Center for Latin American Studies
Upcoming Events
Call for Papers - Conference
4th International Symposium “Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Latin America”
The Research Network for Latin America is organizing its fourth international symposium in cooperation with the University Center of Social Sciences and Humanities (CUCSH) of the University of Guadalajara and the Social Anthropology Research and High Educational Center (CIESAS). The organizers aim to strengthen the interdisciplinary cooperation within the framework of research on Latin America, bringing together researchers from different regions of the world.
The symposium includes historical, anthropological, political, sociological and cultural sciences perspectives and will discuss three interrelated topics: (1) “ethnicity and belonging”, (2) “belonging and citizenship in contexts of migration”, and (3) “citizenship transformations and the interweaving with ethnicity”. A full program can be found at:
The conference language will be Spanish. In order to attend the symposium, please complete the registration form ( by 14th of August 2013. Please notice that no conference fee is required.
For further information, please refer to the attached leaflet and program overview or to the following link (
Dates: September, Wednesday 4 to Friday 6, 2013
Location: The symposium will take place at the Paraninfo of the University of Guadalajara as well as in the facilities of the University Center of Social Sciences and Humanities (CUCSH) and the Social Anthropology Research and High Educational Center (CIESAS).
For further information, feel free to email the contact persons in Guadalajara, Mexico: Cátedra Jorge Alonso ( or DEILA / CUCSH (UdeG) (; or the contact person in Germany: Research Network for Latin America (
Study Abroad
“Biodiversity Conservation through the Lens of Indigenous Peoples”
This course offers a unique opportunity to examine the theory and practice of Conservation Projects within Indigenous Territories and with Indigenous Cultures, through an interdisciplinary and hands-on field approach. Conservation priorities and agendas may not always coincide with the priorities of indigenous communities. However, for those indigenous peoples who have successfully retained their lands and continue to live in regions of medium to high biodiversity, these priorities could potentially coincide in large part. This two week course, directed towards graduate students interested in Biological Conservation projects that overlap with Indigenous Territories, focuses on the issues faced by conservation leaders who wish to develop projects within indigenous lands. These projects represent increasing challenges when considered in the framework of technological, economic and social changes.
The course will cover biological conservation, anthropology, sociology and landscape ecology aspects among others. Special attention will be given to theoretical and practical approaches that integrate social and natural sciences. The course will analyze the opportunities, conflicts and obstacles emerging in the above mentioned projects, both from the indigenous peoples’ perspective as well as from the conservationists’ requirements in order to protect biodiversity. The course will have two sections:
1. Immersion in local/regional conservation projects developed within an indigenous territory, with faculty presentations, students’ independent projects and workshops on the conservation principles at stake.
2. Sojourn to the indigenous territory involved in the conservation projects, with indigenous people presentations, interviews, discussions and students’ projects.
Course dates: August 5 – 18, 2013 (arrive 4 August, depart 19 August)
Application deadline: Open enrollment until filled.
Tuition: OTS consortium applicants $1,950; non-member applicants $2,750. Partial need-based scholarships are available; priority given to OTS consortium and Latin American applicants.
Participants: Graduate students in the fields of conservation, biological and social sciences; and conservation practitioners. All participants should be fluent in either Spanish or English, and should have a working knowledge of the other language.
For more information: please consult the OTS website Write to Andrés Santana or Barbara Lewis for application information, or Claudine Sierra for questions on course content.
Volunteers Needed
Birmingham Clinic/SALUD (Students and Latinos United against Disparities) is looking for volunteers who can speak and write in Spanish for this summer and who are interested in helping us with a few initiatives:
1) Helping write brochures in Spanish on various topics- Diabetes, Healthy lifestyles, etc.
2) A “Health Fellow” that would be interested in going into the Latino community and compiling a list of all the resources open to the Hispanic population here in Pittsburgh (long term position)
3) Be interested in longitudinal (long-term) follow-up care with the Birmingham Clinic Hispanic patients.
4) and more...
We require an intermediate to high level of proficiency in Spanish and in return we are hoping that we can provide an enriching experience for the volunteers. All the volunteers will be interacting with the Latino population directly.
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to email Utsav Bansal (Schweitzer Fellow, and Pitt Med M.D. Candidate) at
The following list of events is provided as a service to the community by the
Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), University of Pittsburgh.
CLAS neither recommends nor endorses these events and activities.
Please address questions or comments about the events to the
contact provided and not to the Center.
Salud para Niños
Birmingham Clinic - Free Pediatric & Flu Immunization Clinics
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Care Mobile
Date: July 13 & August 10, 2013
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: Salvation Army, 54 S. 9th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203 (Southside)
For more information:, 412-692-6000 (option 8),
(Appointment and health insurance are NOT required)
Spanish at the Main Carnegie Library (Oakland)
Let's Learn Spanish! : Spanish language fun for the whole family
Children and their adults - Learn to speak Spanish through stories, songs and rhymes. New vocabulary will be introduced every week.
Date: Every Thursday
Time: 6:30 – 7:15 pm
Location: Children’s Carnegie Library, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (Oakland)
For more information: call 412-622-3122 or email
Registration is required for this event. You can register by calling 412-622-3122 or by filling in the online form found on each event date (
Cuentos y Canciones at the Carnegie Library
Stories, songs and rhymes in Spanish for native speakers and beginners alike on the fourth Saturday of the month. Fun for the whole family. Para toda la familia. Bienvenidos!
Date: Saturday, June 22, 2013
Time: 10:30 – 11:15 am
Location: Children’s Carnegie Library, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (Oakland)
For more information: call 412-622-3122 or email
Registration is required for this event. You can register by calling 412-622-3122 or by filling in the online form found at (for June 22)
ALPFA Pittsburgh and PNC invite you to participate in a dynamic session titled “Leading with Influence” by Sara Aros, Vice President in PNC’s Public Finance Group, on the power of leading through influence. Ms. Aros will share techniques and perspective on how to effectively influence your colleagues without having formal authority – an essential skill any leader needs.
As Vice President in the Public Finance Group of PNC, Sara manages the large nonprofit institutions portfolio of clients in Southwestern PA and West Virginia. She is also President of “Women Connect”, a PNC Employee Business Resource Group, a 700 plus member organization. While completing her M.B.A. at the University of Pittsburgh, Sara was selected as a Marshall Memorial Fellow by the German Marshall Fund to learn about microfinance programs available to women in Sweden, Poland, Spain, Belgium and Germany. Prior to her graduate studies, Sara lived and worked in Asia and South America teaching English and consulting for Chilean and U.S. businesses.
Date: Tuesday June 18, 2013
Time: 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Cost: free to ALPFA members and PNC employees; others $16.82 (to register go to
Location: PNC Firstside Cafeteria
For more information: Check in with the Security Desk in the main lobby before proceeding to the 5th floor Cafeteria.