miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

CLAS March 2012 Calendar






                March 2012 Calendar

Center for Latin American Studies

University Center for International Studies

University of Pittsburgh

Internet: www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas

E-mail: clas@pitt.edu





32nd Annual Latin American and Caribbean Festival


¡Come and enjoy the diversity of Latin American and Caribbean cultures through exhibits, food, arts and crafts, music, and dance!

Date: Saturday, March 31, 2012

Time: 12:00 p.m. - Midnight

Location: William Pitt Union, 3959 Fifth Avenue, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: contact Luz Amanda Hank, 412-648-7394, lavst12@pitt.edu visit: http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/events/festival.html

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Latin American Cultural Union, and Med Health Services & Pittsburgh Cardiovascular Institute



Call for Papers


The VIII Undergraduate Research Symposium on Latin America and the Caribbean

Date: Friday, March 16, 2012

Time: 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Location: Pittsburgh Athletic Association, 4215 Fifth Avenue, Oakland

Present your research with other undergraduate students on any topic related to the study of Latin American Literature, Artistic Culture, Linguistics or professional academic disciplines.

Submit a 150-200 word abstract to the following email address: lud3@pitt.edu

Deadline for paper submissions: March 1, 2012

Presentations can be made in Spanish, Portuguese, or English

For more information, please contact Professor Monasterios at elm15@pitt.edu or Lucy DiStazio at lud3@pitt.edu

Sponsored by the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pittsburgh



Lectures & Workshops


"Signs of Violence: Messaging, Media and Politics in Mexico’s ‘Drug War,’" by Paul K. Eiss (Anthropology and History, and Director, Center for the Arts in Society, Carnegie Mellon University)

In this talk, Dr. Eiss will explore some of the linkages between violence, political representation, and the new media in contemporary Mexico. He considers the implications of a variety of new medial forms that have arisen in connection with drug- and drug-war related violence, which he terms the “narcomedia.” Debates over the narcomedia, and diverse attempts to control or censor them, quickly move from discussion of the drug traffickers or of the “war” against them to complicated discussions of the far-reaching implications of globalization in contemporary Mexico: of the beleaguered sovereignties of state and pueblo; of rights and the rule of law; and of the tenuous claims of history and nation in the conflict’s wake.

Date: Friday, March 2, 2012

Time: 3:00 p.m.

Location: 3106 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh

Sponsored by the Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh


"Unjust Movements: Oil and Food Injustices in Ecuador and Florida," by Patricia Widener (Florida Atlantic University)

Two distinct campaigns in two distant places, one transnational and one local, and yet they both share a similar trait: an economic empathy gap for the working poor and the working marginalized. In Ecuador, two transnational campaigns mobilized in response to the construction of a cross-national oil pipeline in the early part of the 21st century. One campaign resisted the pipeline’s construction, while the other negotiated a multi-million dollar research and conservation fund. Both based their arguments on environmental protection due to a history of oil pollution, while overshadowing the calls of the laboring poor and most oil-impacted communities for economic as well as environmental justice. In Southeast Florida, a local campaign is currently underway in support of healthier diets and local and sustainable farming practices. This shift is following a nationwide movement to support non-industrial farm and food systems, while obscuring the long-running farm worker injustices in the fields. In both Ecuador and Florida, these campaigns (against big industry and for environmental sustainability) conceal the injustices experienced in the communities and in the fields. Based on qualitative research in Ecuador (2001-2009) and Southeast Florida (2010-2011), this talk will present how specialized movement actors are aware of the environmental and economic injustices experienced, but through their activities, advocacy and/or claims fail to link their campaigns with the most impacted communities and fail to equalize awareness and literacy from production to consumption, while prioritizing non-confrontational entities or groups (wildlife, ecosystems and/or individual consumers).

Date: Friday, March 16, 2012

Time: 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.

Location: 2432 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: go to http://www.sociology.pitt.edu/about/events.php

Sponsored by the Sociology Department, Center for Latin American Studies, the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, and Global Studies


“Historical Connections within Latin America and the Caribbean,” Teacher Workshop by Lara Putnam (History, University of Pittsburgh)

Date: Saturday, March 24, 2012

Time: 8:30 a.m. -2:00 p.m.

