jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

CLAS Weekly Update


Center for Latin American Studies

Upcoming Events




CLAS Conference


2010 Student Conference on Latin American Social and Public Policy

This conference provides an opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students to present papers, works-in-progress (including term papers, dissertations, and conference papers, etc.), and other academic work with relevance to Latin American social and public policy.

Conference dates: February 19-20, 2010

Location: University Club, 123 University Place, Oakland

For more information: go to http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/events/laspp/lasspform.html





"Mother Tongues, Naked Selves: On Writing and Bilingualism" a lecture by Betina González (Award-Winning Bilingual Author)

Betina González will speak about the impact of a second language on the dialectics of self-discovery and writing. González is a bilingual writer who was born in San Martin, Argentina. She studied Social Communication at the University of Buenos Aires and graduated with an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Texas at El Paso. She is currently pursuing her PhD at the University of Pittsburgh.

González's first novel, Arte Menor, won the Clarin-Novela Annual Literary Prize, one of the most important literary contests in Latin America. She was also awarded Second Prize for Juegos de Plata, a collection composed of a nouvelle and four short stories. She is currently working on her first book in English, a collection of poems titled Laika's Bark.

Carlow University is proud to present this lecture as a part of a growing literary tradition that underscores the Humanities as a cornerstone of the University. In the past, Carlow has invited writers and scholars to engage the community in a series of diverse topics that emphasize the rich cultural tradition that Carlow continues to uphold.

Free and Open to the public

Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Time: 12:30 p.m.

Location: Room 115, A.J. Palumbo Hall of Science and Technology, Carlow University

For more information: contact Sylvia Rhor, scrhor@carlow.edu.

Co-sponsored by Carlow University's Spanish Department and the Honors Program


Humanities Center Colloquium Series

"Malungaje: Toward a Poetics of Diaspora" a discussion featuring Jerome Branche (Associate Professor, Department of Hispanic Languages & Literatures)

Participants in Humanities departments should be able to access colloquium papers two weeks before the event by logging in to my.pitt.edu, clicking on the tab "My Communities," clicking on "Humanities Center," and then clicking on "Colloquium Series" where there is a link to the pdf file. Participants may also request the reading at humctr@pitt.edu.

Date: Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time: 12:30 p.m.

Location: 602 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: please email humctr@pitt.edu or visit http://www.humcenter.pitt.edu/events/announcements.php


"Letras prohibidas y escritores estigmatizados en el mundo letrado" a lecture (in Spanish) by Mercedes Niño-Murcia (University of Iowa)

Mercedes Niño-Murcia, who chairs the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Iowa is a sociolinguist specializing in language contact and vernacular literacy in Spanish America, especially in the Andean countries. She has authored numerous articles in the field of Hispanic linguistics. Co-editor of Escritura y Sociedad: Nuevas perspectivas teóricas y etnográficas (Lima 2005) and of Bilingualism and Identity: Spanish at the Crossroads with Other Languages (Amsterdam 2008), she is the co-author of the forthcoming book The Lettered Mountain (Duke University Press, 2010). This lecture is in Spanish

Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010

Time: 2:30 p.m.

Location: 602 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: humctr@pitt.edu

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, the Department of Linguistics and the Humanities Center of the University of Pittsburgh


"Where Neoplatonism meets Ethnology: Garcilaso and the Gods of Huarochirí" a lecture by Frank Salomon (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Frank Salomon is one of the leading figures in Andean anthropology, and holds an endowed chair, the John V. Murra Professorship of Anthropology, at the University of Wisconsin. His prize-winning and influential book, Cord Keepers: Khipus and Cultural Life in a Peruvian Village (Duke University Press, 2004), uses evidence from history, archeology and cultural anthropology to understand khipus, the knotted cords of the central Andes. His other works include a multilingual edition of the Huarochirí manuscript (University of Texas Press, 1991) and his co-edited volume of the Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas (Cambridge University Press, 1999). He is the co-author of the forthcoming book The Lettered Mountain (Duke University Press, 2010).

Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010

Time: 4:00 p.m.

Location: Room 232 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: please email humctr@pitt.edu

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, the Department of Linguistics and the Humanities Center of the University of Pittsburgh


Discussion of The Lettered Mountain with Frank Salomon (University of Wisconsin) and Mercedes Niño-Murcia (University of Iowa)

Chapters of forthcoming book will be circulated in advance; please send a message to humcenter@pitt.edu

Date: Friday February 19, 2010

Time: 1:30 p.m.

Location: 602 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: please email humctr@pitt.edu

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, the Department of Linguistics and the Humanities Center of the University of Pittsburgh


Amigos del Cine Latinoamericano Spring 2010 Film Series

De Género a Género - From Genre to Gender



The concepts of genre and gender are entangled in struggles involving purity, difference, authenticity, prejudice and stereotype. All of the films in this series represent instances of these struggles and emerge as opportunities for the audience to engage in a cross-cultural reflection about their own conceptions and misconceptions, since the films all confront viewers with characters and stories that challenge the idea of a stable and coherent sexuality, and wonder in their own ways how do sex and gender define us and whether they should define us at all.

Most films will be presented on Fridays at 6:30 p.m. at the Frick Fine Arts Auditorium (except for the following Thursdays: February 4, February 18, and April 8). As usual, we will give a short introduction of the film and after the presentation you are welcome to stay for a discussion.

Some films are adult in nature and may not be appropriate for young audiences.

For more information: amigoscinelatinoamericano@gmail.com, and for updated film titles and descriptions, go to http://www.amigosdelcinelatinoamericano.blogspot.com/

Sponsored by: the Center for Latin American Studies, Department of Hispanic Languages & Literatures, Eduardo Lozano Latin American Library Collection.

Upcoming Films:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Film: Los amantes del círculo polar - Lovers of the Arctic Circle

(Drama) (Dir. Julio Medem - Spain/ France, 1998)

Circle is the key word here. Spanish filmmaker Julio Medem's dreamy, exquisitely constructed romance, set in Spain and Finland, finds poetry in geometry, particularly in the never-ending spherical shape of fated love. Taciturn lovers Otto and Ana -the palindromic names are no accident- meet as children and instantly recognize each other as missing halves of a soulful whole (three different pairs of actors play the duo).

