tuition. The assistant will also receive a one-time payment for the summer. The assistant will accompany the project director and student participants to Nicaragua; his/her round-trip air fare, room and board, and expenses related to the field trip will be paid by the Center (personal expenses are not included).
Requirements: Applicants should have taken courses about Latin America, be fluent in the Spanish language, be able to teach social science research methodology and, ideally, have had field experience in Latin America. S/he should be well-organized, anticipate deadlines, and complete assignments accurately and thoroughly. Students who currently hold a FLASF, LASPPF, or GSA/TA/TF must relinquish that fellowship in order to accept the TA for the Seminar/Field Trip.
To Apply: Only students currently enrolled in a graduate certificate program of the Center for Latin American Studies are eligible to apply. Applicants should send a resume or curriculum vitae, one letter of recommendation from a Pitt faculty member, and an up-to-date copy of their transcript to:
Julian Asenjo
Seminar/Field Trip TA
Center for Latin American Studies
4207 Posvar Hall
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260.
The deadline for receipt of applications is September 24, 2009
CLAS Seminar & Field Trip to Latin America
CLAS welcomes student applications for the 2010 Latin American Seminar and Field Trip to Leon, Nicaragua. Details and application instructions are available at:
Brazilian Portuguese, Language and Culture Workshop
Brazilian singer and language specialist (University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University, Chatham University faculty) offers an 8-week, non-credit Portuguese-language workshop starting on Monday September 21, 2009. This workshop is the second session of introductory Brazilian Portuguese and requires you to have worked on the first two chapters of the book "Brazil Language and Culture" (Lathrop & Dias).
Dates: September 21& 28, October 8, 14, 23 & 26, November 2 & 9, 2009 (mostly Mondays)
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: 4130 Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh, Oakland
Fee: $160 per person (non- refundable)
For more information and to register contact Lilly Abreu at
Seats are limited.
Note: This is not a University of Pittsburgh course.
The Many Faces of Brazilian Jazz featuring Lilly Abreu, Soprano and Jazz Vocalist
Ms. Abreu will present a lecture-demonstration about the music of Brazilian composers such as Jobim, Bonfá and Pixinguinha. The audience will learn samba steps and a few words in Portuguese. Audience members will also have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with Lilly and band members. Lilly Abreu, soprano and jazz vocalist, is on the roster at the Pittsburgh Opera, and teaches at the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University, and Chatham University.
This lecture is given in conjunction with 'Brazil Today,' a weekend course scheduled October 30-November 1, 2009.
Date: Monday, October 19, 2009
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location: Porter Hall 100, Gregg Hall, Carnegie Mellon University
"Escola de Samba" a lecture by Paul Goodman
Paul Goodman, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University's Tepper School of Business, will discuss "Escola de Samba," a one-hour documentary he created about how 4,000 Brazilians work to create the country's annual carnival. This lecture is given in conjunction with the Brazil Today course offered on the Carnegie Mellon campus October 30 - November 1, 2009.
This presentation will be a combination of showing the documentary film – Escola de Samba – plus a discussion with the audience. Escola de Samba is a documentary about creating the Brazilian carnival through the eyes of one "Escola de Samba" or samba school. For over 10 months, Professor Goodman followed one Escola de Samba - Camisa Verde e Branco (Green and White Shirts) - as they prepared to compete against other escolas in São Paulo, Brazil. The film takes the viewer through the process as this organization selects a theme, the music (one out of 80 sambas selected), the costumes, and the design of the floats or allegory cars. Then there is a complex set of activities concerning creating the costumes, the floats, extensive rehearsals, and finally the drama culminates at the Sambódromo or stadium, where the final processions and judging occurs. All this unfolds in the streets and life of Brazil. The music, dance, and visuals of the carnival, provide a dramatic context for the film.