Location: 5604 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh

Cost: $50/person (Act 48 workshop)

For more information, please visit: http://www.worldhistory.pitt.edu/saturdayworkshop.php

Sponsored by the Department of History, School of Education and the World History Center


A Reading and Talk (followed by a discussion) by Oonya Kempadoo (Author)

Oonya Kempadoo was born in England of Guyanese parents and raised in Guyana. She has lived briefly in Europe, St Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, and currently resides in Grenada. Kempadoo began writing in 1997, producing Buxton Spice—a semi-autobiographical account of a rural coming of age. Buxton Spice was published in the UK in 1998 and in the US in 1999. It has also been published in six foreign language editions in Europe. Her second novel Tide Running is set in contemporary Tobago and is a vernacular account of a young Tobagonian's intimate, ultimately disastrous intersection with a wealthy interracial couple and the predicament of a young society looking to America for fantasies and heroes. It also raises unsettling questions about relationships, wealth and responsibility, racial, cultural and class differences. It was published in the UK in 2001 and won a Casa De Las Americas prize in 2002. It was well received on both sides of the Atlantic, and Oonya was named a "Great Talent for the 21st Century" by the Orange Prize judges. Kempadoo has just completed a screenplay adaptation of Tide Running for a feature film. Her “works-in-progress” include All Decent Animals (working title), a novel about loyalties, love, contrasting cultures and the Caribbean’s underworld of sexuality and HIV/AIDS, and a non-fiction narrative based on documenting and then voicing an eighteen year old Grenadian girl’s life story of sexual abuse, violence, rape, love, sexuality and motherhood. It reflects her own and local perceptions of what is considered abuse or normal, and contrasts these with institutional and foreign views. Oonya was awarded a fellowship for the International Writer’s Program at the University of Iowa in 2011.

Date: Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Time: 4:15 p.m.

Location: 501 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: contact spuri@pitt.edu

Sponsored by Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), Department of English, Humanities Center, Charles Crow Program, Cultural Studies Program, University Honors College, Women’s Studies Program, Global Studies Center, and the Literature Program



Amigos del Cine Latinoamericano

Spring 2012 Film Series



Films will be presented at 6:30 p.m. at the Frick Fine Arts Auditorium

As usual, we will give a short introduction to the film, and after the presentation you are welcome to stay for a discussion.

Some films are adult in nature and may not be appropriate for young audiences.

March Film: Carancho (directed by Pablo Trapero; Argentina 2010)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Description: In Argentina, over 8,000 people die in traffic accidents every year. Behind each of these tragedies is a flourishing industry founded on insurance payouts and legal loopholes. Sosa is a lawyer who tours the A&E departments of public hospitals and police stations in search of potential clients. Luján is a young doctor recently arrived from the provinces. Their love story kicks off one night when Luján and Sosa meet in the street. She's trying to save a man's life; he wants him on his client portfolio.

Upcoming film: “Altiplano” on April 26, 2012

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, Department of Hispanic Languages & Literatures, and Eduardo Lozano Latin American Library Collection



Eduardo Lozano Latin American Collection Databases

ISLA - Information Services Latin America


ISLA—Information Services Latin America—is now available in electronic format and can be accessed directly at http://isla.lmi.net or searching in PittCat. The electronic version of ISLA is identical to the print in content and format; however, unlike the print, the electronic version contains an index.

ISLA is the only continuous, monthly press record on Latin America, housing a wealth of historic events in its archives. ISLA monitors all press on Latin America appearing in the New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times of London, Manchester Guardian, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, Christian Science Monitor and Wall Street Journal.

Connect to secure remote access (https://sremote.pitt.edu/) while off campus or when using Wireless PittNet.

For comments and question, please contact Martha E. Mantilla, Latin American Collection Librarian, at martham@pitt.edu



Spring 2012 Brazilian Culture and Portuguese

Language Workshops

**These workshops are not University of Pittsburgh courses, and

no University of Pittsburgh credits apply.**


13-Week Workshops

Beginners Portuguese Class

Dates: Every Thursday (Now through to Apr 26, 2012 (no class on March 8 – Pitt’s Spring Break)

Time: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Location: 4130 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh

Fee: non-refundable $260 per person (for the 13 weeks)


Advanced Beginners Class

Dates: Every Tuesday (Now through to Apr 26, 2012 (no class on March 7 – Pitt’s Spring Break)

Time: 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.