February 11& 12, 2010

No film presented



30th Annual Latin American and Caribbean Festival


Featuring Mexican Artist Armando Jiménez Aragón

Date: Saturday, March 27, 2010

Time: 12:00 p.m. to Midnight

Location: William Pitt Union, 3959 Fifth Avenue, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: contact Luz Amanda Hank, 412-648-7394, lavst12@pitt.edu

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Latin American Cultural Union, and Med Health Services & Pittsburgh Cardiovascular Institute


Salsa Lessons

Come and learn how to dance salsa with instructor Marlon Silva this spring!

Place, time and date to be announced!

For more information: contact Luz Amanda Hank, lavst12@pitt.edu





14th Joseph Vélez Latin American Studies Conference at Baylor University

Theme: Latin America at the Dawn of the 21st Century: New Perspectives in the Context of a World in Crisis

The first decade of the twenty-first century in Latin America has been defined by events of extreme importance: the resurgence of populist movements with a clear expansionist tendency, the consolidation of Brazil as a great economic power in the region, the progressive growth of Pentecostalism and other religious movements, the re-affirmation of indigenous movements, and the search for new perspectives in the literary and cultural realm. This conference will focus on the analysis of Latin America's new reality and its projection towards the future, taking into account the financial crisis that has dominated the international context in the last year.

Papers may examine the conference theme from a variety of perspectives, including literary, social, cultural, political, ideological, anthropological, and artistic. Possible panel topics and papers might include, but are not limited to discussions of the following issues: Populism and its Resurgence in Latin America, Ethnic Minorities, Cultural Studies, Religious Interrelations, Brazil as an Emerging Power, Contemporary Cinema, the Indigenous and Political Power, New Trends in Literature, Regional Imbalances, the World Crisis and its Effects on Latin America, Democratization and Neo-Liberalism, Music, Human Rights, Migration and Diaspora Issues, and Social Movements.

Proposals (250-word abstract) for single papers and complete sessions are welcome and may be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Papers should not exceed 20 minutes. Please include your name, academic affiliation, and email.

Submission deadline: March 15, 2010. Please email your submission to Lilly_Fuertes@baylor.edu.

Registration fee: US $40.

Conference dates: April 9-10, 2010

For more information: contact Dr. Lizbeth Souza-Fuertes (Director of Latin American Studies), 254-710-4531



Guatemala – Oxlajuj Aj: Kaqchikel Maya Intensive Language & Culture
Dates: June 21 – July 30, 2010
 The Stone Center for Latin American Studies offers an intensive six-week course in the vital Kaqchikel language and its culture, providing a unique opportunity to observe and study the complex process as a traditionally marginalized language is standardized for use in education and publication. Judith M. Maxwell, Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Interdisciplinary Program in Linguistics at Tulane, is co-director of the program and serves as a resource and guide for students. The program is open to graduate students and advanced undergraduates with appropriate academic backgrounds and a working knowledge of Spanish. Students have the option of taking a three-credit version of the program by choosing either Beginning, Intermediate, or Advanced Kaqchikel Language for three credits each or the six-credit version including one of the referenced language courses plus a Kaqchikel Mayan Culture course for an additional three credits.

The cost of the six-week program is $3,700 for the three-credit option and $4,100 for the six-credit option. The cost includes the following: three or six undergraduate/graduate credits from Tulane University, medical insurance, specialized tours and outings designed for participants in the program, and travel in between sites on the program. Housing and airfare are not included in the program price. This course qualifies for FLAS funding. Contact your institution for more information on applying for a FLAS fellowship.
 For more information, please visit:
http://stonecenter.tulane.edu/pages/detail/104/Summer-Programs-2010 or to Dr. Judith Maxwell's website at http://www.tulane.edu/~maxwell/.



Social Science in Practice

As part of a new initiative that will affect how social science is taught and practiced at UCLA, the Dean of the Division of Social Sciences has created a postdoctoral fellowship program. The ideal postdoctoral candidates will be scholars who have demonstrated through their research that they can draw on social science theory and methods to examine the origins and effects of societal problems and to search for their solutions. Postdoctoral fellows will work closely with faculty and students who bridge fields and transform disciplinary boundaries to address an important societal problem (e.g., poverty, discrimination, racism, gender inequity, corruption, lack of access to education and health care, and environmental injustice). The Dean will offer up to six, two-year postdoctoral fellowships. Candidates must have completed all requirements for their doctoral degree before the program begins, July 1, 2010, and must have received their doctoral degree no earlier than November 1, 2007.

To apply, candidates must submit (a) a two to three page research proposal, (b) the names of two UCLA faculty sponsors/mentors at least one of whom is in the division of social sciences, (c) a CV, (d) a writing sample such as an article or thesis chapter and (e) three letters of recommendation by February 19, 2010.

For more information, please visit: http://ssip-postdoc.sscnet.ucla.edu/




The following list of events is provided as a service to the community by the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), University of Pittsburgh. CLAS neither recommends nor endorses these events and activities. Please address questions or comments about the events to the contact provided and not to the Center.


Performance by DBR (Daniel Bernard Roumain): "etudes4violin&electronix"

A musical exploration between contrasting cultures and instruments of classical and pop music genres, the program speaks to the history and traditions of both, and the violin, the keyboards, the turntables and the laptop sing, battle and rhyme together, honoring a full spectrum of musical inventions. Get swept away by the seductive rhythms and pensive melodies of innovative composer, violinist and bandleader Daniel Bernard Roumain in the Pittsburgh premiere of "etudes4violin&electronix", featuring solo and duet works from his album of the same name as well as other DBR compositions. Described by The Boston Globe as "brilliant," Roumain's CD features collaborations with world-class musicians, including Philip Glass, Ryuichi Sakamoto and DJ Spooky. DBR's works range from chamber music and orchestral pieces to electronica, each stamped with his passion, imagination and flair.

Date: Saturday, February 6, 2010

Time: 8:00 p.m.

Location: August Wilson Center Theater, 980 Liberty Avenue, Downtown Pittsburgh

Tickets: $28-$30, $22.75-$24.25 (Members)

For more information: contact 412-456-6666, Buy on-line at www.pgharts.org,The Box Office at Theater Square Groups of 10+: $24-$25.75 Call 412-471-6930

A donation of $3 per ticket will go to Brother's Brother Foundation for the Haitian relief efforts.