Date: Monday, October 26, 2009
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Location: Porter 100, Gregg Hall, Carnegie Mellon University, Oakland
Conference on "Drug Trafficking, Violence and Instability in Mexico, Colombia, and the Caribbean: Implications for US National Security"
The Matthew B. Ridgway Center for International Security Studies (GSPIA and UCIS) and the U.S. Army War College will hold a two-day conference on Thursday, October 29 and Friday, October 30, 2009.
The Conference will explore the relationship between drug trafficking, violence, and instability in Mexico, Colombia and the Caribbean and assess the implications of this relationship for the national security of the United States. This event is open to all students, faculty, and interested community members.
Dates: October 29-30, 2009
Times: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Location: Schenley Room, Holiday Inn Pittsburgh University Center, Oakland
For more information: contact The Matthew B. Ridgway Center, 412-624-7884 or
Call for Papers
2010 Student Conference on Latin American Social and Public Policy
The purpose of this conference is to provide an opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students to present papers, works-in-progress (including term papers, dissertations, papers from LASA, etc.), and other academic work with relevance to Latin American social and public policy.
If you are writing a paper on any aspect of Latin American social and public policy, we invite you to submit your work for consideration. You may also propose to form a panel for presentation and discussion.
To propose a paper presentation or a panel, please submit your topic with a brief description (approximately 75 to 100 words) to Luis Bravo, International Relations and Fellowships Coordinator (CLAS), by November 8, 2009. You will be notified of the committee's decision by December 7, 2009. The deadline for submission of final papers will be January 12, 2010. Individually submitted papers will be presented in panels arranged around common themes, with each participant having up to 15 minutes for presentation. Final papers must be in English and approximately 15 to 30 double-spaced pages. To submit the abstract through our online form, go to:
Conference Dates: February 19-20, 2009
"Unsettling Decadence: Crisis and Creativity in Latin America"
Hosted by John Hopkins University, Program in Latin American Studies
How can Latin American historical, social, political and artistic processes contribute to rethink notions of "decadence" and "crisis"? Decadence has been associated with ideas of decay, immorality, loss and excess. It conveys a temporality haunted by imminent death and decline, in which the traces of the past –and its abuses, struggles or glories– saturate the present. Intimately related to the contradictions and impossibilities of progress and the corruption of social orders, decadence invites us to think about the modalities of colonialism and imperialism in the region, and the excesses and debaucheries of those in power. Most recently, decadence has also been invoked to describe the crisis in global capitalism, and the forms of excessive expenditure, corruption and profiteering that contributed to the crisis. This crisis marks the limits of an economic order and a certain project of modernity, and enables forms of disorder, disinhibition and anarchy, usually associated with decadence. At the same time, it opens up spaces of political, cultural or economic creativity and experimentation that generate possibilities for the new.
For its fall 2009 Conference "Unsettling Decadence", the Program in Latin American Studies at Johns Hopkins University invites papers from across the social sciences and humanities to reflect on these topics. Possible questions can be (but are not exhausted by):
- In which ways have tropes of decadence gained force to describe the specific experiences of economic and political crisis in Latin America? How are forms of imperialism and neoliberalism being reconfigured in the region and what economies of illegality, disorder and corruption are emerging?
- How has the decadence of modern state forms given raise to the emergence of self-managed communities, autonomous places, social movements, public protests and alternative forms of political struggle? What kinds of political imaginations are being created in these contexts?
- What forms of domesticity, community and political belonging are created in decaying or "decadent" urban areas? How have notions of decadence informed and legitimated ongoing private and state projects of urban 'revitalization' and 'rescue'?
- How has the decadence of European ideals of 'high-culture' been re-appropriated or transformed by Latin American elites? How does decadence look like from the perspective of elite's cultures, political practices, forms of expenditure, and social relations?
- How are aesthetics of artificiality and decadence expressed in different artistic and literary movements and personal styles? In which ways were nineteenth century decadent movements in Europe re-appropriated, modified or rejected by Latin American artists and intellectuals?
- What forms of traffic, sexuality, disorder and creativity emerge in the Latin American border zones and frontiers?