Location: 4217 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh

Fee: non-refundable $260 per person (for the 13 weeks)


Intermediate Class

Dates: Every Monday (Now through Apr 26, 2012 (no class on March 5 – Pitt’s Spring Break)

Time: 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.

Location: 4217 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh

Fee: non-refundable $260 per person (for the 13 weeks)


Book for all levels: Brasil! Lingua e Cultura by Tom Lathrop, Eduardo M. Dias (Text and Exercise Book). Linguatext Ltd; Third Revised Updated edition (December 2004) ISBN-10: 9780942566437; ISBN-13: 978-0942566437 (available online at Amazon, Textbooks.com, etc.)

Note: Local K-12 teachers can take these workshops for Act 48 credit (not University of Pittsburgh course credits) at no cost.

For more information: contact Prof. Lilly Abreu at lillyabreu1@gmail.com

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies and the International Business Center at the University of Pittsburgh



Save the Date

CLAS 19th Annual Honors Day

Join CLAS students, faculty, and staff to recognize honors received and goals achieved.

Reception to follow

Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Time: 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Location: TBD

For more information: contact the Center for Latin American Studies, 412-648-7392, clas@pitt.edu

Latin American Political Theory Workshop: La Primera Teoría de la Descolonización (The First Theory of Decolonization)

Open to University of Pittsburgh faculty and graduate students, this workshop will be offered by Bolivian philosopher Rafael Bautista as a post-LASA event organized by the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, with the sponsorship of the Center for Latin American Studies, the LASA-Bolivia section, and the Bolivian Studies Journal. The workshop will be conducted in Spanish, with English translation.

Rafael Bautista belongs to the youngest generation of Bolivian philosophers currently producing a theory of decolonization in dialogue with indigenous epistemologies. He is the author of Octubre, el lado oscuro de la luna (2006), and has published some of the most important political writings in today’s Bolivia: El 18 Brumario del Kananchiri, Las venas abiertas del Estado, ¿Qué significa el "vivir bien"?, El terrorismo global, Del estado colonial al estado plurinacional.

Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Location: 1528 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh

To join the Latin American Political Theory Workshop please contact the organizers at elm15@pitt.edu





“Factory Installed” Exhibition at the Mattress Factory

Curated by Barbara Luderowski, Michael Olijnyk and Katherine Talcott

Factory Installed, last presented in 2006, is our newest exhibition currently on view until May 27, 2012. From the nearly 600 artist submissions, six artists were chosen by co-directors Barbara Luderowski and Michael Olijnyk and independent curator Katherine Talcott to work in residence in September and October 2011. The artists, Pablo Valbuena (Spain), Mariana Manhães (Brazil), Natalia González (Bolivia), Nika Kupyrova (Ukraine), Than Htay Maung (Burma, USA), and Veronica Ryan (West Indies, USA), created new site-specific works for the Factory Installed exhibition.

Exhibition Dates: Now through May 27, 2012

Location: The Mattress Factory, 500 Sampsonia Way, North Side

For more information, please visit: http://www.mattress.org/index.cfm?event=Exhibitions


Queloides Exhibition at Harvard University in Cambridge

Queloides is an art exhibit on the persistence of racism and racial discrimination in contemporary Cuba and elsewhere in the world. Despite the social transformations implemented by the Cuban revolutionary government since the early 1960s, racism continues to be a deep wound in Cuban society, one that generates countless social and cultural scars.

The artists of Queloides offer a revisionist and critical reading of the history of Cuba, a reading that highlights the contributions of the Africans and their descendants to the formation of the Americas in general, and the Cuban nation in particular. Their Cuba is not the harmonious and fraternal Cuba portrayed in official national narratives, but a nation where colonial legacies remain alive, feeding discrimination and exclusion.

Exhibition Dates: Now through May 30, 2012

Location: Rudenstine Gallery, Du Bois Institute Floor, 3R, 104 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138.

For more information, please visit: http://dubois.fas.harvard.edu/now-showing-rudenstine-gallery


MAYA.2012: Lords of Time Exhibit at the Penn Museum, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia

The exhibit will be opening May 5, 2012 and running till January 13, 2013. The exhibition features more than 150 remarkable objects, some from our permanent collection, some from the Penn Museum excavation site from Copan, Honduras, and many on display in the U.S. for the very first time.