Special Global Beats Member Discount – In The Heights

In The Heights, is a Tony Award-winning Broadway musical which will be at the Benedum Center from February 2-7, 2010 as part of the PNC Broadway Across America – Pittsburgh 2009/2010 Season. The show is set in a Latino neighborhood in the Washington Heights section of New York City, where the residents move to the sounds of hip hop and Latin music. It's about a community on the brink of change, full of hopes, dreams and pressures, where the biggest struggles can be deciding which traditions you take with you, and which ones you leave behind.

In The Heights is moving, funny and uplifting. It's impossible not to fall in love with the remarkable young cast whose energy is invigorating and whose talent is thrilling. The dynamic score, which earned Lin-Manuel Miranda a Tony Award, and the high-octane, Tony Award-winning choreography by Andy Blankenbuehler will have you swaying and bouncing in your seat. And there's a Pittsburgh connection - the lead character named Usnavi is being performed by Carnegie Mellon University grad, Kyle Beltran, (Class of 2009)!

We would like to extend a special discount to Global Beats members of 10% off single tickets to select performances of In The Heights (valid for any performance except Friday or Saturday evenings). To order tickets, go to https://www.pgharts.org/events/tickets/login.aspx, click on the In The Heights logo and use the promo code TRUSTD. You may also purchase tickets by phone by calling our Group Sales Department at 412-471-6930.



El Círculo Juvenil de Cultura, Hispnic Studies Outreach Program

Spring workshop for Spanish-speaking children ages 6-12.

Dates: Sundays starting February 14 - April 25, 2010 (10 weeks)

Location: Carnegie Mellon University

For more information: 412-268-5149, 412-268-8052, circulojuvenil@gmail.com, http://circulocmu.blogspot.com/



Salud para Niños - Birmingham Clinic

Free Pediatric & Flu Immunization Clinics

Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Care Mobile

Date: Saturday, February 13, 2010

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: Salvation Army, 54 S. 9th Street, Southside

For more information: http://www.chp.edu/spanishclinic, 412-692-6000 (option 8), http://www.chp.edu/saludparaninos



Global Beats presents……Brazilian Carnival Night

Unleash your wild side and creative imagination at one of Pittsburgh's most popular and sexiest annual parties! Prizes for most original costumes! Featuring music by WRCT 88.3 FM Brazilian Radio Hour Host: Carla Leininger & Face/Body Painting by Alane Jewel (www.alanejewel.com)

Date: Saturday, February 27, 2010

Time: 10:00 - 2:00 a.m.

Location: AVA Lounge, 126 S. Highland Avenue, East Liberty

Price: Cover $5 (Must be 21)

For more information, please visit: www.globalbeatspitt.com



Government Recruitment Opportunity

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), a Federal government agency is currently recruiting graduates from colleges and universities within the Mid-Atlantic region. Recruiters from GSA's Mid-Atlantic Region will be at the University of Pittsburgh on Thursday, February 18, 2010 to conduct one-on-one interviews. Please share this information with the members of your organization, and encourage interested students to submit resumes through your Career Center. The deadline to apply online via Pitt's "FutureLink" system is February 12, 2010.

For more information: contact Maeve Casey (Recruitment Coordinator), 215-446-4966 or via e-mail at maeve.casey@gsa.gov



If you have an announcement related to a Latin American/Caribbean activity taking place that you would like to share with others interested in the region, please send details no later than Tuesday of the week prior to your event or deadline:

Center for Latin American Studies

University of Pittsburgh

4200 Wesley W. Posvar Hall

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Phone: 412-648-7392; Fax: 412-648-2199; e-mail: clas@pitt.edu



CLAS February 2010 Calendar



February 2010 Calendar

Center for Latin American Studies

University Center for International Studies

University of Pittsburgh

Internet: www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas

E-mail: clas@pitt.edu






CLAS Conference

2010 Student Conference on Latin American Social and Public Policy

The purpose of this conference is to provide an opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students to present papers, works-in-progress (including term papers, dissertations, and conference papers, etc.), and other academic work with relevance to Latin American social and public policy.

Conference dates: February 19-20, 2010

Location: University Club, 123 University Place, Oakland

For more information, please visit: http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/events/laspp/lasspform.html





"Subversive Vermin": Marcos's Zapatismo, Anti-Neoliberal Discourse, and Cold War Anxiety a public lecture by John Ochoa

The 1990s emergence of Zapatismo in Chiapas, Mexico, was at once a highly local movement in defense of indigenous rights as well as a grand political gesture against capitalist globalization. The coexistence of these two vastly different battle-fronts within a single, emancipatory language is further complicated when we consider the intellectual history of the rhetorical strategies that underwrite this very language of emancipation. This lecture explores the hidden affinities between Zapatista anti-neoliberalism and the Cold War discourse of anticommunism, along with the political implications of this intersection.

John Ochoa is the author of The Uses of Failure in Mexican Literature and Identity (2005) and editor of Bitacora del cruce (2006), an anthology of the work of Guillermo Gómez Peña. He works in the Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese at Penn State University.

Date: Monday, February 1, 2010

Time: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Location: 602 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: contact Josh Lund, jkl7@pitt.edu

Sponsored by the History Department (University of Pittsburgh, Greensburg campus), along with the Department of History and the Center for Latin American Studies (University of Pittsburgh, main campus)


Global Health Lecture Series: Haiti's Road to Recovery

Haiti, the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, has endured years of natural disasters and crises. Its people are now suffering from a natural disaster of unfathomable proportions. This time of human tragedy is also a time of opportunityan opportunity to take action in a thoughtful way to help those who were left devastated by this disaster. Join us for a discussion on the topic to gain a deeper understanding of this disaster and appreciate ways that we can help with short and longer term recovery efforts. Dr. Donald Burke, associate vice chancellor for global health, will serve as moderator. Panelists include faculty and community members who have worked in Haiti and have expertise in earthquakes, disaster response, long-term recovery, public health, health care delivery, and responsible philanthropy.

The event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required.

Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Time: 4:00 - 5:30p.m.

Location: University Club, 123 University Place, Oakland

For more information, please visit the website: www.globalhealth.pitt.edu

Sponsored by the Center for Global Health in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Graduate School of Public Health, School of Law, Center for Disaster Management, Center for Public Health Preparedness, Johnson Institute for Responsible Leadership, Philanthropy Forum of the Johnson Institute for Responsible Leadership, Center for Latin American Studies, Global Studies Program, and Global Links.