Please send title and a brief (200 word) abstract indicating the applicant's academic status, affiliation and contact information, by September 15, 2009 to
Date: Friday, October 23, 2009
Location: Homewood Campus, Baltimore, Maryland
Call for Submissions
The editors of the Journal of Latin American Urban Studies (JLAUS) invite authors from all disciplines to submit manuscripts that study historical or contemporary urban issues in Latin America―including citizenship, political and public policy shifts, elections, social movements, globalization, economic development, information development and technologies, environmental change, gender relations, and class transformation. Manuscripts are also sought that examine the consequences of urbanization such as urban policy and planning, crime, education, state formation, community and cultural development, communication and media, religion, and identity.
JLAUS seeks to showcase and highlight research in progress or specific elements of larger projects that address urbanization and the urban setting. JLAUS is a peer-reviewed journal. JLAUS reviews only unpublished manuscripts that are not under review for publication elsewhere.
For more information: contact Ken Mitchell, Journal of Latin American Urban Studies, Department of Political Science, Monmouth University, Bey Hall 246, 400 Cedar Avenue - West Long Branch, New Jersey 07764-1898,, or visit
Fellowship/Grant Opportunities
Full PhD and Postdoctoral Grants in Berlin, Germany
The International Research Training Group (IRTG) 1571/1 "Between Spaces" at the Freie Universität (FU) Berlin invites applications for: 15 PhD grants (approx. 1,200EUR per month) and 2 Postdoctoral grants (approx. 1,400 EUR per month) to commence at the earliest possible date. The interdisciplinary IRTG is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) and is hosted by the Institute for Latin American Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. The IRTG cooperates closely with Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Universität Potsdam, El Colegio de México, Universidad Autónoma Nacional de México and the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social in Mexico City. The IRTG adopts a new perspective in the study of globalization. It seeks to make an innovative contribution to the re-orientation of Area Studies as a transnational and interdisciplinary field of study by means of a dialogue between disciplines from the social sciences and the humanities as well as between academic traditions from Mexico and Germany. The IRTG studies movements between different world regions and the new spaces emerging both in past and present periods of intensifying global interconnections. Disciplines involved: history, political science, sociology, economics, social and cultural anthropology, as well as literature and cultural studies. Applications from these disciplines are welcomed.
· PhD grants: The grants will be awarded for two years and may be extended for one more year.
· Postdoctoral grants: The grants will be awarded for 18 months and may be extended for six more months.
Applications are to be sent in both hard copy and digital (PDF) forms until September 15, 2009 to:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Rinke / Prof. Dr. Marianne Braig
Zentralinstitut Lateinamerika-Institut
Freie Universität Berlin
Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56
14197 Berlin, Germany
For more information, please visit:
2010-2013 Fellowship Competition
Application deadline: October 1, 2009
The Princeton Society of Fellows, an interdisciplinary group of scholars in the humanities, social sciences, and selected natural sciences, invites applications for the 2010-2013 fellowship competition.
THREE three-year postdoctoral fellowships will be awarded this year. The stipend for academic year 2010-11 will be approximately $72,000. Fellows are provided with a shared office, a personal computer, a research account of $5,000 a year, and access to university grants, benefits and other resources. Fellows are expected to reside in or near Princeton during the academic year in order that they may participate fully in the intellectual life of the Society.
Interviews will take place in early February 2010. All candidates will be informed of the status of their application by the end of January. The Society will reimburse the cost of travel and lodging associated with the interview. Names of fellowship winners will be posted on the Society of Fellows' website in July 2010.
Fellowship in Latin American Studies
Princeton University's Program in Latin American Studies and the Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts are co-sponsors of a new three-year postdoctoral fellowship in Latin American Studies. Candidates in the humanities and allied social sciences whose research interests focus on Latin America are invited to apply. The selection committee particularly welcomes applications from candidates working in the fields of art history, architecture, visual studies and cultural studies, who have demonstrated an interest in interdisciplinary methodologies. The Fellow will teach half-time in the Program in Latin American Studies or in a host department, pursue research, and contribute to the Program's activities.