MAYA.2012 leads visitors on a journey through the Maya's time-ordered universe, expressed through their intricate calendar systems, and their regard for their divine kings as astounding "lords of time.” An interactive recreation of the city’s ancient structures and original stone monuments from Copan, including several large steles, will allow visitors to experience the splendor and intricacy of ancient Mayan architecture.

This is an excellent opportunity for young students to explore a time and civilization long gone by. Timed group tickets for groups of 10 or more are available at a discount, and they include admission to the rest of the Museum.

For more information: contact Roxanne Baron, Group Tour Coordinator, 3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104; 215-746-8562; visitorservices@pennmuseum.org


Call for Papers


Eastern Regional National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies

Dates: September 20 - 23, 2012

Location: Swan & Dolphin Hotel, Orlando FL

Abstracts, not to exceed two (2) pages, should be submitted that relate to any aspect of the Hispanic and Latino experience. Subjects may include, but are not limited to: literature, demographics, history, politics, economics, education, health care, fine arts, religion, social sciences, business and many other subjects. Please indicate the time required for presentation of your paper (25 minutes OR 45 minutes).

Abstracts with title of paper, presenter’s name, home and institution/organization address and e-mail should be postmarked by: May 19, 2012.

Send abstracts to:

Dr. Lemuel Berry, Jr. (Executive Director, NAAAS & Affiliates)

PO Box 6670

Scarborough, ME 04070-6670

Phone: 207-839-8004; Fax: 207-839-3776; Email: naaasconference@earthlink.net

For more information, please visit: www.NAAAS.org





2012 Graduate Student Conference

Latin American Studies in Practice: Theory Beyond the Academy

The Indiana University Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) is proud to host the inaugural CLACS Graduate Student Conference on April 13-14, 2012 on the campus of Indiana University-Bloomington. This year’s conference aims to bring together a diverse group of graduate students to facilitate interdisciplinary and inter-institutional cohorts within the field of Latin American Studies.

During the past year, the Chilean student movement has generated a popular social mobilization that challenges key structures of the neo-liberal state in that country; environmental activists in Ecuador garnered one of the largest environmental settlements in history from the oil giant, Chevron; and, new market reforms in Cuba have brought significant changes to daily life on the island. This year’s theme, “Latin American Studies in Practice,” encourages participants to consider the relationship between scholarship and human practice beyond the academy. How does scholarly work contribute to and/or reflect movements for social change in Latin America? How can scholarship engage with contemporary professional practice in business, public policy, law, and non-governmental organizations? Do scholars have an obligation to respond to pressing social, political, environmental, and economic problems in the present? How can historical and literary approaches inform our understanding of contemporary issues?

This year’s conference will feature a reception, two days of panels, a Friday keynote speech by Bernardo Mendel Professor of History Daniel James, and a Saturday screening of Jeffrey L. Gould’s 2011 documentary The Word in the Woods. An IU Bloomington faculty member will serve as commentator on each student panel.

Dates: April 13-14, 2012

Location: Indiana University – Bloomington

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Indiana University


11th Annual Graduate Student Conference: Trans-nationalizing Popular Culture

Date: April 20, 2012

The Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center at Stony Brook University is pleased to announce its eleventh annual graduate student conference to be held on April 20, 2012 at Stony Brook Manhattan. We are looking for a wide range of popular culture topics and panels that explore the theme: “Trans-nationalizing Popular Culture.” Popular culture often transcends national boundaries, and this conference seeks to engage in a discussion that will allow us to understand the actions, influences, and phenomena that have helped Popular Culture in Latin America cross those boundaries. Paper/panel proposals that do not explicitly address the conference theme will also be considered (if not necessarily prioritized).

To that end, we are interested in continuing to promote work in: Film, Television & Mass Media Studies; Cultural History; Comic books; Musical practices; Race, Gender, Class & Ability Studies; Theatre; Sports, Toys, and Games; Communication Studies; Visual History; and Queer Studies.

For more information, please visit: www.stonybrook.edu/lacc

Sponsored by the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Center, Stony Brook University



Internship Opportunity


iSchool Inclusion Institute (i3) Undergraduate Summer Internship

The iSchool Inclusion Institute (i3) is a leadership development program that prepares undergraduate students from underrepresented populations for graduate study in the information sciences. i3 is held at the University of Pittsburgh in June of each year. Students admitted to the program are immersed in special-topics workshops, professional development seminars, and network-building opportunities. Students receive practical guidance from faculty, career counselors, and various industry professionals. i3 serves as a fantastic opportunity to learn about graduate school, explore other fields of study, and develop your career-path.