Humanities Center Colloquium Series

"Malungaje: Toward a Poetics of Diaspora" a discussion featuring Jerome Branche (Associate Professor, Department of Hispanic Languages & Literatures)

Participants in Humanities departments should be able to access colloquium papers two weeks before the event by logging in to my.pitt.edu, clicking on the tab "My Communities," clicking on "Humanities Center," and then clicking on "Colloquium Series" where there is a link to the pdf file. Participants may also request the reading at humctr@pitt.edu.

Date: Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time: 12:30 p.m.

Location: 602 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: please email humctr@pitt.edu or visit http://www.humcenter.pitt.edu/events/announcements.php


"Letras prohibidas y escritores estigmatizados en el mundo letrado" a lecture by Mercedes Niño-Murcia (University of Iowa)

Mercedes Niño-Murcia, who chairs the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Iowa is a sociolinguist specializing in language contact and vernacular literacy in Spanish America, especially in the Andean countries. She has authored numerous articles in the field of Hispanic linguistics. Co-editor of Escritura y Sociedad: Nuevas perspectivas teóricas y etnográficas (Lima 2005) and of Bilingualism and Identity: Spanish at the Crossroads with Other Languages (Amsterdam 2008), she is the co-author of the forthcoming book The Lettered Mountain (Duke University Press, 2010).

This lecture is in Spanish

Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010

Time: 2:30 p.m.

Location: 602 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: humctr@pitt.edu

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, the Department of Linguistics and the Humanities Center of the University of Pittsburgh


"Where Neoplatonism meets Ethnology: Garcilaso and the Gods of Huarochirí" a lecture by Frank Salomon (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Frank Salomon is one of the leading figures in Andean anthropology, and holds an endowed chair, the John V. Murra Professorship of Anthropology, at the University of Wisconsin. His prize-winning and influential book, Cord Keepers: Khipus and Cultural Life in a Peruvian Village (Duke University Press, 2004), uses evidence from history, archeology and cultural anthropology to understand khipus, the knotted cords of the central Andes. His other works include a multilingual edition of the Huarochirí manuscript (University of Texas Press, 1991) and his co-edited volume of the Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas (Cambridge University Press, 1999). He is the co-author of the forthcoming book The Lettered Mountain (Duke University Press, 2010).

Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010

Time: 4:00 p.m.

Location: Room 232 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: please email humctr@pitt.edu

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, the Department of Linguistics and the Humanities Center of the University of Pittsburgh


Discussion of The Lettered Mountain with Frank Salomon (University of Wisconsin) and Mercedes Niño-Murcia (University of Iowa)

Chapters of forthcoming book will be circulated in advance; please send a message to humcenter@pitt.edu

Date: Friday February 19, 2010

Time: 1:30 p.m.

Location: 602 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: please email humctr@pitt.edu

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, the Department of Linguistics and the Humanities Center of the University of Pittsburgh


"Talking with Fidel: The Secret History of US-Cuba Relations" a lecture by Dr. Peter Kornbluh (National Security Archives)

A year after Barack Obama became president with a promise for civil dialogue with Cuba, U.S.-Cuban relations remain mired in hostility and punitive policies. What are the lessons of dialogue with the Castros that Washington has failed to heed? Peter Kornbluh will discuss the untold history of secret U.S. talks with Cuba, and the historical precedents for normalizing relations.

Peter Kornbluh has been a Senior Analyst at the National Security Archive since 1986. He currently directs the Archive's Cuba and Chile Documentation Projects. He was co-director of the Iran-contra documentation project and director of the Archive's project on U.S. policy toward Nicaragua. He is the author/editor/co-editor of a number of Archive books; among them, the Archive's first two documents readers: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 and The Iran-Contra Scandal: The Declassified History (both by The New Press), and Bay of Pigs Declassified: The Secret CIA Report on the Invasion of Cuba (The New Press, 1998). On the 30th anniversary of the Chilean military coup in September 2003 he published The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability, which the Los Angeles Times selected as a "best book" of the year. His articles have been published in Foreign Policy, The New York Review of Books, the New Yorker, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and many other journals and newspapers. He has also appeared on national television and radio broadcasts.

Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Time: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Location: 3703 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: contact Steven Hirsh, sjh3@pitt.edu



30th Annual Latin American and Caribbean Festival

Featuring Mexican Artist Armando Jiménez Aragón

Date: Saturday, March 27, 2010

Time: 12:00 p.m. to Midnight

Location: William Pitt Union, 3959 Fifth Avenue, University of Pittsburgh

For more information: contact Luz Amanda Hank, 412-648-7394, lavst12@pitt.edu

Sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Latin American Cultural Union, and Med Health Services & Pittsburgh Cardiovascular Institute



Special Film Presentation: The Coca-Cola Case

You'll never look at a can of Coke the same way after seeing this documentary.

Directors German Gutierrez and Carmen Garcia present a searing indictment of the Coca-Cola empire and its alleged kidnapping, torture and murder of union leaders trying to improve working conditions in Colombia, Guatemala and Turkey. The filmmakers follow labor rights lawyers Daniel Kovalik and Terry Collingsworth and an activist for the Stop Killer-Coke! Campaign, Ray Rogers, as they attempt to hold the giant U.S. multinational beverage company accountable in this legal and human rights battle.

Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Time: 7:00 p.m. (reception), 7:30 p.m. (film)

Location: Frick Fine Arts Auditorium, University of Pittsburgh



Amigos del Cine Latinoamericano Spring 2010 Film Series

De Género a Género - From Genre to Gender



The concepts of genre and gender are entangled in struggles involving purity, difference, authenticity, prejudice and stereotype. All of the films in this series represent instances of these struggles and emerge as opportunities for the audience to engage in a cross-cultural reflection about their own conceptions and misconceptions, since the films all confront viewers with characters and stories that challenge the idea of a stable and coherent sexuality, and wonder in their own ways how do sex and gender define us and whether they should define us at all.

Most films will be presented on Fridays at 6:30 p.m. at the Frick Fine Arts Auditorium (except for the following Thursdays: February 4, February 18, and April 8). As usual, we will give a short introduction of the film and after the presentation you are welcome to stay for a discussion.

Some films are adult in nature and may not be appropriate for young audiences.

For more information: amigoscinelatinoamericano@gmail.com, and for updated film titles and descriptions, go to http://www.amigosdelcinelatinoamericano.blogspot.com/

Sponsored by: the Center for Latin American Studies, Department of Hispanic Languages & Literatures, Eduardo Lozano Latin American Library Collection.