Open Fellowship in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Open to all disciplines represented in the Society of Fellows. In each of the first two years, the successful candidate pursues research half-time and teaches the equivalent of two courses per year, either team-taught or self-designed, in the host department or in an interdisciplinary program. In addition, the fellow normally does some advising in his/her specialty. In the third year, the fellow teaches one course in the fall semester and devotes the final semester to full-time research.
Fellowship in Humanistic Studies
This fellowship is sponsored jointly by the Humanities Council and Society of Fellows, and is open to candidates in all relevant disciplines represented in the Society of Fellows. For one semester in each of the first two years, the Fellow joins faculty from different disciplines to teach the interdisciplinary year-long sequence Approaches to Western Culture: From Antiquity to the Modern Period, delivering lectures and leading discussion sections. The Fellow also pursues research half-time. For the other semester of the fellow's first two years and one semester of the third year, the Fellow teaches a self-designed course in his/her host department. The final semester is devoted to full-time research without teaching.
For more information about the Princeton Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts please go to:
For more details on the 2010-2013 Fellowship competition, application form and guidelines please go to:
Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program
The Jacob K. Javits (JKJ) Fellowship Program awards fellowships to eligible students of superior ability, selected on the basis of demonstrated achievement, financial need, and exceptional promise, to undertake graduate study in specific fields in the arts, humanities, and social sciences leading to a doctoral degree or to a master's degree in those fields in which the master's degree is the terminal highest degree awarded to the selected field of study at accredited institutions of higher education.
The selected fields in the arts are: creative writing, music performance, music theory, music composition, music literature, studio arts (including photography), television, film, cinematography, theater arts, playwriting, screenwriting, acting, and dance. The selected fields in the humanities are: art history (including architectural history), archeology, area studies, classics, comparative literature, English language and literature, folklore, folk life, foreign languages and literature, history, linguistics, philosophy, religion (excluding study of religious vocation), speech, rhetoric, and debate. The selected fields in the social sciences are: anthropology, communications and media, economics, ethnic and cultural studies, geography, political science, psychology (excluding clinical psychology), public policy and public administration, and sociology (excluding the master's and doctoral degrees in social work).
Eligible Applicants: Individuals who, at the time of application, are eligible to receive a Federal grant, loan or work assistance pursuant to section 484 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA); intend to pursue a doctoral or Master of Fine Arts degree in an eligible field of study selected by the board at an accredited U.S. institution of higher education; and are a U.S. citizen or national, a permanent resident of the United States, in the United States for other than a temporary purpose and intending to become a permanent resident, or a citizen of any one of the Freely Associated States. Applicants must also either: be entering into a doctoral program in academic year 2010-2011, or have not yet completed the first full year in the doctoral program, in an eligible field of study for which they are seeking support; or be entering a Master of Fine Arts program in academic year 2010- 2011, or have not yet completed the first full year in the Master of Fine Arts program, in an eligible field of study for which they are seeking support.
Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: October 5, 2009
Deadline for Transmittal of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): January 31, 2010
For more information:
Study Abroad/Research/Internship Opportunities
Fall 2009 Intern Program with The Inter-American Dialogue
The Inter-American Dialogue offers full and part-time volunteer internships in the fall, spring and summer semesters for students interested in the dynamics of inter-American relations. The Dialogue is a forum for sustained exchange among leaders of the Western Hemisphere and an independent, nonpartisan center for policy analysis on economic and political relations in the Americas. It regularly convenes U.S. and Latin American leaders from the public and private sectors and diverse political perspectives to search for cooperative responses to hemispheric problems. Covering a wide scope of issues, it is engaged in an ambitious effort to improve the quality of debate and decision making on U.S.-Latin American relations and to promote new opportunities for hemispheric political, social, and economic cooperation.