            For more information about the program, admission requirements, how to apply, and other instructions please go to http://www.ischool-inclusion.org/about-i3/what-is-i3.html.

Dates and Location of i3:

  • June 3-28, 2012
  • University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Sciences

Application Deadline: Friday, March 2, 2012

Financial Benefits for Students:

  • All student expenses (housing, dining, travel to/from Pittsburgh) are covered by the program
  • Students receive a $50.00/day stipend for their continued participation
  • Students may receive travel stipends to attend future academic conferences
  • For those students that complete the program, i3 will reimburse for the application fees to any three US-based iSchools (http://www.ischools.org/)

For more information, please contact Mike Depew, Director, at mdepew@pitt.edu or i3info@pitt.edu



Scholarship Opportunity


The Metropolitan Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation Scholarship

The Metropolitan Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation is proud to offer students who are Hispanic/Latino or of Hispanic/Latino descent scholarships for the 2012-2013 scholastic year. In order to be eligible, a student must be attending or accepted into an accredited post-high school educational institution; be a resident of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Westmoreland, or Washington county; must demonstrate an unmet financial need of at least $1,000, have at least one Hispanic grandparent; have a minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale; enroll as a full-time student.

Application deadline is May 30, 2012.

For more information: please visit www.pmahcc.org



Study Abroad Opportunity


Huaylas Quechua: 6 week Intensive Quechua Language course

The Center for Social Well Being offers a 6 week Intensive Quechua Language course in the north-central Peruvian Andes. The program is designed for students who require class instruction and Quechua immersion contexts to develop language proficiency. FLAS Foreign Language and Area Studies grantees are eligible to apply.

Course Content, Structure and Activities:

Beginning, intermediate and advanced courses are offered that provide concentrated class hours focused on grammar, vocabulary and the development of speaking skills and listening comprehension of Huaylas Quechua, native to the region. The Center for Social Well Being is affiliated with the Regional Academy of Ancash Quechua, an association composed of bilingual school teachers, historians, writers, folklorists, musicians, poets and other professionals dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of the Quechua language. All university-trained in intercultural education, our team of Quechua instructors offer an academically rigorous program, complemented with an orientation to Quechua creative expressions of local myths, legends, songs and poetry. The program is structured into 4 hour classroom sessions each morning, and a 2 hour workshop of conversation, songs and poetry every afternoon. The 6 week session provides 180 contact hours with native speakers, equivalent to 1 year of university study. Our teachers guide students to their home communities and the schools where they teach for in-context language practice and skills acquisition. A highlight of the program is student participation in fiestas and the revitalization of Andean rituals in honor of the spirits of the earth and cosmos. Program site The Center for Social Well Being is located on an ecological ranch in the Quechua-speaking community of Cajamarquilla, nestled in the Cordillera Blanca mountain range of the Callejón de Huaylas, 7 hours northeast of Lima. Students lodge here for the duration of the program to fully engage in rural activities where there are plenty of opportunities to practice Quechua conversation. Excursions to archaeological sites, glacial lakes, hotsprings and impressive mountain passes are available. The program is under the direction of Applied Medical Anthropologist, Patricia J. Hammer, Ph.D., and Ecologist, Flor de María Barreto Tosi.

Total Program Cost: $6,000 US dollars that includes all program tuition and fees, food and accommodations at the rural center, and course materials.

Please contact us for 2012 program dates. Shorter 3 week programs may also be scheduled.

For an application: contact phammer@wayna.rcp.net.pe

For more information: visit www.socialwellbeing.org


OSEA 2012 Summer Programs in Yucatan

Summer 2012 Programs:

  • Heritage Field Study & Ethnography
  • Teach English Service Learning
  • Maya Language Immersion
  • Intensive Spanish Immersion

Yucatán, Mexico

OSEA Field School Programs are based in Pisté and Maya Communities surrounding Chichén Itzá, One of the New Seven Wondersof the World.

OSEA Field School Program Fees include:

Direct Enrollment with Accredited University Transcript Food & Lodging, Homestays with Maya families in Pisté Local Field Trips to Chichén Itzá, Ek Balam, Yaxuna, Cenote Dzitnup, & jungle caves Mid-Program Break (4-night/5 day) to allow participants free-time to explore Yucatán on their own (not included in program fees).