Upcoming Films:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Film: Los amantes del círculo polar - Lovers of the Arctic Circle

(Drama) (Dir. Julio Medem - Spain/ France, 1998)

Circle is the key word here. Spanish filmmaker Julio Medem's dreamy, exquisitely constructed romance, set in Spain and Finland, finds poetry in geometry, particularly in the never-ending spherical shape of fated love. Taciturn lovers Otto and Ana -the palindromic names are no accident- meet as children and instantly recognize each other as missing halves of a soulful whole (three different pairs of actors play the duo).

February 11& 12, 2010

No film presented

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Film: Princesas (Dir. Fernando León de Aranoa - Spain, 2005)

In Princesas, Caye comes from a middle-class family unaware of her life as a prostitute. Zuleman is a beautiful woman from the Dominican Republic who works the streets to support a son back home. Both wolme pin their dreams on money or idealized relationships. Caye and Zule share in discovery of self-determination. While it sontains director Fernando Leon de Aranoa's signature concern with the forces that constrain working-class people, Princesas is social realism infused with a wonderful figurative touch.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Film: Novia que te vea (Guita Schyfer - Mexico, 1994)

Based on the novel by Rosa Nissan, this 1994 Mexican film presents a warm and touching tale set within the Mexican Jewish community, starting with a prologue in the 1920s and spanning all the way to the present. The film focuses on two young women: the sensitive, wide-eyed Oshi Mataraso and the rebellious and idealistic Rifke, and their coming-of-age in a time ripe with alienation, self-discovery, revolution, destruction, and rebirth. Besides exploring gender expression at the intersection of tradition and modernity in the Mexican Jewish community, the movie also discusses Jewish-Catholic relations in Mexico as well as Mexican Jew's feelings toward the State of Israel, thus constituting a broader interrogation of the meaning of "Mexicanness".





National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies

Conference dates: February 8-13, 2010

Location: Crowne Plaza Executive Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

For more information: go to the NAAAS website, www.naaas.org, or contact the conference organizers, naaasconference@earthlink.net or 207-839-8004


XXX Annual ILASSA Student Conference

The Student Conference on Latin America, organized by the Institute of Latin American Studies Student Association (ILASSA) at The University of Texas at Austin, is an interdisciplinary forum for students involved in Latin American research topics. The conference provides students with the opportunity to present research activities, develop presentational skills, exchange ideas and information, and meet other scholars from around the world. The conference, now in its 30th year, is the oldest and largest student conference in the field of Latin American Studies.

Conference dates: February 4-6, 2010

Location: Thompson Conference Center, The University of Texas at Austin, Texas

For more information, please visit: http://www.utexas.edu/cola/insts/llilas/conferences/


9TH Ohio Latin Americanist Conference

Theme: Modern Latin America: The Blurring of Ideological Platforms

The Ohio University Latin American Studies Program is pleased to host the Latin Americanist Conference for the year 2010. We proudly invite you, and all Latin Americanist scholars, educators, and students, to participate in the ninth annual interdisciplinary meeting on the state of Latin American studies and research in Ohio and surrounding areas. In addition Ohio University is celebrating its Latin American Studies Program's 40th Anniversary!

Conference dates: February 26-27, 2010

Location: Ohio University, Athens, Ohio

For more information, please visit: http://www.las.ohio.edu/


The II International Conference on Caribbean Studies (ICCS)

The main theme emphasizes, but is not thematically limited to, the interdisciplinary character of the conference. We suggest additionally the following topics:

·         Theory-critic production from the Caribbean.

·         Regional Caribbean integration and with Latin America.

·         Studies about art, including music and painting.

·         Cultural and literary studies: A Caribbean transnational perspective.

·         Transatlantic Studies: Caribbean /Europe/Africa.

·         Articulate dynamics between the Caribbean, the Pacific and Brazil.

·         Andean/Caribbean socio-cultural dynamics in Colombia.

·         Race, gender and subalternity epistemology.

·         Higher education and Caribbean pedagogies in view of globalization.

·         Caribbean Diasporas.

·         Environmental and cultural sustainability of the Caribbean.

Conference dates: March 15-19, 2010

Location: University of Cartagena, Cloister of St. Augustine, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

For more information: contact Kevin Sedeño Guillén (kesedeno@areandina.edu.co, or 57-1-346-6600, ext. 161)


19th Annual Columbia/NYU Graduate Student Conference on Hispanic and Lusophone Literatures and Cultures

Title of Conference: "Rooms for Discussion"

"Rooms for Discussion" will experiment with a change from the traditional format of the conference to that of the workshop. To that end, we ask graduate students to submit proposals related to the issues they are researching and concerned about in order to discuss them broadly among peers from different critical backgrounds. We believe this format will allow the participants an active role and will fulfill a basic goal of graduate student conferences: the discussion of our research. We look forward to receiving proposals for topics in Hispanic and Lusophone cultures that articulate various problems in our areas of study.

The workshops will be structured around brief presentations (three pages) that describe the central issues of a research project in progress; these texts will be accessible ahead of time on the conference website. Each presentation will be complemented by dialogue with a pre-assigned respondent who will open the discussion. Participants and attendees will arrange themselves in a circle and there will be plenty of time for exchange. The dynamic of questions, discussion, and suggestions will permit a fluid, open interaction that will give participants the opportunity to present their work more freely.

Conference dates: April 2-3, 2010

For more information, please visit: www.roomsfordiscussion.blogspot.com


V Transatlantic Conference, "Futuros (Transiciones, Agencias, Traducciones)"

The Transatlantic Project at Brown University welcomes abstracts on new trends, topics, agents, and cultural artifacts that are configuring the immediacy of the future. Proposals on new ideas, debates and scenarios are expected. Also welcome are sessions on narratives of the new, young film and music, as well as sessions on blogs and electronic literature. Papers, in Spanish or English, may document a sense of the future as a process of translation, a state of bilingualism, and the rise of networks of communication.

The conference is especially interested in, but not limited to, the perspectives of Cuban reforms and discussions on modernity in Peru. Proposals on ethical issues, political discourses, and class and cultural representations are also welcome.

We will celebrate the writers Luis Goytisolo (Spain), Sergio Ramírez (Nicaragua) and Reina María Rodríguez (Cuba). The centenaries of Emilio Adolfo Westphalen and José María Arguedas as well as 40 years of Alfredo Bryce Echenique's Un mundo para Julius convoke special sessions.