- As assigned, assist the president, associates and staff with research and writing on current issues affecting U.S.-Latin American relations;
- Attend and report on Washington-area briefings, working groups, congressional testimonies and meetings;
- Take notes for Dialogue events and write event summaries;
- Edit and translate articles, reports and other publications;
- Perform administrative tasks including: managing the front desk, assisting in conference organization and outreach, and intermittent copying, faxing and mailings.
- Undergraduate or graduate students majoring in the social sciences with a focus on Latin America/Caribbean;
- Demonstrated research and writing ability, plus excellent communications skills;
- Interest in the economic, social, and political issues affecting the Americas;
- Proficiency in English and Spanish and/or Portuguese;
- Computer proficiency in MSWord, Excel and the Internet.
A minimum of eight 16-20 hour weeks are required during the fall and spring semesters. Summer interns are expected to work full-time (30-40 hours per week).
Application Procedure:
Please submit a cover letter, resume, brief writing sample (1-2 pages) and letter of recommendation to the "Internship Coordinator" at the address below. Applications are accepted throughout the year; however, please note the following deadlines for each term:
Fall – August 31, 2009
Spring – December 1, 2009
For more information, please contact: Inter-American Dialogue, Attn: Intern Coordinator, 1211 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 510, Washington, DC 20036 or send an email to,
Costa Rica Study Abroad
Gap Year: International Study for Students & Teachers
Gap years, a common tradition in most parts of Europe, are becoming more and more popular in the United States and Canada. Students are feeling more comfortable taking a year off before starting or in the midst of university to get focused, and to gain some international exposure.
Strategic Decisions & Partnerships (SDPUS) offers distinctive "gap year" semester courses, all of which have been given academic credit in the United States and Canada. They are courses which couple adventure travel with basic humanity projects such as helping a disadvantaged Costa Rican school or by working with an ecological organization, such as "SAVE THE SEA TURTLES" in Las Baulas National Park.
This is a considerable advantage to your gap year or study abroad semester, because not only do you get to experience the most amazing parts of Central America, you also come out ahead scholastically and culturally.
For more information: contact, via phone at US number: (585)-295-1614, Costa Rican number: (011-506) 2653-0765, or visit
Employment Opportunities
Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizer, Witness for Peace
The Mid-Atlantic regional chapter of Witness for Peace (NY, NJ, PA, MD, DE, and DC) seeks a full-time Regional Organizer (RO) to begin in October 2009. We are accepting and evaluating applications on a rolling basis until the position is filled (job announcement posted on July 31).
The Regional Organizer will work in close collaboration with the Witness for Peace-MidAtlantic (WFP-MA) regional Steering Committee and WFP program staff to carry out responsibilities aimed at facilitating the growth and development of WFP-MA as a respected and influential peace and justice organization. Witness for Peace (WFP) is a politically independent, grassroots organization made up of people committed to nonviolence and led by faith and conscience. Our mission is to support peace, justice, and sustainable economies in the Americas by changing US policies and corporate practices that contribute to poverty and oppression in Latin American and the Caribbean. We stand with people who seek justice.
For more information on this position, please visit:
Program Director, Peru Opportunity Fund (Hartford, Connecticut)
The Program Director will oversee all aspects of the grant-making process, capitalizing on the Fund's near decade of successful initiatives in Peru and broadening and deepening POF's impact on those it serves. S/he will be the primary point of contact for all partner organizations, grantees, and funders as well as Peruvian stakeholders and contract staff.
The Program Director will bring expertise in realizing the tremendous opportunities available through shared partnerships in the international development sphere and be a critical and creative thinker in evaluating potential opportunities for the Fund. S/he will be an established philanthropy professional with five or more years of grant-making experience who understands the significant potential and unique challenges working in a family foundation setting. In addition to possessing deep knowledge of international grant-making and development, s/he will be fluent in Spanish and bring knowledge of Latin American culture. This is an exceptional opportunity for a talented philanthropy professional who brings a passion for international development in Latin America and who seeks opportunities to make a genuine impact on the lives of rural Peruvians.