Program Requirements:

Open to Undergraduates in sophomore year and higher, with any social science & humanities major Open to Graduate Students in any social science and humanities fields (send us an email to ask about grad rates) GPA of 2.5 or higher.

For more information: contact contact@osea-cite.org, or visit: www.osea-cite.org


Social Sciences Field School in La Paz, Bolivia

This is a six-week program in La Paz, Bolivia, offering two integrated courses: (1) politics and culture of the Andes and (2) multidisciplinary social science methods. The field school nature of this course will be emphasized as the curriculum is integrated and predicated on active, experiential learning in multiple sites in La Paz. For instance, while discussing the social impact of the 1952 Revolution in the first course, we will visit the National Archives to search for relevant documents as well as seek out Bolivians for oral histories as assignments in the second course. This program will also include study on Ecuador and Peru through the lens of the politics and culture of the Andes. The methods course focuses on research design, as well as a selection of qualitative and some quantitative research techniques. The program will use Bolivia as a “field case” in which to put the research methods into practice, with the understanding that students can later apply these methods to other cases. Research methods will be taught in a hands-on manner, with frequent assignments requiring students to implement certain techniques. The program will be taught primarily in English, though participants are expected to have at least a working proficiency in Spanish (since a number of primary documents and other materials will be in Spanish).

The course is run through The University of Mississippi in partnership with the Universidad Católica Boliviana. All students must obtain IRB approval prior to the start of the program and can use their research for a thesis or publication. Students receive 6 credit hours for their participation. Graduate credit is available.

Cost is $3,895, which includes 6 credit hours tuition for in-state and out-of-state students, lodging, some meals, all excursions within Bolivia, and program facilities. Students are responsible for a plane ticket, some spending money and meals, and passport fees.

Dates of program: May 20 - June 29, 2012

Application deadline: March 28, 2012

For more information: contact Kate McGurn Centellas or visit:




Student Club Activities


Brazil Nuts Portuguese Club


Bate-Papo is our “Conversation Table” where you can speak about various topics and meet people with similar interests or just enjoying speaking in Portuguese. And the most important thing to remember is that people of any level can come to talk—the only requirement is that you want to have fun and chat! You can speak about anything you wish! See you at Bate-Papo!

Date & Time: Every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.

Location: Room 538, William Pitt Union, University of Pittsburgh


Grupo de Dança

Please come and bring a friend with you! It is not necessary to have a dance background. We are starting a new group now, and it is open to Pitt students and members of the community. We promise you are going to have a lot of fun!!

Date & Time: Every Friday at 4:15 p.m.

Location: Main Floor, Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: contact Ana Paula, apc_pitt@yahoo.com


Grupo de MPB (Brazilian Popular Music)

If you can walk, then you can dance. If you can speak, then you can sing! We invite all Brazilian music lovers to join our singing group.

Date: Every Friday

Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Location: 13th floor Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: contact Lilly Abreu at lillyabreu1@gmail.com


Capoeira Pittsburgh

Capoeira Pittsburgh offers classes in Brazilian martial arts, music, and dance on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 7:15 p.m. at Bellefield Hall (2nd floor, aerobics studio), University of Pittsburgh and on Saturdays at 11:45 a.m. at BYS Yoga (1113 E Carson St, 3rd Floor) on the South Side. Capoeira is a martial art that was developed by African slaves in Brazil in the 1500s. The art is a great work out, but also a philosophy of life teaching confidence, discipline, and respect.

For more information, please visit: http://capoeirapittsburgh.wordpress.com/ or email capoeirapittsburgh@gmail.com


Spanish Club

Conversation Tables/Mesas de Conversación

Spanish Conversation Tables for all levels. It's a great way to practice Spanish with native speakers and students alike - and you can have a coffee or tea on us!

Dates & Times: Every Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. & Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.

Location: Panera Bread, 3800 Forbes Avenue, Oakland

For more information, please contact: PittSpanishClub@gmail.com




The following list of events is provided as a service to the community by the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), University of Pittsburgh. CLAS neither recommends nor endorses these events and activities. Please address questions or comments about the events to the contact provided and not to the Center.