Conference dates: April 7-10, 2010

Location: Brown University

Registration: students ($75), professors ($100)

Sponsored by Brown's Department of Hispanic Studies, Center for Latin American Studies, the Office of the President, and the Dean of the Faculty, with support from the Instituto Cervantes, New York, Universidad de Guadalajara, TEC de Monterrey, and CONACULTA, Mexico.


9th Annual Graduate Conference
Theme: "1810-2010: Two Hundred Years of Postcolonial Futures"
Keynote Speaker: Fernando Coronil, CUNY Graduate Center

Using the theme, "1810-2010: Two Hundred Years of Postcolonial Futures," the conference seeks to use the bicentennial of numerous Latin American independence movements to examine and debate the degrees of rupture and continuity in the region's two centuries of post colonialism. Similar to the years 1810 and 1910, many Latin American states, political and social movements, and citizens will use the year 2010 to mark a moment of rupture with the past and an opportunity to imagine alternative futures and utopias. Despite many advances since independence, 2010 will also mark two centuries of promises of futures never realized in Latin America. Since 1810, many proclaimed moments of change and rupture have been constrained by colonial and neo-colonial cultural, political, and economic legacies.

Conference date: April 9, 2010
Location: Stony Brook Manhattan, New York

For more information, please visit: http://naples.cc.sunysb.edu/CAS/lacc.nsf/pages/conf

Hosted by the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Center, Stony Brook University


Fellowship/Grant Opportunities


Postdoctoral Fellowship Program: Social Science in Practice

As part of a new initiative that will affect how social science is taught and practiced at UCLA, the Dean of the Division of Social Sciences has created a postdoctoral fellowship program. The ideal postdoctoral candidates will be scholars who have demonstrated through their research that they can draw on social science theory and methods to examine the origins and effects of societal problems and to search for their solutions. Postdoctoral fellows will work closely with faculty and students who bridge fields and transform disciplinary boundaries to address an important societal problem (e.g., poverty, discrimination, racism, gender inequity, corruption, lack of access to education and health care, and environmental injustice). The Dean will offer up to six, two-year postdoctoral fellowships. Candidates must have completed all requirements for their doctoral degree before the program begins, July 1, 2010, and must have received their doctoral degree no earlier than November 1, 2007.

To apply, candidates must submit (a) a two to three page research proposal, (b) the names of two UCLA faculty sponsors/mentors at least one of whom is in the division of social sciences, (c) a CV, (d) a writing sample such as an article or thesis chapter and (e) three letters of recommendation by February 19, 2010.

For more information, please visit: http://ssip-postdoc.sscnet.ucla.edu/


2010-2011 LASC Visiting Scholars Program

Pending final approval of funding, the Latin American Studies Center at the University of Maryland, College Park, is pleased to announce the competition for residential fellowships for the 2010-2011 academic year. We welcome proposals on any topic related to Latin America and the Caribbean.

LASC will consider applications for one semester from junior or senior scholars. Stipends will be between $20,000 and $30,000 depending on available funding and scholars' qualifications. Senior scholars may be eligible for a one-semester appointment as Distinguished Scholar, which carries a stipend equal to half the scholar's yearly salary, up to $55,000. Scholars from Latin America may be reimbursed up to $3,000 for relocation expenses.

Visiting Scholars must hold a PhD or equivalent. Scholars from any country are eligible. Applicants are not required to be affiliated with an academic institution.

Applications must include:

1) the application form

2) a description of the proposed research to be carried out while in residence (2,500 words maximum)

3) a writing sample of 20-40 pages (non-returnable)

4) a curriculum vitae

5) three letters of reference

Complete applications are due March 1, 2010

Announcement of awards will be made April 30, 2010

Application form available at:


For further information and applications contact: The Latin American Studies Center, 3107 Taliaferro Hall, University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742.

Phone: 301-405-6459, Fax: 301-405-3665, E-mail: lasc@umd.edu


The William Zitzmann Visiting Scholar Fellowship in Latin American Studies

Deadline for receipts of applications is March 1, 2010

The Program in Latin American Studies (PLAS) at Johns Hopkins University invites applications for the William Zitzmann Visiting Scholar Fellowship for the academic year 2010-11. The Fellowship is for one semester in residence at Johns Hopkins University (August 20- December 20, 2010 or January 5 - June 1, 2011). The competition is open to Latin American scholars who work and live in Latin America, and who hold a Master's degree or higher in the fields of social sciences, humanities and history.

The fellow will teach one undergraduate course, present a paper on his or her research for PLAS faculty and students, participate in the PLAS colloquia series and annual conference, and otherwise engage in the intellectual life of the Program. Because courses are taught in English, proficiency in both written and spoken English is required of all Visiting Scholars.

The Fellowship offers a $20,000 stipend, health insurance for the Fellow, $1,500 travel allowance, and a $1,000 research fund.

Eligibility Requirements: Fluency in English; at least three years university level teaching experience as main instructor in the fields mentioned above; and an ongoing research commitment in Latin America.

Applications should include:

(1) a cover letter briefly describing the Fellow's research and teaching experience, the reasons s/he is applying for the PLAS Fellowship, and what the Fellow hopes to accomplish while in residence at Johns Hopkins University;

(2) A 3-5 page description of a well-defined current research project to be carried out during the Fellow's residency at Johns Hopkins University (other than manuscript revisions projects);

(3) a 1-2 page course description;

(4) a full updated curriculum vitae;

(5) two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant's research and teaching experience.

Completed applications may be sent electronically to: PLAS@jhu.edu, or by regular mail to: John Russell-Wood, Director, Program in Latin American Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Macaulay Hall 404, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218, USA.

Fellowship will be announced by May 1, 2010.

For more information, please visit: http://anthropology.jhu.edu/plas/zitzmann.html



Study Abroad/Research/Internship Opportunities


Business in Brazil 2010

The University of Florida Center for Latin American Studies and Center for International Business Education and Research announce their summer program in Brazil. With its economy booming, Brazil ranks with China, India and Russia as one of the leading emerging markets in today's global economy. Today more than ever international companies are looking for business graduates who understand the Brazilian market and are familiar with its language and culture.

