viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018

Writers of Jazz Poetry Month Spotlight: Daniel Borzutsky


Jazz Poetry Month 2018 presents:
Daniel Borzutzky

  Saturday, September 22nd
7 p.m. 

City of Asylum @ Alphabet City
40 W. North Avenue




Jazz Poetry Month Concerts include both a full one-hour jazz set plus a series of rehearsed jazz-poetry collaborations.  There is nothing like Jazz Poetry anywhere. It is unique to Pittsburgh. 

The collaborations are created and rehearsed on the day of the concert and are much tighter and different than pure improvisations created "in the moment."  In the words of the great poet Yusef Komunyakkaa after his own Jazz Poetry collaboration,  "If any ghosts of the Beats were hanging around that night, they were finally learning something about how music and words can reach an unbelievable register of bittersweet truth that's unforgettable.

On September 22nd, Daniel Borzutzky--along with writers from Venezuela, Algeria and China, courtesy of the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa-- will join internationally-renowned jazz pianist Claudio Cojaniz for a one-time-only jazz and poetry performance, created and rehearsed just for us. 

Born in­­ Pittsburgh to Chilean parents, Daniel Borzutzky is known nationally for his portrayals of various kinds of political violence. He is the author of The Performance of Becoming Human, which won the 2016 National Book Award in poetry. Also sought-after as a translator, he received a PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant for his translation of The Country of Planks by the Chilean poet Raúl Zurita. 




Brugge on North is open for drinks, appetizers, or dinner before and after the program. Dinner reservations at Brugge are limited, so advance reservations are recommended.  


Call 412-226-9740 to make a reservation at Brugge on North




DJ the Cut!

Music in Spanish on the cut until 200pm.

Stop by to listen to some nice music and dance (and say hi too).

Please excuse my brevity. Sent from my iPad.
Latinx-alliance-network mailing list

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2018

CLAS/UCIS@PITT: CLAS Weekly Newsletter!

CLAS Weekly Newsletter:


To subscribe to our CLAS weekly newsletter, please visit:


Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS)

University Center for International Studies (UCIS)

University of Pittsburgh

4200 Wesley W. Posvar Hal

Pittsburgh, PA  15260

Office: 412-648-7392

Fax: 412-648-2199

martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

Mexican Feminist Artist Talk & Lino Workshops

Please join Justseeds Artists' Cooperative in welcoming Mexico City-based activist printmaker Andrea Narno to Pittsburgh!
An activist printmaker from Mexico City, Andrea Narno is a member of
Escuela de Cultura Popular Matires 68 (M68) and feminist collective Mujeres
Grabando Resistencias, which produced the print campaign #vivanosqueremos.
Come meet and learn from her while she visits Pittsburgh for the first time!

Wednesday! *PRINT SHOW & TELL* Andrea will share artwork and stories from the feminist artist collective in Mexico City! When etta was in Mexico City she stumbled across one of the collective art shows in the subway station at the Monument of Revolution! Imagine if our bus stops had art from a femenist collective talking about ending gender based violence. (que chido)
Wednesday August 30 !FREE! you can buy some prints tho!
7:00-9:00 pm
Justseeds Office at Blumcraft across from Filmakers
460 Melwood Ave suite 201
Check out Andrea's prints and hear about her collective work with M68 and
Mujeres Grabando Resistencias. Prints will be available for sale.
Tuesday August 28
6:00-9:00 pm
Babyland Print Shop
460 Melwood Ave (around back)
Thursday August 30
6:00-9:00 pm
Boom! Concepts
5139 Penn Ave
Workshops are $20-40 sliding scale
pay-what-you-can, and include all materials.
To sign up, please email

FB event here:
To RSVP for either or both workshops, please email
All events are all ages, and the workshop spaces are both accessible.
Please email Mary with any questions!

Casa San José

We will NOT be having a food sale this Friday unfortunately, instead we will be hosting a food sale during lunchtime and a dinner sale + dance party next Friday!

Dinner + Dance Party for Immigrant Justice:

Make sure to come out to both and support a good cause!!


HOY! TODAY! Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion Open House- Welcome Dr. Angela Campbell!

Join us 8/28, from 4-5:30pm in the Center for an all-campus Open House to welcome Dr. Angela Campbell as the new executive director of the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion. She began her role at Carnegie Mellon on Aug 1.

Come and meet Angela in person and learn more about the Center's important role at CMU during the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion Open House from 4 – 5:30 p.m.!

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2018

Not directly related to Spanish language/culture, but of possible interest.

               For Students – FREE FOOD AND PRIZES - Technology Tailgate (August 28, 4 – 6 pm, UC Rangos)
Encourage students to attend this technology resource fair and get answers to their computing questions. Free food, giveaways and door prizes.