Salud para Niños - Birmingham Clinic

Free Pediatric & Flu Immunization Clinics

Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Care Mobile

Date: Saturday, March 10, 2012 (Every 2nd Saturday of the Month)

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Location: Salvation Army, 54 S. 9th Street, Southside

For more information: http://www.chp.edu/spanishclinic, 412-692-6000 (option 8), http://www.chp.edu/saludparaninos

(Appointment and health insurance are NOT required)



2012 Pittsburgh Folk Festival: “Around the World in One Day”

Students can:

  • Experience more than 30 different cultures
  • Learn folk arts and crafts
  • Taste delicious foods from around the world · Learn ethnic dances
  • Collect international stamps

Teachers, fulfill these academic standards!

  • Arts & Humanities
  • Health, Safety, and Physical Education
  • History
  • Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening

Date: Friday, May 18, 2012

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Location: The Monroeville Convention Center

Cost: Student tuition, only $8 before February 15, 2012! ($9 after) Teacher tuition is FREE.

One chaperone/aide per 15 students is required and is free. Additional chaperones pay $5/each.

Register today for your free teacher tuition: www.pghfolkfest.org/education or 412-278-1267

The Pittsburgh Folk Festival and the Around the World in One Day Program are educational programs presented by the World Cultures Education Consortium of Western PA, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to “cultural appreciation and understanding through education. For more information, please visit: www.worldcultureseducation.org



Salsa Events with Marlon Silva

For more information on upcoming events, please visit: www.MarlonSilva.com


Salsa Nights

At: South Aiken Bar & Grill, Shadyside

Dates: Every Tuesday

Times: 9:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. (lessons: 8:00 - 8:30 p.m. for beginners, 8:30 - 9:00 p.m. for Intermediate and Advanced Combinations)

Cost: No Cover Charge

For more information: contact 412-682-6878


Dance Lessons

At: Kelly-Strayhorn Theater at the Alloys Studio

Dates: Every Monday (Now – April 9, 2012)

Time: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Location: Dance Alloy Theater, 5530 Penn Avenue, East Liberty

Cost: $175.00 for Singles; $215.00 for Couples

For more information: contact 412-363-4321, www.kelly-strayhorn.org


At: August Wilson Center Dance Academy

Dates: Every Saturday (Now – April 21, 2012)

Time: 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.

Location: August Wilson Center Dance Academy, 980 Liberty Avenue, Downtown Pittsburgh

Cost: $170.00 for Singles; $195.00 for Couples

For more information: contact 412-338-8730, www.AugustWilsonCenter.org



Weekly Language Classes/Practice Sessions


Language Classes at Tango Café

All classes are held at Tango Cafe, 5806 Forward Ave, Squirrel Hill

*Please ask about monthly prices all level classes

For more information: call 412-421-1390, www.TangoCafePgh.com

Spanish Level I

Spanish instruction for beginners

Dates & Times: Every Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. & Thursday, 6:00 p.m.


Spanish Level II

Basic grammar, vocabulary and conversation

Dates & Times: Every Thursday, 1:00 p.m.


Spanish Level III

Intermediate grammar, reading and conversation

Dates & Times: Every Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.


Spanish Level IV

Conversation, reading, writing and expressions

Dates & Times: Every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.


English Practice (for non-native speakers)

Practice English with native speakers

*Minimum purchase of $3.00 from the menu

Dates & Times: Every Friday, 7:00 p.m.


Spanish Conversation “Tertulia”

Open Spanish conversation group

*Minimum purchase of $3.00 from the menu

Dates & Times: Every Saturday, 3:30 p.m.



Coro Latinoamericano: Seeking Volunteer with Web Expertise

Coro Latinoamericano-Pgh is seeking a volunteer with web-site expertise to help finish and launch a new web site for which design and content are now in final phases -- nearly complete.

The challenge is to convert pages already created with the MS Word HTML editor to FrontPage for easier upload and technical advantages.

Should you have expertise and time to help, kindly email Michele Rothert at corolapgh@gmail.com

The volunteer would provide expertise gratis as a service-in-kind contribution to Coro Latinoamericano-Pittsburgh, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to "build bridges among the Americas" through choral music, cultural education and good will







If you have an announcement related to a Latin American/Caribbean activity taking place during April 2012 that you would like to share with others interested in the region, please send details by March 26th to: Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 4200 W.W. Posvar Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15260; Fax: 412 648 2199; E-mail: clas@pitt.edu

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