This four-week summer program (May 17-June 11) combines a course on business in Brazil with Portuguese language training. During the first three weeks in Rio de Janeiro, students take business- oriented Portuguese language instruction (at either the beginning or intermediate levels) at the Instituto Brasil-Estados Unidos (IBEU) in the mornings. The afternoon portion of the Rio program, hosted by the School of Business at the Catholic University (PUC-Rio), consists of academic lectures and discussions in English on its campus, complemented by visits to prominent local companies. For the fourth week the program moves to São Paulo for visits to local companies and financial institutions.

For more information, please visit: http://www.latam.ufl.edu/Brazil/index.stm


Intensive Nahuatl Language and Culture - Summer 2010

Yale's Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies coordinates an intensive summer Nahuatl course through Yale Summer Sessions as NHTL 125. The course offers the opportunity to study at beginning, intermediate, or advanced levels of Classical and Modern Nahuatl at the Instituto de Docencia e Investigación Etnológica de Zacatecas. Six weeks of class will be held in Zacatecas from June 21 to July 30, 2010 with an optional week in the village of Tepecxitla, Veracruz, from August 1 to August 6.

The course seeks to: 1. develop students' oral comprehension, speaking, reading, writing and knowledge of language structure, as well as their cultural wisdom and sensibility, in order to facilitate their ability to communicate effectively, correctly and creatively in everyday situations; 2. provide students with instruments and experiences that demonstrate the continuity between past and present Nahua culture, through the study of colonial and modern texts, conversation with native speakers, and an optional residency in a Nahua community; 3. penetrate into the historical, economic, political, social and cultural aspects of Nahua civilization; and 4. prepare students to take university level humanities courses taught in Nahuatl alongside native speakers.

For more information, please visit: http://www.yale.edu/macmillan/lais/summer.html#nahuatl


Viva Nicaragua! Internships

Looking for an internship? Want to gain international experience? Viva Nicaragua! offers academic internships for students in their field of study.

Viva Nicaragua! offers you:

·         Internship based around your interests

·         Extensive support before, during, and after your internship

·         Cultural activities and events

·         Lectures on history, economy, politics, and culture

·         Flexible start and end dates to fit your schedule

·         Bilingual staff

·         Homestays

·         Optional Spanish classes

·         College credit available

For more information: info@nicaraguainternships.org or visit our website http://www.nicaraguainternships.org/


Costa Rica Study Abroad

Gap Year: International Study for Students & Teachers

Gap years, a common tradition in most parts of Europe, are becoming more and more popular in the United States and Canada. Students are feeling more comfortable taking a year off before starting or in the midst of university to get focused, and to gain some international exposure.

Strategic Decisions & Partnerships (SDPUS) offers distinctive "gap year" semester courses, all of which have been given academic credit in the United States and Canada. They are courses which couple adventure travel with basic humanity projects such as helping a disadvantaged Costa Rican school or by working with an ecological organization, such as "SAVE THE SEA TURTLES" in Las Baulas National Park.

This is a considerable advantage to your gap year or study abroad semester, because not only do you get to experience the most amazing parts of Central America, you also come out ahead scholastically and culturally.

For more information: contact PFiorentino43@msn.com, via phone at US number: (585)-295-1614, Costa Rican number: (011-506) 2653-0765, or visit www.sdpus.com


Internships Available

The Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) is looking for qualified interns to join our team in Washington, D.C. for the fall term. Founded in 1975, COHA is a major tax-exempt, nonprofit and nonpartisan national research and information organization established to encourage the formulation of rational and constructive U.S. policies towards Latin America. These internships provide valuable entry level practical experience in dealing with a variety of hemispheric political, economic, diplomatic and trade issues. They also provide young scholars with an excellent opportunity to be exposed to the policymaking process. COHA is seeking highly qualified undergraduate and graduate students, and those who already have earned degrees. Intern candidates should have some knowledge and/or interest in U.S.-Latin American affairs or international relations, and should display impressive research and writing skills. Preference will be given to full-time applicants and to those skilled with computer technology and web design. The position is available immediately.

For more information on COHA and the application process, visit our intern page here: www.coha.org/about-internships/


OSEA 2010 - Heritage Ethnography Field School

Based in Pisté and Maya communities surrounding Chichén Itzá, One of the New Seven Wonders of the World

Students do research on an issue they select according to their interests. Possible areas of work include: Art & Intangible Cultural Heritage, Archaeological Heritage, Ethnography of Archaeology, Tourism Development & Urbanism, Community Strategies of Tourism, Social History through Life Histories, Applied and Action Research, Art Exhibitions and Ethnographic Installation, Maya Forms of Health & Healing, Environmental Heritage. Students enroll in two courses and receive 8 credits in Anthropology: "Anthropology Seminar in Heritage Issues" and "Ethnographic Research & Field Work Practicum". Program includes intensive training in spoken Yucatec Maya language for ethnographic field work.

OSEA Program Fees include:

Direct Enrollment with Accredited University Transcript, Food & Lodging, Homestays with Maya families in Pisté, Local Field Trips to Chichén Itzá, Ek Balam, Yaxuna, Cenote Dzitnup, & jungle caves, Mid-Program Break (4-night/5 day) to allow participants free-time to explore Yucatán on their own (not included in program fees). Students can use their state and federal financial aid for OSEA Programs

Program requirements:

Open to Undergraduates in sophomore year and higher, with any social science & humanities major Open to Graduate Students in any social science and humanities fields.

~Minimum 1-year college-level Spanish

~GPA of 2.5 or higher

Dates: May 23 - July 10, 2010 (7 Week Program)

Location: Yucatán, Mexico

For more information: email contact@osea-cite.org or visit http://www.osea-cite.org/resources/re_materials.php




The following list of events is provided as a service to the community by the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), University of Pittsburgh. CLAS neither recommends nor endorses these events and activities. Please address questions or comments about the events to the contact provided and not to the Center.


El Círculo Juvenil de Cultura, Hispanic Studies Outreach Program

Spring workshop for Spanish-speaking children ages 6-12.

Dates: Sundays starting February 14 - April 25, 2010 (10 weeks)

Location: Carnegie Mellon University

For more information: 412-268-5149, 412-268-8052, circulojuvenil@gmail.com, http://circulocmu.blogspot.com/



Salud para Niños - Birmingham Clinic

Free Pediatric & Flu Immunization Clinics

Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Care Mobile

Date: Saturday, February 13 & March 13, 2010

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: Salvation Army, 54 S. 9th Street, Southside

For more information: http://www.chp.edu/spanishclinic, 412-692-6000 (option 8), http://www.chp.edu/saludparaninos


***Other Services Offered***


Birmingham Free Clinic – New location, More Services

The Birmingham Free Clinic now has a new location, just half of a block from the old building next to the Thrift Store of the Salvation Army.