For More information: or a full position description on our website at
The following list of events is provided as a service to the community by the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), University of Pittsburgh. CLAS neither recommends nor endorses these events and activities. Please address questions or comments about the events to the contact provided and not to the Center.
Lilly Abreu at Little E's Jazz Club
Lilly Abreu (vocals), Eric Susoeff (guitar) and Dwayne Dolphin (bass)
Salud para Niños - Birmingham Clinic
Free Pediatric & Flu Immunization Clinics
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Care Mobile
Date: Saturdays, September 12, October 10, November 14, & December 12, 2009
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: Salvation Army, 54 S. 9th Street (Southside), Pittsburgh, PA 15203
For more information: 412-692-6000 option 8,
Or visit
Birmingham Free Clinic – New location, More Services
The Birmingham Free Clinic now has a new location, just half of a block from the old building next to the Thrift Store of the Salvation Army.
New Services Include:
· Free Adult Clinics (no health insurance or appointment is needed)
o Mondays, 5:00 p.m. (In English)
o Wednesdays, 12:00 p.m. (In English)
o Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. (except Saturdays of holiday weekends). (In Spanish)
· Salud Para Niños' Free Pediatric and Immunizations Clinics in Spanish
o Second Saturday of each month 10:00 a.m. (no health insurance or appointment is needed)
· Psychiatric Clinic (In English)
o Wednesdays, 12:00 p.m. (no health insurance or appointment is needed)
Other services include: Free Pharmacy, Cardiology, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, ENT, and Spanish Interpreters depending on availability.
Annual Hispanic/Latino Car Seat Check (Free Pediatric & Immunization Clinic)
Washington County
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2009
Time: 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Location: Holy Rosary Church, 1 Orchard Street, Muse PA 15350
Appointment Required
Date: Sunday, October 18, 2009
Time: 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Location: Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Primary Care Center, 3414 Euler Way, Pittsburgh
Appointment Required
For more information on these two events: 412-692-6000 (option 8),
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: "Defending Human Rights" Poster Design Contest
Who: Students ages 12-23
First Prize: $500 USD
Send entries to: Maria-Isabel Rivero at or by mail to CIDH/Maria Isabel Rivero, 1889 F Street N.W., Washington D.C. 20006
Deadline: October 1, 2009
Details and Rules:
Weekly Intercultural Events
Capoeira Classes on Pitt campus
Grupo Axe Capoeira Pittsburgh offers classes in capoeira, a Brazilian martial art. Classes are open to students and non-students. Classes include martial arts training, acrobatics, music, and dance, and teach discipline, confidence, and respect.
Dates: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
Time: 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. (until 7:30pm on Wednesdays)
Location: Multipurpose Room, Trees Hall, University of Pittsburgh (upper campus)
For more information: please visit or email
Weekly Language Classes/Practice Sessions
Language Classes at Tango Café
All classes are held at Tango Cafe, 5806 Forward Ave, Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
*Minimum purchase of $3.00 from the menu
For more information: call 412-421-1390,
Spanish Level I
Spanish instruction for beginners
Dates & Times: Every Wednesday, 5:30 p.m., Every Thursday, 6:00 p.m.
Spanish Level II
Basic grammar, vocabulary and conversation
Dates & Times: Every Thursday, 1:00 p.m.
Spanish Level III
Intermediate grammar, reading and conversation
Dates & Times: Every Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.
Spanish Level IV
Conversation, reading, writing and expressions
Dates & Times: Every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
English Practice (for non-native speakers)
Practice English with native speakers
Dates & Times: Every Friday, 7:00 p.m.
Spanish Conversation "Tertulia"
Open Spanish conversation group
Dates & Times: Every Saturday, 3:30 p.m.
*** Deadline ***
If you have an announcement related to a Latin American/Caribbean activity taking place during October 2009
that you would like to share with others interested in the region, please send details no later than September 21, 2009 to:
Center for Latin American Studies
University of Pittsburgh
4200 W.W. Posvar Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Fax: 412 648 2199; e-mail:
Sorry, information will not be accepted over the telephone