New Services Include:

·         Free Adult Clinics (no health insurance or appointment is needed)

o   Mondays, 5:00 p.m. (In English)

o   Wednesdays, 12:00 p.m. (In English)

o   Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. (except Saturdays of holiday weekends). (In Spanish)

·         Salud Para Niños' Free Pediatric and Immunizations Clinics in Spanish

o   Second Saturday of each month 10:00 a.m. (no health insurance or appointment is needed)

·         Psychiatric Clinic (In English)

o   Wednesdays, 12:00 p.m. (no health insurance or appointment is needed)

Other services include: Free Pharmacy, Cardiology, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, ENT, and Spanish Interpreters depending on availability.

(Please arrive half hour before the time of the clinic to be seen)

For more information: Birmingham Clinic, call 412-692-4706


Gynecological Care at the Birmingham Clinic

Adagio Health will offer women's gynecological care at the Birmingham clinic every Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. To make an appointment people should call 412-288-2140.


Hours for Bilingual-Bicultural Clinics at the Children Hospital of Pittsburgh Primary Care Center

Bilingual-bicultural clinics at the CHP Primary Care Center are offered every Tuesday morning, every Thursday after 5:00 p.m. and every Friday morning (appointment and health insurance are required). 3420 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Walk-in Flu Immunization Clinic at the CHP Primary Care Center

During the following weeks we will have walk-in flu immunization clinics at the CHP Primary Care Center 3420 Euler Way Pittsburgh, PA 15213. No appointment is required. Health Insurance is required in addition to being a patient of Salud Para Ninos and the CHP Primary Care Center.

Monday: 9:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday 9:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Friday 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


For More information on these services: contact 412-692-6000 (option 8), http://www.chp.edu/spanishclinic



Nego Gato Events


Performance by the Nego Gato Afro Brazilian Band

"From Africa to Brazil/Celebrate Carnival"

The Nego Gato band features a mix of American jazz styles mixed with a background of traditional African Brazilian rhythms of Samba, ljexa, Samba Reggae and Samba Afro. Join us in taking a trip and experience the authenticity of the energy, vibrancy and magic of Salvador.

Date: Saturday, February 20, 2010

Time: 8:00 p.m.

Location: The Union Project, 801 North Negley Avenue, Highland Park

Cost: $10 children/ seniors, $15 general admission

For more information: www.negogato.org, 412-201-4546, tickets@negogato.org

Nego Gato Workshops in African Brazilian Music & Dance

With Mestre Nego Gato & Jair Pereira

Mestre Nego Gato is a folklorist from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil and has a lifelong dedication to these arts. He will be accompanied by Jair Pereira & Gustavo Caldas. Come experience what Baianos call Axe!

Children's classes:

Friday, February 19, 2010 --- 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

          Saturday, February 20 --- 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Sunday, February 21, 2010 --- 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Adult classes:

Friday, February 19, 2010 --- 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

          Saturday, February 20, 2010 --- 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Sunday, February 21, 2010 --- 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Music of Capoeira class:

          Saturday, February 20, 2010 --- 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Afro Brazilian Percussion class:

          Sunday, February 21, 2010 --- 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Afro Brazilian Dance with Gustavo Caldas:

          Sunday, February 21, 2010 --- 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.

Location: Wilkins School Community Center, 7604 Charleston Avenue, Swissvale

Cost: $10 per class, $25 for all 3 (children), $15 per class, $20 for both (music & percussion), $20 per class, $50 for all 3 (Capoeira)



Weekly Intercultural Events


Brazilian Radio Hour

The Brazilian Radio Hour brings you news, music, local events, special interviews, and chances to win tickets to special events. Internships and volunteer opportunities are also available! Help with news analysis, on-air talent, ideas, production, music, etc.

Date: Every Friday

Time: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Radio Station: 88.3 FM

For more information: 412-621-9728, carlapitt@aol.com



Student Club Activities


Spanish Club

Conversation Tables/Mesas de Conversación

The Spanish Club holds Conversation Tables every Monday from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Panera Bread on Forbes Avenue. It's a great way to practice Spanish with native speakers and students alike - and you can have a coffee or tea on us!


Brazil Nuts Portuguese Club


Join the weekly Portuguese Conversation Tables where you can practice your language skills by meeting people with similar interests who are also learning Portuguese. Any level of Portuguese can join the fun and you do NOT have to be a member of the Brazil Nuts to participate.

Date: Every Wednesday

Time: 4:00 p.m.

Location: 1st Floor Lounge, William Pitt Union, University of Pittsburgh



Weekly Language Classes/Practice Sessions


Language Classes at Tango Café

All classes are held at Tango Cafe, 5806 Forward Ave, Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

*Minimum purchase of $3.00 from the menu

For more information: call 412-421-1390, www.TangoCafePgh.com

Spanish Level I

Spanish instruction for beginners

Dates & Times: Every Wednesday, 5:30 p.m., Every Thursday, 6:00 p.m.

Spanish Level II

Basic grammar, vocabulary and conversation

Dates & Times: Every Thursday, 1:00 p.m.

Spanish Level III

Intermediate grammar, reading and conversation

Dates & Times: Every Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.

Spanish Level IV

Conversation, reading, writing and expressions

Dates & Times: Every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.

English Practice (for non-native speakers)

Practice English with native speakers

Dates & Times: Every Friday, 7:00 p.m.

Spanish Conversation "Tertulia"

Open Spanish conversation group

Dates & Times: Every Saturday, 3:30 p.m.



Employment Opportunities


U.S. Census Bureau – United States Census 2010

Now Recruiting for: Crew Leader, Assistant Crew Leader, & Enumerator

Call our Toll Free number to be scheduled for a basic skills test: 1-866-861-2010

For more information, please visit: www.2010censusjobs.gov






If you have an announcement related to a Latin American/Caribbean activity taking place during March 2010 that you would like to share with others interested in the region, please send details by February 22nd to: Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 4200 W.W. Posvar Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15260; Fax: 412 648 2199; E-mail: clas@pitt.edu

Sorry, information will not be accepted over the telephone